Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Yea, ole Brett tried to do some boogering when he was drunk and the young ladies told him to piss off so he took matters into his own hands and then showed them.

The ad was inspired by a similar ad signed by 1,600 black women in 1991 in support of Anita Hill.

Twenty-seven years ago, 1,600 black women signed a full-page advertisement in The New York Times in support of Anita Hill, the professor who testified that then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her.

Today, 1,600 men signed a full-page ad in The New York Times in support of Hill and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the Palo Alto University professor who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982 at a high school party.

“We believe Anita Hill. We also believe Christine Blasey Ford,” the statement says, splashed across the full page.

1,600 Men Sign Full-Page NYT Ad In Support Of Christine Blasey Ford

As a man, I think it's great that these men are standing up!
So the wave of the future arrives...

Can't beat the republicans fair and square eh (?). So it's go low just to provide ammo for the multi-strategy multi-layered, multi-pronged political gripe that is attempting to get various demon-crats to pull out all the stops no matter how corrupt it is, and thus attempt to destroy their fellow Americans who are Republicans running for high offices just the same as the Demon-crats are.

That's what this has shaped up to be.

If anyone thinks that these stories are reliable/credible after the timing, and after seeing the targeted hit jobs for political reasons that have developed here, then this nation has lost it's marbles big time.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

Too bad an FBI investigation won’t come to any conclusion:

So the wave of the future arrives...

Can't beat the republicans fair and square eh (?). So it's go low just to provide ammo for the multi-strategy multi-layered, multi-pronged political gripe that is attempting to get various demon-crats to pull out all the stops no matter how corrupt it is, and thus attempt to destroy their fellow Americans who are Republicans running for high offices just the same as the Demon-crats are.

That's what this has shaped up to be.

If anyone thinks that these stories are reliable/credible after the timing, and after seeing the targeted hit jobs for political reasons that have developed here, then this nation has lost it's marbles big time.

Oh no, he molested dozens of women. It's just that none of them said anything until now.

Then when they get a total wipeout in midterms, the Democrats are going to be crying foul.
She is so honorable and believable because as an adult she went to juvenile rape parties over and over and did nothing except go back time after time
More likely is that she is/was a sick predator hoping to get some 14-17 year old cock. But, those rich white boys found her disgusting and spurned her and this is now her revenge.
...Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law...
Fortunately, it does not need to be admissible in a court of law.

Let the Senate Judiciary Committee evaluate the results of the tests (on both sides) and make a more informed decision.

Hell... give both sides a two-out-of-three option, if they don't like the results of the first test... just to be totally fair.

My God, you are either uneducated in investigating, or naive. It appears both, but I would add.................


two out of three? My god the desperation
If I could glean a coherent slice of substantive content out of that little outburst, I would give it a bit more attention.
...First off, it’s not up to the Republicans to send the FBI in. That’s up to the FBI which they stated their position already...
Both the President and Congress are empowered to request that the FBI investigate a given matter. They have not done so.

...Secondly, what led to the election of Donald Trump was the fact that when Democrats have leadership, we do things the Democrat way, and when Republicans take leadership, we do things the Democrat way. We got sick of it...
You'll get no argument from me on that score. The idiot Dems screwed the pooch good-and-proper in the run-up to the 2016.

But that has no bearing upon whether or not the American Woman Voter is going to approve of Republican handling of this matter.

...Third, if Republicans would pull Kavanaugh’s nomination, they lose both the House and Senate in midterms because..........ready for it........we will be doing things the Democrat way...
1. If the nomination is pulled there is still plenty of time to serve-up a fresh candidate

2. if a fresh candidate is served-up there is still plenty of time to undertake a snapshot confirmation of a properly vetted nominee.

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