Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

Banning guns would reduce Murder and Suicide by about 70%.
This is only true if people are unable or unwilling to find other ways to kill themselves or others..
Demonstrate this to be the case.

Then, resign yourself the fact guns won't be banned.
Most suicide attempts by other methods fail.
Even if true, it is irrelevant to the fact that your statement is only true if people are unable or unwilling to find other ways to kill themselves or others..
Demonstrate this to be the case.

Then, resign yourself the fact guns won't be banned.
Most suicide attempts by other methods fail.

Handgun suicides kill over 20,000 Americans a year.

And these are right wing, pro gun Americans for the most part. It's in the interest of the pro gun crowd to save these people.

The thing about handguns is once you pull the trigger and splatter your brains all over the head liner of your Ford F150, you're almost guaranteed to die. A shot to the head is very lethal.

Another bad thing about handgun suicides is that it's quick and can be done in about 5 seconds time. Hanging yourself takes a lot longer and in that time you might decide to put your suicide off for a few days.
Handgun suicides kill over 20,000 Americans a year.
And these are right wing, pro gun Americans for the most part.
Demonstrate this to be true.
The thing about handguns is once you pull the trigger and splatter your brains all over the head liner of your Ford F150, you're almost guaranteed to die. A shot to the head is very lethal.
Indeed. An indication the person has committed himself to dying.
Handgun suicides kill over 20,000 Americans a year.

And these are right wing, pro gun Americans for the most part. It's in the interest of the pro gun crowd to save these people.

The thing about handguns is once you pull the trigger and splatter your brains all over the head liner of your Ford F150, you're almost guaranteed to die. A shot to the head is very lethal.

Another bad thing about handgun suicides is that it's quick and can be done in about 5 seconds time. Hanging yourself takes a lot longer and in that time you might decide to put your suicide off for a few days.
Agree 100%. Thank you.
Sadly Japanese people do not view Suicide as a sin.

Yes, in Japan suicide is a way of balancing things. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

So that would lead more people to doing the deed.

Here, Christianity is against it. It's not a mortal sin anymore, but it's frowned on. It's also seen as a sign of weakness by some.
Yes, in Japan suicide is a way of balancing things. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

So that would lead more people to doing the deed.

Here, Christianity is against it. It's not a mortal sin anymore, but it's frowned on. It's also seen as a sign of weakness by some.
Which has jack all to do with successfully killing yourself.
Yes, in Japan suicide is a way of balancing things. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

So that would lead more people to doing the deed.

Here, Christianity is against it. It's not a mortal sin anymore, but it's frowned on. It's also seen as a sign of weakness by some.
Suicide is a sin. As a Jew, I believe that their punishment will last millennia but not eternity.
The Supreme Court doesn't have the authority to give citizens a right.

What Roe said, is that the government can't violate the 4th Amendment. It never said abortion is constitutional.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford (1856) A major precursor to the Civil War, this controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision denied citizenship and basic rights to all blacks -- whether slave or free.

  • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) This decision allowed the use of "separate but equal" racially segregated accommodations and facilities.

  • Brown v. Board of Education (1954) In this landmark case, the Court prohibited racial segregation of public schools.
  • In its landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), the Supreme Court recognized that the right to abortion is a fundamental liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. Since Roe the Court has repeatedly reaffirmed the Constitution’s protection for this essential liberty, which guarantees each individual the right to make personal decisions about family and childbearing.
  • Accordingly, the Court has made clear that it cannot dismiss “the certain cost of overruling Roe for people who have ordered their thinking and living around that case.” Planned Parenthood of Se. Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 856 (1992). Over the decades since the Court first held that the Constitution encompasses protection for the right to abortion, including its most recent decision, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, 136 S. Ct. 2292 (2016), as revised (June 27, 2016), it has also recognized that without access to abortion, the right is meaningless.
These decisions granted people.............rights, they never had before.
For design or manufacturing defects - not negligent or intentional misuse.
Hence, 'In some instances' part of my comment.
If an abortion isn't done properly they can sue the doctor for negligence or intentional harm.
Except that if someone tried to lay the same restriction on abortion that, say, CA and NY have on the right to keep and bear arms, liberal heads would explode.
California or New York doesn't/can't ban guns.
Abortion clinics have to be registered and licensed.
Hospitals already are.

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