Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

This should be investigated. Period.
Feinstein should be investigated. Why didn't she share this letter when she first got it in July?

Feinstein did not commit the act. This should be investigated. Maybe you need to experience being sexually assaulted to understand why women don't want to say anything about it. I don't need that to happen to ne in order to understand why Feinstein complied the wishes of the individual as long as she could.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.

We're demanding an investigation NOW, you lying turd. Do you not see us demanding that she get her ass to the Committee and actually provide SOME kind of detail that can be investigated?

All I see YOUR ilk demanding is that we take her word at face value.
Feinstein should be investigated. Why didn't she share this letter when she first got it in July?

Feinstein did not commit the act. This should be investigated. Maybe you need to experience being sexually assaulted to understand why women don't want to say anything about it. I don't need that to happen to ne in order to understand why Feinstein complied the wishes of the individual as long as she could.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
Baloney.............No charges can come of this.

She does not have witnesses to back up her claim.

The 4 she says were present when it happened deny that it happened.........

Game ...........Set..............match.............this is BS.........and a Democratic BS game that they have played before.

Seems that she does have witnesses. On top of that only 35-36 percent of the American people approve of this guy being confirmed.

Who? What witnesses? Who has she named who hasn't turned around and said, "She's full of crap"?

On top of that, 75% of Americans believe these charges are horseshit.
This should be investigated. Period.
Feinstein should be investigated. Why didn't she share this letter when she first got it in July?

Feinstein did not commit the act. This should be investigated. Maybe you need to experience being sexually assaulted to understand why women don't want to say anything about it. I don't need that to happen to ne in order to understand why Feinstein complied the wishes of the individual as long as she could.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.

We're demanding an investigation NOW, you lying turd. Do you not see us demanding that she get her ass to the Committee and actually provide SOME kind of detail that can be investigated?

All I see YOUR ilk demanding is that we take her word at face value.
It's hard to believe these morons believe they are fooling anyone with their bullshit.
I don't want this Kavanaugh guy in at the SCOTUS...BUT, I do not think whatever this woman says about him should make a difference to his nomination (BTW - I am not saying the event did or did not happen...I don't know).

I know women freak at this - but the woman should have come forward at the time of the alleged rape. I don't even begin to care how difficult it is for the women - they have a duty to other women to report their attackers. How the 'f' are rapists going to be stopped if women just think of themselves and don't tell the authorities so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice?
My sister (whom I love very much) stayed in a physically abusive marriage for years...and I say the same thing to her. Stop thinking of only yourself and think of your children and/or future victims of your husband/scumbag...REPORT HIM. NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS.
And please save the lecture ladies...I watched my mother get physically abused for years, I know first hand how tough it can be on the women. It changes nothing. You HAVE to report these scumbags to stop them doing this to others (and to yourself).

Do your duty as a human being to other women/potential victims. Sure society often makes it tough/VERY tough on the women in these cases. Do the right thing anyway...no excuse.

As much as I don't want this guy in the SCOTUS, I do not think this woman's accusations (unless they can be FACTUALLY proven - say with DNA evidence or numerous and unbiased eye-witnesses/video evidence/etc.) should exclude Kavanaugh from being approved.

Being a good/terrible person is nothing to do with being on the SCOTUS. It is strictly how good you are at interpreting the Constitution.

It's not so black and white.

I know why Christine Blasey Ford didn’t come forward earlier. I didn’t, either.

I was sexually assaulted. Here’s why I don’t remember many of the details.

Sorry, I do respect you, but I think it is (black and white).

It is the duty of every person to report a crime...no matter how uncomfortable doing so is. And I am fully cognizant of the problems women face in this area.

But there is simply no other way to stop rapists/physical abusers - you HAVE to report them or they will never stop (until they die).

I watched my mother be physically abused and I heard about my sister being beaten. My mother eventually reported my father (sort of). But my sister never did. My father is dead - so he can do no more harm. But I shudder to think what my sis's ex is doing to his future partners. Beating the shit out of them - I bet you.
And let's not forget the damage done to my siblings and my sister's children - being witness to years of physical abuse while the women just shrug it off or make excuses for their abusers. My older brother killed himself and my nephews have both been incarcerated for serious crimes. To assume witnessing the years of physical abuse had no effect on them would be wrong. Ignoring violence can cause immense damage.

Sorry...I do not care what the excuses are...you MUST report when you have been raped/sexually abused/beaten IMMEDIATELY.
You don't want to - tough. Think of the others the man will continue to abuse unless you stop him.

If it's so black and white - why didn't you intervene to help your mother and sister?

He already said he did. Did you miss where he keeps telling her to press charges? There's nothing else anyone can do until the victim brings charges.

Nice to see your "empathy" for sexual violence only extends to situations where you have some political gain.
Feinstein should be investigated. Why didn't she share this letter when she first got it in July?

Feinstein did not commit the act. This should be investigated. Maybe you need to experience being sexually assaulted to understand why women don't want to say anything about it. I don't need that to happen to ne in order to understand why Feinstein complied the wishes of the individual as long as she could.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.

We're demanding an investigation NOW, you lying turd. Do you not see us demanding that she get her ass to the Committee and actually provide SOME kind of detail that can be investigated?

All I see YOUR ilk demanding is that we take her word at face value.
It's hard to believe these morons believe they are fooling anyone with their bullshit.

Yeah, well if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. We want to disarm the public because we really believe criminals will turn their guns in.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
Baloney.............No charges can come of this.

She does not have witnesses to back up her claim.

The 4 she says were present when it happened deny that it happened.........

Game ...........Set..............match.............this is BS.........and a Democratic BS game that they have played before.

Seems that she does have witnesses. On top of that only 35-36 percent of the American people approve of this guy being confirmed.

All her witnesses say she's FOS. The latest one is described as a close friend of hers.

Ray, you are talking to a man who actually has read the comments. OK? So your fox news lies aren't going anywhere here. Her friends said nothing of the sort.

Ray isn't talking to a MAN at all. Just a piece of shit with a tiny dangly between its legs.

Mark Judge has said unequivocally that he never saw anything of the sort.

Patrick Smyth has said he has no memory of any such party, and certainly not of any such behavior on Kavanaugh's part.

Christina King Miranda pretended to know something, but when confronted, said she had been lying, and didn't know shit about anything of the sort.

So you tell us, "big man". What "comments" have you "actually read" that you think contradict this?
Feinstein should be investigated. Why didn't she share this letter when she first got it in July?

Feinstein did not commit the act. This should be investigated. Maybe you need to experience being sexually assaulted to understand why women don't want to say anything about it. I don't need that to happen to ne in order to understand why Feinstein complied the wishes of the individual as long as she could.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
When has it ever happened to a Democrat nominee? It doesn't because Republicans aren't shameless scumbags like Democrats are.

You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh? You can remember Republicans dredging up vague accusations with no proof AFTER the hearings ended? Do tell.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
When has it ever happened to a Democrat nominee? It doesn't because Republicans aren't shameless scumbags like Democrats are.

You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, I really don't.

Yes you do. And especially because the last 2 democratic presidents had endless investigations on them for their entire terms with nothing found but a cum stained dress. You republicans are the scumbags.

"Nothing found but a dress."

That's if you ignore all the people around the Clintons who were convicted of crimes or forced to quit their jobs.

If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
When has it ever happened to a Democrat nominee? It doesn't because Republicans aren't shameless scumbags like Democrats are.

You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, I really don't.
And you ask why rape survivors hesitate to come forward?

No, we can understand why ALLEGED "survivors" of NON-rapes who have no evidence whatsoever hesitate to come forward.

And you can stop your lame attempts to inflate this into something it isn't.
At this point the deal should be closed. We gave you yesterday until 10:00pm, and extended it to today at 2:00pm and you're still jacking us around. Deal off. There will be no testimony.
Do you know this for a fact?

The truth is, that, despite their bluster, GOP leadership is $hitting their pants over this, and dare not pull the plug, now.

The truth is that you're once again counting on public support you don't have.

The GOP has no reason to fear this, or you, and is 100% doing this because THEY actually care about the charges and the process, while the left only cares about the politics.

If the GOP cared about the process Merrick Garland would be a supreme court justice. And if they were really concerned, they'd wait for the Mueller investigation to end so we would not have a president who is under investigation appointing SCOTUS judges who can stop him from being subpoenaed.

If the Dems cared about the process enough to even know what it is, they'd know that Merrick Garland did not have the votes, and wasn't going to have the votes. The Senate is not obligated to give anyone a vote if they know there's no chance of it being affirmative. And the process has NEVER involved depriving the President of his Constitutional powers and duties based on how many accusations his opponents can make up.
BTW, a new big-gun lawyer has joined the Ford legal team.

She needs fewer lawyers and more corroborating witnesses. In fact, just one would be helpful.

How about Kavanaugh? Doesn't he need corroborating witnesses? Just 1 maybe?

To corroborate what? Witnesses corroborate affirmative statements, not negatives, you moron. How do you corroborate, "It never happened", particularly when you have no idea when or where it was supposed to have happened?

Maybe if Saint Ford could pin down a date more specifically than "sometime in the summer", he could THEN make an affirmative statement along the lines of "I wasn't even in town that week" and THEN he could produce witnesses or evidence to support that statement.

The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

Since when does an accuser have the right to "set the preconditions" of a hearing? It doesn't work that way. The committee sets the preconditions of the hearing. You either accept or decline.

You're blind if you can't see that the Ford team set this up so they can make an excuse why they aren't coming.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The FBI stated the case was laughable and is outside their purview. They don't investigate local teen house parties.
This is not about a house party but rather about a Supreme Court nominee. Every Senator should be screaming for the truth.

They are, but 1) it's a house party they want the truth ABOUT, and 2) it's not the FBI's job. Since it was allegedly 36 years ago, it's not ANYONE'S job to investigate it, except for the Judiciary Committee.

Maybe instead of wailing and posturing about the GOP Senators not demanding an impossible investigation from an agency that has no jurisdiction, the DEM Senators should be demanding that Ford get her lying butt up to Capitol Hill.

Maybe the GOP concern itself with the lies Kavanaugh told the senate during these hearings.

Maybe you could concern yourself with pointing out the alleged "lies".
When has it ever happened to a Democrat nominee? It doesn't because Republicans aren't shameless scumbags like Democrats are.

You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, I really don't.
And you ask why rape survivors hesitate to come forward?

If she came forward when it supposedly happened, it would have been water under the bridge. Trying to prove something that happened 36 years ago is like trying to predict what the weather will be on election night today.
They can find witnesses who were there and interview them. They can place Kavanaugh at the scene..or not. They unlike you...are not totally stupid

How are they supposed to do that, when she refuses to tell us when it happened, or where? Every witness she HAS tried to name has said she's full of shit. What "scene" are they supposed to place him at? What would you like done, even leaving aside the fact that you're demanding an investigation by an agency with no jurisdiction? You keep pretending this lying bitch has produced anything that can be investigated. If she had gone to the police with this exact story and exact lack of detail 36 years ago, THEY would have told her there was nothing they could do, as well.
You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, I really don't.
And you ask why rape survivors hesitate to come forward?

If she came forward when it supposedly happened, it would have been water under the bridge. Trying to prove something that happened 36 years ago is like trying to predict what the weather will be on election night today.
They can find witnesses who were there and interview them. They can place Kavanaugh at the scene..or not. They unlike you...are not totally stupid

How are they supposed to do that, when she refuses to tell us when it happened, or where? Every witness she HAS tried to name has said she's full of shit. What "scene" are they supposed to place him at? What would you like done, even leaving aside the fact that you're demanding an investigation by an agency with no jurisdiction? You keep pretending this lying bitch has produced anything that can be investigated. If she had gone to the police with this exact story and exact lack of detail 36 years ago, THEY would have told her there was nothing they could do, as well.
NONE of that is true. Why do you continue to lie?

Is it because you know you are wrong?
He has nothing to apologize for. She does perhaps, but not him.

They've been making arrangements for a week, that''s negotiating. Now it's pure stalling

No, it's still negotiating - especially considering how one-sided it is.

There is literally nothing to negotiate. She either shows up or she doesnt

Why are you so afraid of fairness and "due process"?

She appears to fear it quite a bit with her demands that no lawyers question her and the accused testify first.

I'm not sure, but it appears she doesn't want any lawyers to question her, but her lawyers to cross-examine Kavanaugh. After all, there will be cross-examination. Who does she think will do it if not her lawyers?

She doesn't want to be questioned at all. She's just trying to rig the setup to deny Kavenaugh any defense while giving her every advantage she can think of, principles of justice need not be considered.
I don't want this Kavanaugh guy in at the SCOTUS...BUT, I do not think whatever this woman says about him should make a difference to his nomination (BTW - I am not saying the event did or did not happen...I don't know).

I know women freak at this - but the woman should have come forward at the time of the alleged rape. I don't even begin to care how difficult it is for the women - they have a duty to other women to report their attackers. How the 'f' are rapists going to be stopped if women just think of themselves and don't tell the authorities so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice?
My sister (whom I love very much) stayed in a physically abusive marriage for years...and I say the same thing to her. Stop thinking of only yourself and think of your children and/or future victims of your husband/scumbag...REPORT HIM. NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS.
And please save the lecture ladies...I watched my mother get physically abused for years, I know first hand how tough it can be on the women. It changes nothing. You HAVE to report these scumbags to stop them doing this to others (and to yourself).

Do your duty as a human being to other women/potential victims. Sure society often makes it tough/VERY tough on the women in these cases. Do the right thing anyway...no excuse.

As much as I don't want this guy in the SCOTUS, I do not think this woman's accusations (unless they can be FACTUALLY proven - say with DNA evidence or numerous and unbiased eye-witnesses/video evidence/etc.) should exclude Kavanaugh from being approved.

Being a good/terrible person is nothing to do with being on the SCOTUS. It is strictly how good you are at interpreting the Constitution.

It's not so black and white.

I know why Christine Blasey Ford didn’t come forward earlier. I didn’t, either.

I was sexually assaulted. Here’s why I don’t remember many of the details.

Sorry, I do respect you, but I think it is (black and white).

It is the duty of every person to report a crime...no matter how uncomfortable doing so is. And I am fully cognizant of the problems women face in this area.

But there is simply no other way to stop rapists/physical abusers - you HAVE to report them or they will never stop (until they die).

I watched my mother be physically abused and I heard about my sister being beaten. My mother eventually reported my father (sort of). But my sister never did. My father is dead - so he can do no more harm. But I shudder to think what my sis's ex is doing to his future partners. Beating the shit out of them - I bet you.
And let's not forget the damage done to my siblings and my sister's children - being witness to years of physical abuse while the women just shrug it off or make excuses for their abusers. My older brother killed himself and my nephews have both been incarcerated for serious crimes. To assume witnessing the years of physical abuse had no effect on them would be wrong. Ignoring violence can cause immense damage.

Sorry...I do not care what the excuses are...you MUST report when you have been raped/sexually abused/beaten IMMEDIATELY.
You don't want to - tough. Think of the others the man will continue to abuse unless you stop him.

That's a very key point. ABUSERS DON'T STOP. When judging the credibility of this allegation, you have to take that into account. Bubba Clinton left a trail of abuse allegations his whole life, whereas Kavenaugh has nothing of the sort.
I don't want this Kavanaugh guy in at the SCOTUS...BUT, I do not think whatever this woman says about him should make a difference to his nomination (BTW - I am not saying the event did or did not happen...I don't know).

I know women freak at this - but the woman should have come forward at the time of the alleged rape. I don't even begin to care how difficult it is for the women - they have a duty to other women to report their attackers. How the 'f' are rapists going to be stopped if women just think of themselves and don't tell the authorities so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice?
My sister (whom I love very much) stayed in a physically abusive marriage for years...and I say the same thing to her. Stop thinking of only yourself and think of your children and/or future victims of your husband/scumbag...REPORT HIM. NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS.
And please save the lecture ladies...I watched my mother get physically abused for years, I know first hand how tough it can be on the women. It changes nothing. You HAVE to report these scumbags to stop them doing this to others (and to yourself).

Do your duty as a human being to other women/potential victims. Sure society often makes it tough/VERY tough on the women in these cases. Do the right thing anyway...no excuse.

As much as I don't want this guy in the SCOTUS, I do not think this woman's accusations (unless they can be FACTUALLY proven - say with DNA evidence or numerous and unbiased eye-witnesses/video evidence/etc.) should exclude Kavanaugh from being approved.

Being a good/terrible person is nothing to do with being on the SCOTUS. It is strictly how good you are at interpreting the Constitution.

It's not so black and white.

I know why Christine Blasey Ford didn’t come forward earlier. I didn’t, either.

I was sexually assaulted. Here’s why I don’t remember many of the details.

Sorry, I do respect you, but I think it is (black and white).

It is the duty of every person to report a crime...no matter how uncomfortable doing so is. And I am fully cognizant of the problems women face in this area.

But there is simply no other way to stop rapists/physical abusers - you HAVE to report them or they will never stop (until they die).

I watched my mother be physically abused and I heard about my sister being beaten. My mother eventually reported my father (sort of). But my sister never did. My father is dead - so he can do no more harm. But I shudder to think what my sis's ex is doing to his future partners. Beating the shit out of them - I bet you.
And let's not forget the damage done to my siblings and my sister's children - being witness to years of physical abuse while the women just shrug it off or make excuses for their abusers. My older brother killed himself and my nephews have both been incarcerated for serious crimes. Ignoring violence can cause immense damage.

Sorry...I do not care what the excuses are...you MUST report when you have been raped/sexually abused/beaten IMMEDIATELY.
You don't want to - tough. Think of the others the man will continue to abuse unless you stop him.

How women can look themselves in the mirror knowing that they have let a rapist/women beater off Scot-free is beyond me. The statistics are clear - men who rape/beat women almost never stop after one...they will continue until they are stopped.
Yes, of course, let's put the onus on a 15 year old child, some 30 years ago...



She's making the accusation, so yes, the onus is on her. That's justice.
...What a ridiculous post....
Thank you for your feedback.

...Who else is the onus on?...
Everyone who cannot empathize with the fear gripping a 15-year-old so tightly that she clammed-up about it for decades.


I'm not talking about the burden of reporting...

I'm talking about the lack of empathy for failing to understand why a victim would wait for so long before coming forward...

The numbers of people who do this... waiting for decades... is legion...

If her story is true, then, she demonstrated legendary patriotism in putting herself through all this for the good of the Republic...

If her story is true, then, by coming forward, she becomes an American Hero...

We will never know the truth, unless Mark Judge demonstrates similar courage, and testifies, and even then...

But we can get "in the neighborhood" of the truth; sufficient to use in a holistic measure of the personal character of a nominee...

That's why the FBI needs to re-engage, amend its findings, and report back to Congress, revising a closed background investigation.

By all accounts, Kavenaugh's character is exemplary.
...How is her making up this story good for the Republic?...
Making up and spreading a false story would be very bad for the Republic.

If that proves to be the case, I would fully support (metaphorically) crucifying her in the criminal courts.

If Franken(Fein)stein was knowingly complicit in facilitating that, she gets the same treatment.

If, however, Blasey-Ford is telling the truth about a potential Supreme Court justice, then she is a Hero of the Republic for outing him.

...This guy has led a stellar life and worked his way to this position, and now she's trying to ruin it for him and the Republicans.
If he did not do as Blasey-Ford says he did, then, I completely agree with you.

If, however, he did what Blasey-Ford says he did, then she is helping the Republic to dodge a bullet.


We need to find out whether Blasey-Ford's story is true, not dismiss it as false out-of-hand, before the details are even known.

We need to have an objective third-party professional investigative research organization conduct a brief fact-finding exercise.

The FBI conducts background investigations for Supreme Court nominees; focusing on all aspects of their lives up to that point.

The FBI closed their most recent investigation before the Blasey-Ford accusation went public.

That means that the FBI has unfinished business with respect to that closed investigation.

The FBI needs to reopen that file long enough to gather facts pertaining to these allegations and amend its findings.

To do anything else does an injustice to the Republic at large, as well as Blasey-Ford, and even Kavanagh.

Dodge a bullet? Because of a single (alleged) incident as a teenager?
If this was a democratic nominee you'd be demanding investigations, so the only BS s coming from those like you.
Baloney.............No charges can come of this.

She does not have witnesses to back up her claim.

The 4 she says were present when it happened deny that it happened.........

Game ...........Set..............match.............this is BS.........and a Democratic BS game that they have played before.

Seems that she does have witnesses. On top of that only 35-36 percent of the American people approve of this guy being confirmed.

All her witnesses say she's FOS. The latest one is described as a close friend of hers.

Ray, you are talking to a man who actually has read the comments. OK? So your fox news lies aren't going anywhere here. Her friends said nothing of the sort.



CNN reports that Senate Judiciary Committee staff has spoken with a high school friend of Christine Blasey who, supposedly, was at the party where Brett Kavanaugh supposedly assaulted Blasey. The woman is Leland Ingham Keyser. Reportedly, she is a lifelong friend of Blasey (now, Blasey Ford).

According to CNN, Ms. Keyser’s lawyer stated:

Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

Report: Yet another 'witness' fails to back Ford's story

Good enough for you?

Of course it's not good enough. At this point, Ford could recant her entire story and they would just say she was intimidated and so traumatised by the experience that she was forced to lie and say it didn't happen.

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