Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

You cannot find any such language anywhere in the Constitution that even hints at any “right” to kill an innocent human being in cold blood.
No one advocates for any such thing.

Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being. Denying this does not change what it is, nor what it indicates about you that you would defend this horrific act.

Nowhere in the Second Amendment will you find the words ‘individual’ or ‘self-defense’ – but the Second Amendment nonetheless codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense because the Supreme Court determined that to be the case.

The Supreme Court exists because the Constitution says so, not the other way around.

No court, including the Supreme Court, has any legitimate power to change what the Constitution explicitly says.
So, what militia do you belong to?
Second Amendment absolutists – followers of the aspirational, political Second Amendment – subscribe to the wrongheaded notion that any collection of private citizens can designate themselves a ‘militia,’ entitling them to the same weapons as the US military, such as fully automatic rifles and carbines.
Second Amendment absolutists – followers of the aspirational, political Second Amendment –

I ascribe to the aspirational 2nd Amendment and the judicial 2nd Amendment with the 66 year perversion of the various lower federal court "collective right" theories excluded. Problem is, all that collective right crap has to be shaken out of the judicial system, it still sits there at the dinner table like a rotting corpse . . .

In reality, hundreds of gun control laws were sustained citing collective right lower federal cases; the reasoning for supporting those laws has evaporated, has been abrogated but those laws still stand because those cases remain in those Circuits. (e.g., CA, NY, MD and NJ)

Much of your "judicial" 2nd Amendment is sewage that needs to be jetted from the pipeline of Circuit court precedent. That needs to be done by the Circuits after they get firm direction from SCOTUS or by SCOTUS by direct ruling . . . Either way, thousands of unconstitutional gun laws will be invalidated when the crap blockage breaks free.

subscribe to the wrongheaded notion that any collection of private citizens can designate themselves a ‘militia,’ entitling them to the same weapons as the US military, such as fully automatic rifles and carbines.

I, as a 2nd Amendment absolutist, have no problem with Heller's acknowledgement of what Presser directs:

"Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252 (1886) , held that the right to keep and bear arms was not violated by a law that forbade “bodies of men to associate together as military organizations, or to drill or parade with arms in cities and towns unless authorized by law.” Id., at 264–265. This does not refute the individual-rights interpretation of the Amendment; no one supporting that interpretation has contended that States may not ban such groups."​
Actually, the NRA spends millions of dollars lobbying congress every year to keep background checks weak, to provide protections for gun sellers no matter how reckless their actions.... That's the point.

They need fear to sell guns.

Wait, aren't prisons and police part of the government? The problem here is that if police and prisons really stopped crime, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest. What we are doing ISN'T WORKING.... Maybe it's time to try something else.

Wow, it's fun how I can make you dance.

Look, buddy, I realize I hurt your feeling pointing out the sleazy history of your cult...

YOu are a bit confused. The Militia Act of 1903, also known as the Dick Act, established the National Guard. It was modified in 1933 to federalize all national guardsmen... so, no, not every man is a member of the militia.

But Mormon Bob is totally not a misogynist....

He just values globs of tissue more than actual women.
We've already seen what happens when the police are ordered to stand down: crime sky rockets.
This is a lie.

No one advocates for any such thing.

Nowhere in the Second Amendment will you find the words ‘individual’ or ‘self-defense’ – but the Second Amendment nonetheless codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense because the Supreme Court determined that to be the case.

Likewise the Supreme Court has determined that the right to privacy exists, as codified by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

The right to privacy prohibits government from interfering with citizens’ personal decisions, such as whether to have a child or not; the right to privacy prohibits government from compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.
The right to privacy likewise prohibits the government from knowing what guns I own. Until I cause harm with those guns, it's none of the government's business.
California requires the registration of firerams with the state, that gun owners obtain a license - which has a training requirement - to own a gun, limits ownership to only certain approved guns (thereby banning ownership of the rest), and allows people to carry a gun only in they can demonstrate a good reason for doing so.
Apply the relevant analogues of these limitations to abortion, and liberal heads would explode.
That isn't a ban, moron.
That's like claiming the GQP are banning voting because an ID is required essentially banning the people who don't have one.
Like the 13th 15th and 19th amendments these decisions removed the restrictions placed upon the exercise of the relevant rights by the relevant parties.
The rights themselves were not granted by the amendments, or the court cases.
Yes, they were.

Those were some rights, people previously never had.
Therefore, granted.
As there is no requirement to be part of any militia to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, and to the enjoy the protection of the 2nd Amendment while doing so, it is only proper that the GOP ignore "that part".
There was at the time.

'The Second Amendment is explicitly written into the Constitution'.

'You can read, any complete copy of the Constitution and find these exact words therein: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The "Act to Regulate the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" passed 17 March 1777, and the the subsequent Militia Act passed March 20, 1780, together with their amendments, required all white men between the ages of 18 and 53 capable of bearing arms to serve two months of militia duty on a rotating basis. Refusal to turn out for military exercises would result in a fine, the proceeds from which were used to hire substitutes.

The term militia applied to the entire male population, ages 16-60, of the Province of Massachusetts. Each man was required by law to carry his own firearm with appropriate ammunition and accessories. He was to be enrolled in the company of his town. This militiaman was to report four times a year to his company for training.

In the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held that the "Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
Per the Militia Act of 1903, which remains in effect to this day, and which only slightly altered the relevant principle set up by the Militia Acts of 1792, every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 45, with a few sharply-defined exceptions, is a member of the militia.

I'm no longer a member of the militia, as I am well past the age of 45.

A human being.
So, this 'human' can survive without the mothers nutrition?
As well as the mothers oxygen.
What's it's name?
So, if everything goes normally, after 3 months of breathing air, it can have it's 1st birthday?
How often are people charged with murder or manslaughter for deaths that happen from natural causes, where no one is at fault?
How do you know the miscarriage wasn't intentional, like drunk driving, a glass of wine too many and she could have killed the fetus.
And yes, I fully support the idea of prosecuting anyone for murder, and eligible for the death penalty, who has any willing part in the murder of an innocent human being at any age or stage of development, including the murder of an unborn human being.
So while walking to enter the grocery store, a pregnant woman trips, land on her stomach, should be charged with murder?
What about a skiing, boat, or car accident?
What about a woman taking birth control pills, when she is pregnant but doesn't know it?
We don't have to belong to a militia. Nothing in the 2nd Amendment requires it.
You're FOS.
' A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State'.

The vision of an American militia goes back even before the United States Constitution or the founding of the United States. In most states in colonial America, all able-bodied men were considered to be part of the militia – through which the individual towns and cities would provide for the common defense.

A militia is explicitly mentioned in the United States Constitution, prior to the Bill of Rights. Article I, Section 8, drafted around the same time as the founding of the Springfield Armory (ground zero for American ammunition manufacturing), mentions it three times alone:

  • To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
  • To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress
Article II, Section 2 designates the President of the United States as the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States.”
We've already seen what happens when the police are ordered to stand down: crime sky rockets.

When did we see that? Crime has gone up, but that was because the economy collapsed, and people got fed up with police brutality.

Of course, you're saying that to a creature that consistently takes the side of its fellow criminals against that of human beings. It wants crime to skyrocket.

Uh, Mormon Bob, Crime has gone up because your side has dismantled the middle class, and created a prison-industrial complex that perpetuates crimes. Oh, yeah, and makes sure every criminal has easy access to guns.

Funny thing, Europe has nowhere near our crime rates. Now why is that?

It's not because their cops are trigger happy like ours are. While our cops shoot 1000 people a year, their cops shoot less than 10.

It's not because they lock people up. While we lock up close to two million people (more than Communist China!) most G-7 Nations lock up less than 100,000.

Here's how you bring down crime.

1) Create real poverty relief programs.
2) Have programs to treat the mentally ill and addiction.
3) Don't let average citizens have easy access to guns.

Here's how you don't bring down crime.

Make excuses for cops who panic and shoot civilians for petty offenses. That just pisses people off.
When did we see that? Crime has gone up, but that was because the economy collapsed, and people got fed up with police brutality.

Uh, Mormon Bob, Crime has gone up because your side has dismantled the middle class, and created a prison-industrial complex that perpetuates crimes. Oh, yeah, and makes sure every criminal has easy access to guns.

Funny thing, Europe has nowhere near our crime rates. Now why is that?

It's not because their cops are trigger happy like ours are. While our cops shoot 1000 people a year, their cops shoot less than 10.

It's not because they lock people up. While we lock up close to two million people (more than Communist China!) most G-7 Nations lock up less than 100,000.

Here's how you bring down crime.

1) Create real poverty relief programs.
2) Have programs to treat the mentally ill and addiction.
3) Don't let average citizens have easy access to guns.

Here's how you don't bring down crime.

Make excuses for cops who panic and shoot civilians for petty offenses. That just pisses people off.
We see it in several cities where the government has forced police to stand down. It has nothing to do with the economy.
You're FOS.
' A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State'.

The vision of an American militia goes back even before the United States Constitution or the founding of the United States. In most states in colonial America, all able-bodied men were considered to be part of the militia – through which the individual towns and cities would provide for the common defense.

A militia is explicitly mentioned in the United States Constitution, prior to the Bill of Rights. Article I, Section 8, drafted around the same time as the founding of the Springfield Armory (ground zero for American ammunition manufacturing), mentions it three times alone:

  • To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
  • To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress
Article II, Section 2 designates the President of the United States as the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States.”
You're lying about what the 2A actually says...lol

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