GOP Rep. Nancy Mace blasts Republicans for 'silence' on gun violence, 'extreme' abortion stances

What percent of the elected Federal GOP does?



The GOP has a FRAUD problem. The GOP keeps electing Zionist Fascist frauds pretending to be conservative Christians. Faux News is the #1 culprit in that regard...
Pleased to meet you EMH .. no worries, lotsa people go to the extremes.. ;)
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So you support Party over Country.
Very telling.

Translation: Follow the cult at all costs, or be labeled a traitor.

Liz Cheney and Mace both support COUNTRY over PARTY, except they care about TWO COUNTRIES more than anything


and neither is the country they were elected to support...
Why do GOP women like Liz Cheney and Nancy Mace not understand party loyalty?

---GOP Congresswoman Pleads With Colleagues to Ease Off ‘Extreme’ Positions---

You mean, why do they not understand the party is gone, but now the trumpist party, keeping the name Republican for name recognition only, supporting false continuity and auto donations already set up?
A Republican congresswoman has spoken out about the “extreme” policies being peddled by the far-right fringe of the party in recent months…
No, there’s nothing ‘far right’ about these extreme policies, it’s not the ‘fringe’; these wrongheaded policies are mainstream conservativism and the core of the GOP agenda:

Abortion bans with no exception for rape, incest, and the health/life of the mother.

Hateful, bigoted laws seeking to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Banning books, silencing teachers who teach facts and the truth conservatives don’t like, and attacks on freedom of the press and voting rights.

And conservatives’ refusal to address gun crime and violence, Republicans who remain silent after every mass shooting.

Needless to say, Republicans will ignore Nancy Mace.
We need more pragmatic centrists in Congress like Nancy Mace. I've said before that the Republican Party could easily be the dominant party in this country if they would simply amplify the issues that people care about most and provide common sense solutions to them that are palatable to the majority. Instead, they keep focusing on cultural social issues like drag queens, banning books in school, regressive abortion bans, and a steadfast refusal to adapt their stance to increasing violence involving firearms.

This is why they are losing and the Democrats are winning on these issues.

Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., on Sunday bucked the majority of her Republican colleagues in Congress, calling on fellow GOP lawmakers to “no longer be silent” on gun violence and to find a middle ground on abortion rights.

"Every mass shooting, there’s just silence, and prayers are offered, Easter baskets are offered, but no real solutions," Mace on "Fox News Sunday."

The GOP lawmaker said she and her children were recently near a mass shooting in South Carolina.

“Republicans can no longer be silent on this issue. And it’s not about the Second Amendment. There are plenty of things that we can be doing besides offering prayers and silence," Mace said.

Potential solutions could include "some sort of Amber Alert, for example, to let the community know there’s been a shooting," she said. "Strengthening our background checks is something that the vast majority of Americans support.”

Is she that pragmatic? She talks a good game but she will back the extremists to the hilt. She will take this country over a financial cliff if McCarthy tells her to. Democrat moderates in th8e House were willing to compromise. Republicans are not including Mace.
No, there’s nothing ‘far right’ about these extreme policies, it’s not the ‘fringe’; these wrongheaded policies are mainstream conservativism and the core of the GOP agenda:

Abortion bans with no exception for rape, incest, and the health/life of the mother.

Hateful, bigoted laws seeking to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.

Banning books, silencing teachers who teach facts and the truth conservatives don’t like, and attacks on freedom of the press and voting rights.

And conservatives’ refusal to address gun crime and violence, Republicans who remain silent after every mass shooting.

Needless to say, Republicans will ignore Nancy Mace.

These extreme polices are far right and extreme. However you are right as extreme far right policies have become Republican orthodoxy.
There are few moderates left on either side. Both parties are catering more and more to their extremes and gerrymandering is part of that problem.

The problem is that the Republicans are fascist rightists. For example, Republicans are losing college students big time to the Democrats. Rather than moderating, their answer is to make it harder for college students to vote. Liberal Democrats are nowhere near as crazy as right wing Republicans.
Why do GOP women like Liz Cheney and Nancy Mace not understand party loyalty?

---GOP Congresswoman Pleads With Colleagues to Ease Off ‘Extreme’ Positions---

When a party becomes the party of Nazis, they are not worth being loyal to.
Humans are violent. Why do we let violent humans have access to guns?
Violent humans are in the minority but, that minority is growing because of progressive, relative, moral policies and lax law enforcement. Limiting gun ownership en masse therefore, is immoral.

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