Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?
'Seared into my memory’: Christine Blasey Ford’s opening statement to the Senate, annotated

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's opening Senate statement. Long - but very interesting. Very impressive.

So everything is seared into her memory about it, except all the details

Well, I doubt she remembers the type of bedspread, carpet, and drapes - but she clearly remembers the attempted rape parts. Who wouldn't?

Does she now? When? Where? How did she get there? Whose house was it? How many people were there? Because she keeps contradicting herself.

Why didn’t she ever mention it to anyone prior to Romney mentioning he might put Kavanaugh on the court if elected?

Has she started driving to the hearing?
Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?

By not important she means it hurts her clients credibility
Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?

The polygraph "expert?" Asked two questions, neither of which directly asked if Kavanaugh tried to sexually assault her....Laura Ingraham had a former Department of Defense polygraph expert on and he stated that the polygraph results are crap..... you have to focus the questions on one issue, they didn't do that....
Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?

By not important she means it hurts her clients credibility

The Republicans need to grow spines and just f*****g confirm him....
Ford claims her email account was hacked!


Ford is claiming in her official statement to the Senate Judiciary committee that...her email account was hacked.

I believe by this time tomorrow we’re going to know why she’s making this claim
Jordan Rachel
It’s kinda WEIRD how Kavanaugh only “sexually assaulted” democrat women who hate our President, don’t want Roe V. Wade to be overturned, voted for Hillary, are connected to Soros, lawyer is Michael Avanatti, AND came out only after the other stories failed- not at the same time
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
The NYTimes is looking for readers to send in fake news stories from the net, unless you object I will be sending all yours.
Lying in a sworn statement...

By participating in and not reporting a party involving drinking minors....

By being a party to and not reporting sex between minors, and rape at that....

By slandering and libeling......

I would say that she could spend several very unhappy and expensive years in court and be likely to serve some time for the first two.

I hope someone will have the balls to put her through it.
Julie Swetnick Was Served with Restraining Order by Former Boyfriend

ulie Swetnick, the third woman to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, was accused of domestic violence by a former boyfriend in 2001, according to Florida court records.

Swetnick’s former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, told Politico they dated for four years before breaking up, at which point Swetnick threatened violence against him and his family. The restraining order, filed in Miami-Dade, Fla. on March 1, 2001, was dismissed thirteen days later.

“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said. “I know a lot about her.”

“She’s not credible at all,” he said, referencing Swetnick’s Wednesday allegation that Kavanaugh was“present” when she was gang raped in high school. “Not at all.”

Swetnick’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, said he had not heard of the domestic violence allegations.

(Excerpt) Read more at nationalreview.com ...

"Was dismissed thirteen days later." The FBI should also investigate Richard Vinneccy.
“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said. “I know a lot about her.”

“She’s not credible at all,” he said, referencing Swetnick’s Wednesday allegation that Kavanaugh was“present” when she was gang raped in high school. “Not at all.”

well, her ex has more evidence than she does against Kavanaugh

To be fair, I’d probably be pissed at a guy who I’d been dating for four years and right after he breaks up he has a wife and baby.

Still she isn’t stable
Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?

The legal team for Christine Blasey Ford sent a letter to the Judiciary Committee Wednesday with the results of a polygraph the California professor took on August 7, 2018, in which she was questioned about her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and according to an attachment to the letter, the examiner found her answers "Not Indicative if Deception."

More: Ford legal team releases polygraph results, Thursday hearing still on amid new claims

Read and learn.
Ford claims her email account was hacked!


Ford is claiming in her official statement to the Senate Judiciary committee that...her email account was hacked.

I believe by this time tomorrow we’re going to know why she’s making this claim

She has already requested and met with the FBI about this.
Kimberley Strassel
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford’s attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords’s polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford’s attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not “important.” Really?

By not important she means it hurts her clients credibility

The Republicans need to grow spines and just f*****g confirm him....

He will be. Friday

After about a dozen other anonymous accusers come forward
The California woman who first accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault passed a 'lie detector' test in August that consisted of two questions.

Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys sent Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans a report from a polygraph examiner who interviewed her on August 10.

But they refused on Wednesday to provide the committee with copies of notes from her psychotherapy sessions. Ford has said she first spoke to a therapist in 2012 about her memories of an ordeal.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...
Ford claims her email account was hacked!


Ford is claiming in her official statement to the Senate Judiciary committee that...her email account was hacked.

I believe by this time tomorrow we’re going to know why she’s making this claim

I’m sure they deleted all the threats against her and emails orchestrating this.

We should investigate regardless after confirmation
Ford claims her email account was hacked!


Ford is claiming in her official statement to the Senate Judiciary committee that...her email account was hacked.

I believe by this time tomorrow we’re going to know why she’s making this claim

She has already requested and met with the FBI about this.
She did?...And the outcome?
The California woman who first accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault passed a 'lie detector' test in August that consisted of two questions.

Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys sent Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans a report from a polygraph examiner who interviewed her on August 10.

But they refused on Wednesday to provide the committee with copies of notes from her psychotherapy sessions. Ford has said she first spoke to a therapist in 2012 about her memories of an ordeal.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...

The FBI should investigate.
Ford claims her email account was hacked!


Ford is claiming in her official statement to the Senate Judiciary committee that...her email account was hacked.

I believe by this time tomorrow we’re going to know why she’s making this claim

She has already requested and met with the FBI about this.
She did?...And the outcome?

Yes, she did - and it was widely reported a few days ago. The FBI hasn't yet shared any details with me.
Man Apologizes For Claiming Kavanaugh Sexually Assaulted His Friend, Says He ‘Made A Mistake’
Daily Caller ^

A Rhode Island man who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting his friend apologized on Wednesday and said he “made a mistake.”

The man called Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s office and claimed that Kavanaugh and Mark Judge, a high school friend of Kavanaugh, drunkenly sexually assaulted one of his friends, according to interview transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A committee investigator asked Kavanaugh about the allegation during an interview on Tuesday, which he denied.

The man’s name was redacted in the transcripts released to the public but the investigator quoted verbatim several outlandish anti-Trump tweets from the man’s Twitter account, allowing reporters to identify him on Twitter as “Jeffrey Catalan.”

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