Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing.

Mark Levin found this... Watch and listen carefully.

True, the FBI does not make conclusions - they just investigate and gather the facts.

Do you know why he said that?

He was explaining whether or not to bring in the FBI to investigate Thomas accusations.

If leftists were against it back then, why are they pushing for it now?

The FBI did get involved. the Bush Administration requested the investigation into Anita Hill's accusation in which after 3 days found her claims to be UNFOUNDED, this was BEFORE her testimony began.

Democrats at the time had majority control of the committee, with Biden as the Chairman. They quietly pushed the FBI conclusions aside to grill Thomas anyway.

Not only that, but the only reason Bush asked the FBI to look into it is because it was a federal matter. If his father-in-law had his car stolen, and the police had no idea who took it, Bush couldn't ask the FBI to investigate. If he did, the FBI would have told him to go pound a salt bag. That's not what we do!
It is now coming to an end, Chairman Grassley has stopped this crap, she testify this Thursday or not at all, has set up Roll Call for the Vote for Friday, it ends by next Tuesday.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 25, 2018 by sundance

Chairman Grassley Schedules Committee Vote Friday Morning For SCOTUS Nominee….


"There is still no reason to believe accuser Christine Blasey-Ford will appear for a Thursday hearing to review her sketchy allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ranking Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein stated she was unsure if Ms. Ford will appear to deliver sworn testimony.

With Ms. Ford’s attendance still in question, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is using regular order to schedule a judiciary committee vote on Friday morning. The committee vote is not mandatory, but generally following procedures. This would set up a full Senate vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on Monday or Tuesday of next week."

Chairman Grassley's FULL letter to Dianne Feinstein is in the link, worth reading for his decisive decision to end this circus and get the vote done. He has made clear he will not accept any more claims or conditions, she has her day or she doesn't that is it.

If Frankenstein said she's unsure, it means she knows Ford won't show up. She's not kidding anybody. I'm sure they have become close text pals the last several weeks.

The goal of this was to stall, or perhaps Trump feeling enough pressure to remove Kavanaugh and select somebody else that would take us past the midterms.

The Republicans are doing the smart thing. If they let this one slip by, they would lose the House and Senate this coming election.

If you read that letter he sent to Feinstein, he seems to be saying that if Ford/Ramirez are caught lying under oath, they will throw the law book at her. I call that a SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!
It is now coming to an end, Chairman Grassley has stopped this crap, she testify this Thursday or not at all, has set up Roll Call for the Vote for Friday, it ends by next Tuesday.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 25, 2018 by sundance

Chairman Grassley Schedules Committee Vote Friday Morning For SCOTUS Nominee….


"There is still no reason to believe accuser Christine Blasey-Ford will appear for a Thursday hearing to review her sketchy allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ranking Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein stated she was unsure if Ms. Ford will appear to deliver sworn testimony.

With Ms. Ford’s attendance still in question, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is using regular order to schedule a judiciary committee vote on Friday morning. The committee vote is not mandatory, but generally following procedures. This would set up a full Senate vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on Monday or Tuesday of next week."

Chairman Grassley's FULL letter to Dianne Feinstein is in the link, worth reading for his decisive decision to end this circus and get the vote done. He has made clear he will not accept any more claims or conditions, she has her day or she doesn't that is it.

If Frankenstein said she's unsure, it means she knows Ford won't show up. She's not kidding anybody. I'm sure they have become close text pals the last several weeks.

The goal of this was to stall, or perhaps Trump feeling enough pressure to remove Kavanaugh and select somebody else that would take us past the midterms.

The Republicans are doing the smart thing. If they let this one slip by, they would lose the House and Senate this coming election.

If you read that letter he sent to Feinstein, he seems to be saying that if Ford/Ramirez are caught lying under oath, they will throw the law book at her. I call that a SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!

To be totally honest, I didn't read the letter. However I don't think the Republicans would really throw the book at anybody in this situation. The scenario is this:

Ford testifies and is found lying under oath. The Republicans press the issue to have her face charges for lying. Could you image the MSM if Republicans even thought of that; a harmless victim who came forward and is now facing jail time for doing so?

Yeah, I know that wouldn't' be the case, but I'm speaking how the MSM would word it. It's likely the ANTIFA and various Soros funded leftist groups would be out protesting and even create a violent situation. That's not something the Republicans need.
It is now coming to an end, Chairman Grassley has stopped this crap, she testify this Thursday or not at all, has set up Roll Call for the Vote for Friday, it ends by next Tuesday.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 25, 2018 by sundance

Chairman Grassley Schedules Committee Vote Friday Morning For SCOTUS Nominee….


"There is still no reason to believe accuser Christine Blasey-Ford will appear for a Thursday hearing to review her sketchy allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ranking Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein stated she was unsure if Ms. Ford will appear to deliver sworn testimony.

With Ms. Ford’s attendance still in question, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is using regular order to schedule a judiciary committee vote on Friday morning. The committee vote is not mandatory, but generally following procedures. This would set up a full Senate vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on Monday or Tuesday of next week."

Chairman Grassley's FULL letter to Dianne Feinstein is in the link, worth reading for his decisive decision to end this circus and get the vote done. He has made clear he will not accept any more claims or conditions, she has her day or she doesn't that is it.

If Frankenstein said she's unsure, it means she knows Ford won't show up. She's not kidding anybody. I'm sure they have become close text pals the last several weeks.

The goal of this was to stall, or perhaps Trump feeling enough pressure to remove Kavanaugh and select somebody else that would take us past the midterms.

The Republicans are doing the smart thing. If they let this one slip by, they would lose the House and Senate this coming election.

If you read that letter he sent to Feinstein, he seems to be saying that if Ford/Ramirez are caught lying under oath, they will throw the law book at her. I call that a SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!

Dayum! Senator Grassley just strapped on a pair!
It is now coming to an end, Chairman Grassley has stopped this crap, she testify this Thursday or not at all, has set up Roll Call for the Vote for Friday, it ends by next Tuesday.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 25, 2018 by sundance

Chairman Grassley Schedules Committee Vote Friday Morning For SCOTUS Nominee….


"There is still no reason to believe accuser Christine Blasey-Ford will appear for a Thursday hearing to review her sketchy allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ranking Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein stated she was unsure if Ms. Ford will appear to deliver sworn testimony.

With Ms. Ford’s attendance still in question, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is using regular order to schedule a judiciary committee vote on Friday morning. The committee vote is not mandatory, but generally following procedures. This would set up a full Senate vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on Monday or Tuesday of next week."

Chairman Grassley's FULL letter to Dianne Feinstein is in the link, worth reading for his decisive decision to end this circus and get the vote done. He has made clear he will not accept any more claims or conditions, she has her day or she doesn't that is it.

If Frankenstein said she's unsure, it means she knows Ford won't show up. She's not kidding anybody. I'm sure they have become close text pals the last several weeks.

The goal of this was to stall, or perhaps Trump feeling enough pressure to remove Kavanaugh and select somebody else that would take us past the midterms.

The Republicans are doing the smart thing. If they let this one slip by, they would lose the House and Senate this coming election.

If you read that letter he sent to Feinstein, he seems to be saying that if Ford/Ramirez are caught lying under oath, they will throw the law book at her. I call that a SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!

To be totally honest, I didn't read the letter. However I don't think the Republicans would really throw the book at anybody in this situation. The scenario is this:

Ford testifies and is found lying under oath. The Republicans press the issue to have her face charges for lying. Could you image the MSM if Republicans even thought of that; a harmless victim who came forward and is now facing jail time for doing so?

Yeah, I know that wouldn't' be the case, but I'm speaking how the MSM would word it. It's likely the ANTIFA and various Soros funded leftist groups would be out protesting and even create a violent situation. That's not something the Republicans need.

I read the whole thing. Grassley seriously sacked up there.

"As of now, the only allegations of which the Committee is aware with respect to Ms. Ramirez are the allegations described in the New Yorker. As you know, false statements made to the press are not subject to criminal penalty, but false statements to Congress are."
It is now coming to an end, Chairman Grassley has stopped this crap, she testify this Thursday or not at all, has set up Roll Call for the Vote for Friday, it ends by next Tuesday.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 25, 2018 by sundance

Chairman Grassley Schedules Committee Vote Friday Morning For SCOTUS Nominee….


"There is still no reason to believe accuser Christine Blasey-Ford will appear for a Thursday hearing to review her sketchy allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ranking Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein stated she was unsure if Ms. Ford will appear to deliver sworn testimony.

With Ms. Ford’s attendance still in question, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is using regular order to schedule a judiciary committee vote on Friday morning. The committee vote is not mandatory, but generally following procedures. This would set up a full Senate vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh on Monday or Tuesday of next week."

Chairman Grassley's FULL letter to Dianne Feinstein is in the link, worth reading for his decisive decision to end this circus and get the vote done. He has made clear he will not accept any more claims or conditions, she has her day or she doesn't that is it.

If Frankenstein said she's unsure, it means she knows Ford won't show up. She's not kidding anybody. I'm sure they have become close text pals the last several weeks.

The goal of this was to stall, or perhaps Trump feeling enough pressure to remove Kavanaugh and select somebody else that would take us past the midterms.

The Republicans are doing the smart thing. If they let this one slip by, they would lose the House and Senate this coming election.

If you read that letter he sent to Feinstein, he seems to be saying that if Ford/Ramirez are caught lying under oath, they will throw the law book at her. I call that a SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!

To be totally honest, I didn't read the letter. However I don't think the Republicans would really throw the book at anybody in this situation. The scenario is this:

Ford testifies and is found lying under oath. The Republicans press the issue to have her face charges for lying. Could you image the MSM if Republicans even thought of that; a harmless victim who came forward and is now facing jail time for doing so?

Yeah, I know that wouldn't' be the case, but I'm speaking how the MSM would word it. It's likely the ANTIFA and various Soros funded leftist groups would be out protesting and even create a violent situation. That's not something the Republicans need.

I read the whole thing. Grassley seriously sacked up there.

"As of now, the only allegations of which the Committee is aware with respect to Ms. Ramirez are the allegations described in the New Yorker. As you know, false statements made to the press are not subject to criminal penalty, but false statements to Congress are."

By George, I think the rest of the Republicans are finally learning something from Trump. Gonads are something we've been wishing for in the Republican party for decades. Glad to see it's happening, and I hope they continue the good fight.
Kavanaugh is currently a federal employee, who is being considered for a federal promotion. Since he has already been investigated by the FBI - why shouldn't all these new allegations also be investigated by the FBI?
Last edited:
Ya know who says there should be an FBI investigation?

Senator Lisa Murkowski
Kavanaugh is a federal employ, who is being considered for a federal promotion. Since he has already been investigated by the FBI - why shouldn't all these new allegations also be investigated by the FBI?

First off, there are no leads or credible witnesses. There is a reason for statue of limitations, and that is evidence is nonexistent and memories are not clear.

Secondly, a house party is not a federal issue. If he was arrested at the time, or charges brought against him, then the FBI could include that in their background check since that's what background checks are all about.

But to ask the FBI to investigate a local matter that happened over 35 years ago is not something they do. Even if there was any evidence that Kavanaugh did anything illegal, it would have to be handled by local authorities and not the federal government.
Kavanaugh is a federal employ, who is being considered for a federal promotion. Since he has already been investigated by the FBI - why shouldn't all these new allegations also be investigated by the FBI?

First off, there are no leads or credible witnesses. There is a reason for statue of limitations, and that is evidence is nonexistent and memories are not clear.

Secondly, a house party is not a federal issue. If he was arrested at the time, or charges brought against him, then the FBI could include that in their background check since that's what background checks are all about.

But to ask the FBI to investigate a local matter that happened over 35 years ago is not something they do. Even if there was any evidence that Kavanaugh did anything illegal, it would have to be handled by local authorities and not the federal government.
Trust me. The FBI can do it. They unlike you...know how to do this kind of thing
Some federal judge in Hawaii will come to Dems rescue

For them how does not matter

No, what I mean is, a judge issues an injunction declaring that the hearing is stopped, and . . . the Committee goes right ahead and does anyway, knowing perfectly well that the judge has no way of enforcing that injunction or doing anything to them at all, completely aside from having absolutely no jurisdiction. Their pet judge can run his/her gums until the cows come home, and it won't make any difference.

The Democrats have never been anything but a paper tiger, depending on the volume of their bluster and tantrums and the Republicans' inherent desire to play nice. Now that they appear to have, at long last, run that last one entirely out, they're helpless.

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