Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

...It won't do any good. If she fails and he passes, do you really believe any of your ilk will then be satisfied and say he should be seated? ...
LibProgs will have no choice but to concede the point.

Let's put it to the test.

Let 'em both take an FBI-administered polygraph exam.


As to people of my "ilk"... let me be very clear about this...

I, too, want another Conservative on the US Supreme Court...

I believe that the trend of recent decades towards Judicial Activism by Liberal-Democrat justices needs to be reversed.

I was glad when Kavanaugh was first served-up, because he looked like a Winner for such purposes.

But I don't want the Republicans losing everything to the LibProgs again because they arrogantly and stupidly threw away their advantage.


Kavanaugh has turned into a poison pill, and the FBI either needs to intervene, and clear him, or he needs to walk away.

He is sucking up all the oxygen in a room now on-fire, and your leadership (through their actions) foolishly insist on pumping-in AvGas.

It's not worth it... Kavanaugh is not the only crayon in the box.

There is plenty of time to serve-up and confirm another nominee before January 2019, if it comes to that.


You cannot survive for long as a politically-controlling majority if you piss off half the American Voting Public (women)...

You damned fools appear to be hellbent-and-intent to do just that, and delude yourselves that you're bulletproof in this regard.

Such arrogance and self-delusion, in other matters, is exactly the mindset that cost the Dems their power in November, 2016.

Must you (collectively) be hit over the head with the Women Voters hammer before it finally sinks in?

Why do that to yourselves?

Send-in the FBI while there's still time, fer Crissakes, before you screw-the-pooch, and commit political suicide.

The path you've chosen is playing right into LibProg hands, and the pity is, you (collectively) can't even see it coming.

Damn, boy! :dunno:

First off, it’s not up to the Republicans to send the FBI in. That’s up to the FBI which they stated their position already.

Secondly, what led to the election of Donald Trump was the fact that when Democrats have leadership, we do things the Democrat way, and when Republicans take leadership, we do things the Democrat way. We got sick of it.

Third, if Republicans would pull Kavanaugh’s nomination, they lose both the House and Senate in midterms because..........ready for it........we will be doing things the Democrat way.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I had not yet bothered to change my voter registration after moving, because frankly, I wasn't much seeing the point of bothering PRECISELY because we seem to end up with the Democrats calling the shots either way. After reading Grassley's inspired, ballsy letter to Frankenfeinstein, I have gotten myself, my husband, and my adult son registered to vote. If he actually manages to push Kavanaugh's confirmation through with no more delays and BS and spinelessness, we will be at the polls in November, making sure to reward the Republicans for finally showing some testicular fortitude.

You do know that the committee is fully capable of interviewing witnesses to determine the veracity of their claims, right?

They even have their own investigators, if anyone ever gives them something solid to investigate.

Julie Swetnick Accuses Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct, Alleges He Was Present During ‘Gang Rape’


Wow, this doesn't sound good.

You take trips to stand in fields that have just been fertilized and breathe deeply of the manure, don't you? It's the only explanation for your love of horseshit.

Let's say that these prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kavenaugh deliberately harmed a young girl when he himself was a minor. Let's also say that they prove he continued harming women as an adult. You say that's good news. Think carefully about what you're saying. You're saying that for the sake of political expediency you think proof that women have been harmed is "good news". That's pretty messed up. What we should all be hoping for is proof that Kavenaugh harmed no one.
Judicial Crisis Network On Kavanaugh Allegations: ‘We Have To Look Into This Further’

The group’s chief counsel made the comments after a third woman accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual misconduct.

“I think we have to look into this further,” Severino said when asked by MSNBC’s Craig Melvin whether Kavanaugh should still be confirmed. “From what we know so far, we don’t have corroboration yet. If the Senate votes on this soon, I think they would have to go on what they know so far. I know the Senate Judiciary Committee is going to look into this before they would move forward to a vote.”

Judicial Crisis Network On Kavanaugh Allegations: ‘We Have To Look Into This Further’

Kavanaugh team sounding very nervous. They should be.
Blackmail to quit via innuendo. Libs, we have a spine and are the movers and shakers that made America great and we will keep it that way
Move on to your next soap opera now little ones.
"I would rather have an attorney who got drunk and whipped it out once at a college party than someone who experienced such a thing and is still traumatized by it thirty years later." Michael Malice via Twittter

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Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's legal team releases her polygraph tests. Being reported on MSNBC.

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