Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kavanaugh is a federal employ, who is being considered for a federal promotion. Since he has already been investigated by the FBI - why shouldn't all these new allegations also be investigated by the FBI?

First off, there are no leads or credible witnesses. There is a reason for statue of limitations, and that is evidence is nonexistent and memories are not clear.

Secondly, a house party is not a federal issue. If he was arrested at the time, or charges brought against him, then the FBI could include that in their background check since that's what background checks are all about.

But to ask the FBI to investigate a local matter that happened over 35 years ago is not something they do. Even if there was any evidence that Kavanaugh did anything illegal, it would have to be handled by local authorities and not the federal government.
Trust me. The FBI can do it. They unlike you...know how to do this kind of thing

Oh, the FBI has a crystal ball they can look into to see what took place at a house party over 35 years ago? Where can I buy one of those?

Now I've asked this repeatedly of others like you, so now I'm asking you: give me five questions the FBI could ask anybody to tell them what exactly happened at this party.
My family member told me of a short story that happened to her once upon a time in life.

She said that when she was 17 she went to take her driving license test for her driver's license. The young test instructor asked her on a date during the test, in which she agreed to go on a date with him. They went to the drive in movie's. He got fresh she said (more than she expected), and so she claimed that she had to go to the bathroom. She never returned, and ended up walking home from the movies.

She said that she ran into him years later after he was married, and she herself was married also (a big smile broke out). They spoke to each other in a civil and respectful manor but didnot speak about that incident... He introduced her to his family, and she smiled and said that they were a very nice looking bunch together, and that she was very proud of them all.... So at that moment she was very happy for him to have made something of his life beyond what she had figured he would have as being based upon his earlier actions on that one night that she remembered so well, but had forgotten about so quickly (carried no life scars) .

She saw that he had done the right thing in life by marrying such a nice lady, and having those great kids (settled down and had done the right thing), and so she gained closure that day by all that she was seeing and hearing during the brief encounter...

She had confirmed on that day that he had done the right thing in life in her mind, and that was a big relief to her. She forgave him with her smile, and she wished him well in life as he did her on that day also.

She never let a date gone wrong affect her life in the least, and she has been married for over 60 years now. People make mistakes, and people forgive. Good stuff.

Being vindictive and evil to those who make mistakes in life, is a trait born of evil and not a trait that is born of good she said, and especially once a person moves on to become an upstanding person to all that exist around them in life.

The good Lord has forgiven us who have sinned in life, and so are we not to forgive others as he has forgiven us as well ??

Good luck and best wishes, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Thank you for your courage and patriotism.
The LAST thing the Kavanaugh supporters want is an FBI investigation. The LAST thing they want is Mark Judge testifying under oath. The LAST thing they want is ANY other witnesses testifying.

That says it all
..."Never mind the facts...
Au contraire... I have been doing just that... minding the facts.

The principle "facts" being that...

1. the FBI has all the jurisdiction it needs in order to reopen its Federal Background Investigation of Kavanaugh.

2. Republicans are now being perceived as stonewalling any such re-opening the investigation; throwing the alleged victim under the bus.

3. Being seen as throwing the alleged victim under the bus is going to cost you on November 6, 2018

Terrible optics... you're shooting yourselves in the foot, but... oh well... your funeral.

You must be minding them really well, since you haven't let one slip out yet.
Yes, yes, yes... very clever, I'm sure... inaccurate... but clever... and, quite possibly, delusional.
...It won't do any good. If she fails and he passes, do you really believe any of your ilk will then be satisfied and say he should be seated? ...
LibProgs will have no choice but to concede the point.

Let's put it to the test.

Let 'em both take an FBI-administered polygraph exam.


As to people of my "ilk"... let me be very clear about this...

I, too, want another Conservative on the US Supreme Court...

I believe that the trend of recent decades towards Judicial Activism by Liberal-Democrat justices needs to be reversed.

I was glad when Kavanaugh was first served-up, because he looked like a Winner for such purposes.

But I don't want the Republicans losing everything to the LibProgs again because they arrogantly and stupidly threw away their advantage.


Kavanaugh has turned into a poison pill, and the FBI either needs to intervene, and clear him, or he needs to walk away.

He is sucking up all the oxygen in a room now on-fire, and your leadership (through their actions) foolishly insist on pumping-in AvGas.

It's not worth it... Kavanaugh is not the only crayon in the box.

There is plenty of time to serve-up and confirm another nominee before January 2019, if it comes to that.


You cannot survive for long as a politically-controlling majority if you piss off half the American Voting Public (women)...

You damned fools appear to be hellbent-and-intent to do just that, and delude yourselves that you're bulletproof in this regard.

Such arrogance and self-delusion, in other matters, is exactly the mindset that cost the Dems their power in November, 2016.

Must you (collectively) be hit over the head with the Women Voters hammer before it finally sinks in?

Why do that to yourselves?

Send-in the FBI while there's still time, fer Crissakes, before you screw-the-pooch, and commit political suicide.

The path you've chosen is playing right into LibProg hands, and the pity is, you (collectively) can't even see it coming.

Damn, boy! :dunno:
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Unfortunately...arrogance seems to be what Trumpers are all about
...Great, take a test that can easily be manipulated and not admissible in a court of law...
Fortunately, it does not need to be admissible in a court of law.

Let the Senate Judiciary Committee evaluate the results of the tests (on both sides) and make a more informed decision.

Hell... give both sides a two-out-of-three option, if they don't like the results of the first test... just to be totally fair.

My God, you are either uneducated in investigating, or naive. It appears both, but I would add.................


two out of three? My god the desperation
I see the second drive by party toy has chosen NOT to testify under oath and wants to set the terms..

GOP lawmaker: Second Kavanaugh accuser refusing to talk to Congress

Ramirez lawyer John Clune tweeted Tuesday that "We have been working hard to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee...and they have refused to meet all scheduled appointments." He said Ramirez wants an FBI investigation, not a congressional investigation, and is willing to "swear to the FBI under penalty of perjury."

A top Judiciary Committee GOP aide told the Washington Examiner in response to the Clune claim, "The Ramirez legal team has declined to comply with the committee’s established process and investigation and seem to prefer working through the media."
...It won't do any good. If she fails and he passes, do you really believe any of your ilk will then be satisfied and say he should be seated? ...
LibProgs will have no choice but to concede the point.

Let's put it to the test.

Let 'em both take an FBI-administered polygraph exam.


As to people of my "ilk"... let me be very clear about this...

I, too, want another Conservative on the US Supreme Court...

I believe that the trend of recent decades towards Judicial Activism by Liberal-Democrat justices needs to be reversed.

I was glad when Kavanaugh was first served-up, because he looked like a Winner for such purposes.

But I don't want the Republicans losing everything to the LibProgs again because they arrogantly and stupidly threw away their advantage.


Kavanaugh has turned into a poison pill, and the FBI either needs to intervene, and clear him, or he needs to walk away.

He is sucking up all the oxygen in a room now on-fire, and your leadership (through their actions) foolishly insist on pumping-in AvGas.

It's not worth it... Kavanaugh is not the only crayon in the box.

There is plenty of time to serve-up and confirm another nominee before January 2019, if it comes to that.


You cannot survive for long as a politically-controlling majority if you piss off half the American Voting Public (women)...

You damned fools appear to be hellbent-and-intent to do just that, and delude yourselves that you're bulletproof in this regard.

Such arrogance and self-delusion, in other matters, is exactly the mindset that cost the Dems their power in November, 2016.

Must you (collectively) be hit over the head with the Women Voters hammer before it finally sinks in?

Why do that to yourselves?

Send-in the FBI while there's still time, fer Crissakes, before you screw-the-pooch, and commit political suicide.

The path you've chosen is playing right into LibProg hands, and the pity is, you (collectively) can't even see it coming.

Damn, boy! :dunno:

First off, it’s not up to the Republicans to send the FBI in. That’s up to the FBI which they stated their position already.

Secondly, what led to the election of Donald Trump was the fact that when Democrats have leadership, we do things the Democrat way, and when Republicans take leadership, we do things the Democrat way. We got sick of it.

Third, if Republicans would pull Kavanaugh’s nomination, they lose both the House and Senate in midterms because..........ready for it........we will be doing things the Democrat way.

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I see the second drive by party toy has chosen NOT to testify under oath and wants to set the terms..

GOP lawmaker: Second Kavanaugh accuser refusing to talk to Congress

Ramirez lawyer John Clune tweeted Tuesday that "We have been working hard to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee...and they have refused to meet all scheduled appointments." He said Ramirez wants an FBI investigation, not a congressional investigation, and is willing to "swear to the FBI under penalty of perjury."

A top Judiciary Committee GOP aide told the Washington Examiner in response to the Clune claim, "The Ramirez legal team has declined to comply with the committee’s established process and investigation and seem to prefer working through the media."

According, to Grassley's amazing letter to Frankenfeinstein, they don't seem to consider her bullshit tale to be worth much, and certainly not worth any more delays. As for her "demands", she can basically pound sand.

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