Kavanaugh bashing again?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - The Shad Olson Show

Before the Kavanaugh allegations surfaced with DOCTOR Ford, I saw a woman in the article above protest his appointment. She was menstruating and smeared her menstruation all over herself before making a spectacle of herself in order for people to be dissuaded from physically wanting to remove her.


At this point, I knew two things.

1. The appointment process was not going to go well for the country.

2. The Left are all a bunch of hateful loons who cannot be reasoned with. They have no morals and no ability to reason.. All they want is power and will do anything to obtain it.

They will never stop, all we can do is continually try to stop them.

If not, the woman above is what we will decide the fate of the nation.

So these new allegations are of no surprise.

My only question is, when will the Left try to start assassinating opponents like Kav?

I know they would if they thought they could get away with it.
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There’s a difference between bashing and exposing.

Course, considering that Trump told Cory Lewandowski that hope Hicks was the best piece of ass he would ever have and three of the four Republican nominees for president are adulterers Republicans have become the party of slime.

They wouldn’t understand.
There’s a difference between bashing and exposing.

Course, considering that Trump told Cory Lewandowski that hope Hicks was the best piece of ass he would ever have and three of the four Republican nominees for president are adulterers Republicans have become the party of slime.

They wouldn’t understand.

Well let's see, which prominent Republican political family was well known for womanizing and which Republican let a woman drown over night and not peep a word to it about anyone, but woke up the next day only to call his lawyer?

My memory needs a little jolt to remember.


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"he was very aggressive to women. his mother would be shocked to know what he said to them" - a college friend of Kavanaugh's, from the new book
Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - The Shad Olson Show

Before the Kavanaugh allegations surfaced with DOCTOR Ford, I saw a woman in the article above protest his appointment. She was menstruating and smeared her menstruation all over herself before making a spectacle of herself in order for people to be dissuaded from physically wanting to remove her.


At this point, I knew two things.

1. The appointment process was not going to go well for the country.

2. The Left are all a bunch of hateful loons who cannot be reasoned with. They have no morals and no ability to reason.. All they want is power and will do anything to obtain it.

They will never stop, all we can do is continually try to stop them.

If not, the woman above is what we will decide the fate of the nation.

So these new allegations are of no surprise.

My only question is, when will the Left try to start assassinating opponents like Kav?

I know they would if they thought they could get away with it.
I am certain that in our lifetimes some deranged 'tard will attempt to assassinate a USSC justice and perhaps some federal judges.

Meanwhile Dr Blasey-Ford's attorney admitted that her client's allegations were politically motivated (shocking!) and Ford's best friend now admits she has doubts about the veracity of Ford's testimony that some still claim was credible.

Has anyone heard a peep from Sen Feinstein since the conformation "hearings?" You know, the scumbag who foisted the scam on the Senate and America? She seems to be flying well under the radar.

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