Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing


Spot on! Anyone in power that self-pardons oneself or has the VP pardon it
leaving office.
Is a MASSIVE Criminal, as well the VP!
This POS in the embodiment of Mormon Raping of young girls evilness
in the LDS!

GOP senator's hometown paper rips him for 'medieval attitude toward all women'

The Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board ripped Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) in fiery editorial for his part in a “despicable attack” launched on Julie Swetnick, the third woman to publicly come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“The despicable attack launched by Sen. Orrin Hatch and the Senate Judiciary Committee — more precisely, the Republicans on that committee — on one of the women who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault is a textbook example of why more victims do not come forward,” the board wrote on Thursday.

“Worse, it betrays a positively medieval attitude toward all women as sex objects who cannot be believed or taken seriously,” the board continued.
(That's what Mormon's do to females. They can't even go to Planet Kolob when dead.)

Swetnick has alleged that Kavanaugh attended a party where she was drugged and attacked by a series of men in a "gang rape."
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Sadly, it sounds like Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

I'm sure you're sad. And I'm enjoying it tremendously. Please feel free to wail and gnash your teeth and posture in your assumed - and very fake - "outraged morality" as much as you like, because your impotent helplessness gives me a happy.
Sadly, it sounds like Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

That's 51 Republican Senators, members of a body formerly proudly declared to be the greatest deliberative body of the world, each and every one of them perfectly aware they are about to confirm a sexual assaulter and serial liar and perjurer, not because there wouldn't be any alternatives - there are plenty - but because they desperately need a "victory", for they have nothing of any worth to offer to Main Street America. The Senate's reputation, and the standing of the Supreme Court, be damned. All the while, the message sent to women stepping forward to confront their assaulters is the same as it was a century ago: Don't. You'll end up besmirched, soiled, and slandered like you've never even dreamed of experiencing.

Ehrmagerd, the NERVE of them, immorally ignoring reality as declared by you, based on fuck-all beyond your own partisan hackery and rage at not being in control of everything just because you deserve it! It's a dark day in history when people don't realize that you're God/Arbiter of Truth!

This just in, Ego King: no one gives a rat's ass about their "reputation" in the eyes of the likes of you. Not the Senate, not JUSTICE Kavanaugh, not me, no one. This post is Exhibit A of why America considered giving shitstains like you power in the last election, and went, "Naahh."
View attachment 220463

Spot on! Anyone in power that self-pardons oneself or has the VP pardon it
leaving office.
Is a MASSIVE Criminal, as well the VP!

Why in the everloving fuck would the Supreme Court "rule on" a pardon, anyway? How is that a thing in the ACTUAL way that the Supreme Court works, as opposed to your fantasy world?
Liberal children tantrumed for further investigation then soiled themselves when did not get outcome they were constipated over.
How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

Ungrateful much? That weasel was busily kissing YOUR partisan, don't-give-a-fuck-about-truth-or-justice ass, and you're going to attack him for it?

Be glad he's spineless, or you wouldn't have gotten this whole extra week to piss and moan and flatter yourself that you were somehow going to escape the consequences of repulsing the voters enough for them to elect Donald Trump.

That's right, I said it. You, and other filth like you, are responsible for President Donald Trump. I LOVE that you hate him in that office so much, since he's only there because YOU are so pusillanimous that you make him look good.
Here are 10 other things he’s done that could undermine his credibility as a justice:

1. He appears to have lied repeatedly to Congress while under oath.And that was before he was asked about drinking and the Beach Week Ralph Club.

2. He made Russian election interference easier and Robert Mueller’s job harder. In a 2011 ruling, he gutted part of a law restricting foreign influence in US elections.

3. His finances are the murkiest of any recent Supreme Court nominee. He’s refused to explain where he got the money to buy an expensive house, join an exclusive country club, and pay off his substantial debts.

4. He believes assault weapons can’t be banned because they’re “common.” And he defended that opinion in his confirmation hearing.

5. He has close ties to a disgraced judge accused of repeated sexual misconduct. Past clerks of former Judge Alex Kosinski say Kavanaugh’s denials that he knew anything about the judge’s transgressions strain credulity.

6. He wanted to ask Bill Clinton extremely lewd questions. His aggressive work for Ken Starr’s investigation into the president’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky could help explain the hostility toward “the Clintons” he demonstrated before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

7. He has a track record of ruling for whoever’s more powerful. A study found that he backs federal agencies only when doing so helps big corporations.

8. He’s not a fan of affirmative action. Newly released emails show he took a dim view of a government program to support minority-owned businesses.

9. There are serious questions about his judicial temperament. Can he really be an impartial justice after his tirade before the committee against Democrats and “the Clintons”?

10. He could undo efforts to restore the Supreme Court’s integrity.Chief Justice John Roberts has tried to avoid displays of naked partisanship from the bench. Kavanaugh’s appointment and actions as a justice could negate all that.Kavanaugh in 2015: A judge must keep "emotions in check" and not be a "political partisan"
View attachment 220463

Spot on! Anyone in power that self-pardons oneself or has the VP pardon it
leaving office.
Is a MASSIVE Criminal, as well the VP!

Why in the everloving fuck would the Supreme Court "rule on" a pardon, anyway? How is that a thing in the ACTUAL way that the Supreme Court works, as opposed to your fantasy world?

As far as I know, there are no Federal case settle case laws on Self Pardons at the federal; Level.
They can issue pardons to other. As for a local state Governor pardoning himself.

"Three decades before statehood, when Washington was still a rugged frontier in the Pacific Northwest, Isaac Stevens, the first governor of the territory, ordered farmers who were married to Native Americans to leave a certain area. The court system in the territory was only three years old, but one court decided to look into the order. In response, Stevens closed the court and declared martial law. When judges tried to open their courts, the governor had the judges arrested.

Eventually, U.S. President Franklin Pierce scolded Stevens, and a judge fined him for contempt of court. To clear his name and possibly avoid the fine (accounts vary), the governor pardoned himself. “I, Isaac I. Stevens, governor of the said territory, by virtue of the authority vested in me as governor,” he wrote in the declaration, “do hereby respite the said Isaac I. Stevens, defendant, from execution of said judgment.

The Stevens case, from 1856, is perhaps the most egregious one where a United States politician granted himself a pardon—a release from the penalty of an offense. President Donald Trump has questioned his advisers about his authority to pardon himself, The Washington Post reported July 21, citing an unnamed source."Charles Emery Stevens, 1815-1893. Anthony Burns: A History

No president has ever done so (Richard Nixon came close), but a handful of governors have. Those gubernatorial cases could provide a precedent if Trump chooses to pardon himself/
Answer me this. As Nixon had time for leaving office to do his blanket pardon.
So why did the POS ford give him one?
Here are 10 other things he’s done that could undermine his credibility as a justice:

1. He appears to have lied repeatedly to Congress while under oath.And that was before he was asked about drinking and the Beach Week Ralph Club.

2. He made Russian election interference easier and Robert Mueller’s job harder. In a 2011 ruling, he gutted part of a law restricting foreign influence in US elections.

3. His finances are the murkiest of any recent Supreme Court nominee. He’s refused to explain where he got the money to buy an expensive house, join an exclusive country club, and pay off his substantial debts.

4. He believes assault weapons can’t be banned because they’re “common.” And he defended that opinion in his confirmation hearing.

5. He has close ties to a disgraced judge accused of repeated sexual misconduct. Past clerks of former Judge Alex Kosinski say Kavanaugh’s denials that he knew anything about the judge’s transgressions strain credulity.

6. He wanted to ask Bill Clinton extremely lewd questions. His aggressive work for Ken Starr’s investigation into the president’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky could help explain the hostility toward “the Clintons” he demonstrated before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

7. He has a track record of ruling for whoever’s more powerful. A study found that he backs federal agencies only when doing so helps big corporations.

8. He’s not a fan of affirmative action. Newly released emails show he took a dim view of a government program to support minority-owned businesses.

9. There are serious questions about his judicial temperament. Can he really be an impartial justice after his tirade before the committee against Democrats and “the Clintons”?

10. He could undo efforts to restore the Supreme Court’s integrity.Chief Justice John Roberts has tried to avoid displays of naked partisanship from the bench. Kavanaugh’s appointment and actions as a justice could negate all that.Kavanaugh in 2015: A judge must keep "emotions in check" and not be a "political partisan"
What a heaping stinking pile of male bovine feces. Triggered much. Just more allegation mostly because he disagrees with what you think, oh my the horror that anyone would have the gall to disagree with the grand poobah of delulsion. I for one don't give a fat rats ass what you think and I know I am not alone. Go find yourself a corner to cry in.
How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

What are you complaining about? You on the left were crying for an extended background check, and that's what he got you. How ungrateful just because the FBI didn't find anything new.

But I hope other leftists scream aloud in the same way. Maybe it will teach Republicans they can never make anybody on the left happy.......ever. So it's no use in trying. Just stick to your guns.
This POS in the embodiment of Mormon Raping of young girls evilness
in the LDS!

GOP senator's hometown paper rips him for 'medieval attitude toward all women'

The Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board ripped Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) in fiery editorial for his part in a “despicable attack” launched on Julie Swetnick, the third woman to publicly come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“The despicable attack launched by Sen. Orrin Hatch and the Senate Judiciary Committee — more precisely, the Republicans on that committee — on one of the women who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault is a textbook example of why more victims do not come forward,” the board wrote on Thursday.

“Worse, it betrays a positively medieval attitude toward all women as sex objects who cannot be believed or taken seriously,” the board continued.
(That's what Mormon's do to females. They can't even go to Planet Kolob when dead.)

Swetnick has alleged that Kavanaugh attended a party where she was drugged and attacked by a series of men in a "gang rape."

So some mental midget makes up an insane story, and because she's criticized, it's comparable to medieval times?
How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

He's a Mormon young girl rape cult devotee.
He will move to Utah for protection and Money soon
if not already packing to do so. Mormons see female as property.
The only rational smart one's girls and boys, that I've seen are the ones who escaped Utah's
cult and surrounding areas. To tell us about the slave camps fully
approved and fully funded by the LDS sick church of rape.
So the elders can be serviced. Seems the Catholic church rapes less.
Sadly they have more fresh meat to rape.
Last edited:
How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

He's a Mormon young girl rape cult devotee.
He will move to Utah for protection and Money soon
if not already packing to do so. Mormons see female as property.
The only rational smart one's girls and boys, that I've seen are the ones who escaped Utah's
cult and surrounding areas. To tell us about the slave camps fully
approved and fully funded by the LDS sick church of rape.
So the elders can be serviced. Seems the Catholic church rapes less.
Sadly they have more fresh meat to rape.

Damn, that's scary stuff.

How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

He's a Mormon young girl rape cult devotee.
He will move to Utah for protection and Money soon
if not already packing to do so. Mormons see female as property.
The only rational smart one's girls and boys, that I've seen are the ones who escaped Utah's
cult and surrounding areas. To tell us about the slave camps fully
approved and fully funded by the LDS sick church of rape.
So the elders can be serviced. Seems the Catholic church rapes less.
Sadly they have more fresh meat to rape.

Can you be any more ignorant ?
How can Jeff Flake stand upright - without a spine?

He's a Mormon young girl rape cult devotee.
He will move to Utah for protection and Money soon
if not already packing to do so. Mormons see female as property.
The only rational smart one's girls and boys, that I've seen are the ones who escaped Utah's
cult and surrounding areas. To tell us about the slave camps fully
approved and fully funded by the LDS sick church of rape.
So the elders can be serviced. Seems the Catholic church rapes less.
Sadly they have more fresh meat to rape.

Damn, that's scary stuff.


Suck on it.

The next one (after Ruth finally croaks) is going to make Kavanaugh look like a left wing poster boy.

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