Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

Justice Brett Kavanaugh floated the possibility of Texas's abortion law becoming a model for states to restrict other constitutional rights, such as gun rights under the Second Amendment.

The associate justice, appointed by former President Donald Trump, specifically posed a theoretical law that would allow the seller of an AR-15 semi-automatic weapon to be sued for $1 million.

The Texas solicitor general acknowledged the possibility but said Congress could pass laws to protect such rights. Kavanaugh seemed wary of such intervention.

"Some of those examples, I think, would be quite difficult to get legislation through Congress," Kavanaugh said.

So you could use a Texas abortion style law to restrict guns in California? It gets around the Constitution.

I did not see this coming. Did you?
I did. That is why the crafting of the Texas law was shortsighted and tunnel visioned. It could be applied to other rights.
1) It's from a famous study carried out, I think, in the 1990s, by Gary Keck. He initially estimated that approximately a million and a half crimes were prevented by the defensive use of firearms. He later upped that estimate to about two and a half million.

2) Your big error is in assuming that the only way a gun can be used to prevent a crime is by killing the would-be criminal. The vast majority of legitimate defensive use of firearms have not involved killing the criminal, nor even discharging the firearm.
1) I am very skeptical.

2) Justifiable homicides make up under 4% of all homicides. Thus real self-defense with guns is probably rare.
Nowhere in the Constitution is there anything that even hints at a right for a woman to have her own child killed in cold blood.

The case for a Constitutional right to abortion is based on a mountain of falsehoods piled on falsehoods.

The Constitution does, however, explicitly affirm a right, belonging to the people, to keep and bear arms, and forbids government from infringing this right.

There is no honest comparison between the two.

You have a JD?
Justice Brett Kavanaugh floated the possibility of Texas's abortion law becoming a model for states to restrict other constitutional rights, such as gun rights under the Second Amendment.

The associate justice, appointed by former President Donald Trump, specifically posed a theoretical law that would allow the seller of an AR-15 semi-automatic weapon to be sued for $1 million.

The Texas solicitor general acknowledged the possibility but said Congress could pass laws to protect such rights. Kavanaugh seemed wary of such intervention.

"Some of those examples, I think, would be quite difficult to get legislation through Congress," Kavanaugh said.

So you could use a Texas abortion style law to restrict guns in California? It gets around the Constitution.

I did not see this coming. Did you?

Yep. I have said from the beginning federal courts do not like efforts to divest them of the ability to hear cases which is what the Texas law was designed to do. If upheld, it becomes a slippery slope into whatever nonsense a state wants to do---liberal or conservative. I expect them to smack down Texas and uphold Mississippi.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh floated the possibility of Texas's abortion law becoming a model for states to restrict other constitutional rights, such as gun rights under the Second Amendment.

The associate justice, appointed by former President Donald Trump, specifically posed a theoretical law that would allow the seller of an AR-15 semi-automatic weapon to be sued for $1 million.

The Texas solicitor general acknowledged the possibility but said Congress could pass laws to protect such rights. Kavanaugh seemed wary of such intervention.

"Some of those examples, I think, would be quite difficult to get legislation through Congress," Kavanaugh said.

So you could use a Texas abortion style law to restrict guns in California? It gets around the Constitution.

I did not see this coming. Did you?
Abortion isn't a constitutional right. So, I'd say Kavanaughs concerns are unwarranted.

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