Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

so you think that her unsupported unwitnessed allegations are credible but his denials aren't? do you understand how stupid that makes you look?

They are credible when the accused begins to act shady.

Had Kavanaugh behaved like a typical innocent, forthcoming person there would be nothing to this. FBI would clear him and he'd be on his way to smooth nomination right now.

so wanting the ability to defend himself is acting shady? can you explain that? What exactly is wrong with expecting the accuser to support her accusations?

by the way, your hero Federer said that you made homosexual advances to him 30 years ago, prove that you didn't.
Is Antontoo a Priest???

He was directly asked about FBI investigation option in an interview with FOX and instead of jumping at an opportunity to publicly ask for one (or at least say it would be just fine by him) he went back to mindless parrotting for the tenth time "I just want a fair process", implying that an FBI investigation is somehow less than fair.
He comes off as insincere, just looking to get out of simple questions with whatever he was prepped with.

The guy is a living red flag.

Relatively... he's the perfect green flag for evangelicals that want to reverse social issue court decisions.
I heard Kavanaugh worked for Star during the Clinton investigations and had a lot to do with the questions and the resulting "Star Report"
YES KAVANAUGH helped prosecute NASTY BOY BILL CLINTON and the Hildebeast is angry!
Well abortion was probably iffy, but now after what Democrats are doing to him, it’s almost a guarantee it will be overturned if he’s confirmed. Payback is a bitch.
Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

As usual, this will end up in the streets. You'd figure that the 'internet' would help with critical thinking.
What this is really all about is static fundamentalist religion-based ideology (rural areas) VS dynamic evolving secular ideology (urban areas).

Bada bing bada boom as usual... and then there's always that clueless lying heavy maintenance guy in the room grabbing pussy being played by forces he couldn't care less about.

WTF is this bullshit?
I didnt post that and I dont use an IPad.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


The same way most investigations start. Interview the actors, interview witnesses and keep good notes.

Then interview or interrogate the same people, find new names to interview and keep good notes.

Then collate the notes, design a strategy and ask the question again and again. Find the little lies, and the big ones will follow.

ROFLMAO, she says these people were there, where ever there is. All of them say they have no recollection they were ever at such a party. Where do you go from there? Because that's where we're at right now.


Thank you for once again posting a partisan message based solely on ignorance and dishonesty.

Why do you support Trumpism?

Today we are being governed by an Authoritarian, a narcissist and megalomaniac who has cowed much of The Congress; Trump has nominated for the Supreme Court someone who very likely promised to be loyal to him; he has alienated our friends, attacked the press, kissed the ass of Putin and used the power of his office with the aid of McConnell to destroy long held traditions.

Grow up, and become the patriot you want others to believe you are.

Why don't you stop deflecting and answer the questions posed. I have no interest in you opinions of Trump and it's not the topic of this thread.

So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself.


I can think of someone that is much more sleazy & that created much more debt, even filed several business bankruptcies that cost banks billion$.

Poor pathetic misguided commie MF, it only took 15 posts for you to deflect from your own thread, REPORTED FOR OFF TOPIC POST.


well, actually, BIG TEX, when you bloviated this BS: "So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself." that was a bit off topic but if you really wanna go crying to the police, then go ahead; call 9/11. :206:

The topic is the sleazy porn lawyer and his fables, is it not?


Actually no; the topic is more info coming on another Kavanaugh accuser.

Avanetti just happens to be the messenger.

Avanetti is a pig, he hasn't asked for the committee to make room for another witness. He's just trying to muddy the waters. That slime ball ambulance chaser doesn't deserve to breath.

The United States needs someone like Kavanaugh (and his wife) who are unafraid to stand up to the libtard lunatics and the twitterheads who are willing to promote a fraudmetoo Guilty Before Proven Innocent which is ass backwards!
FROM a twitterhead in Los Airhead CA:
A Juice a day ago
You know what's remarkable in its propensity for sheer vile-ness? That Kavanaugh has not removed himself from nomination. Any judge with a shred of respect for the bench, the Import of the SCOUTS or the rule of law would have pulled their own nomination. The sexual assault allegations of these multiple women may never be "proven" in a court of law, but one thing is certain: Brett Kavanaugh believes he is above the law and more important than its integrity.
shut up and take it is their woo woo spell
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Well abortion was probably iffy, but now after what Democrats are doing to him, it’s almost a guarantee it will be overturned if he’s confirmed. Payback is a bitch.
Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

As usual, this will end up in the streets. You'd figure that the 'internet' would help with critical thinking.
What this is really all about is static fundamentalist religion-based ideology (rural areas) VS dynamic evolving secular ideology (urban areas).

Bada bing bada boom as usual... and then there's always that clueless lying heavy maintenance guy in the room grabbing pussy being played by forces he couldn't care less about.

WTF is this bullshit?
I didnt post that and I dont use an IPad.

Great! This friggin site is hacked
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, that leaves Trump to nominate another justice, he can nominate a person who is more conservative and less desirable then Kavanaugh, the Senate then will not confirm. Then it puts the pressure on the Democrats to pass the third nominee because by that time the American public will be tired of the games. So, Trump and the Republicans can then force the issue.

You consider the Democrats playing a game? How do you consider McConnell's failure to bring Obama's nominee up for the advice and consent to replace Scalia?

McConnell used the forthcoming election for misfeasance, and did not apply the same standard in this election year.

McConnell Wife is employed by Trump in his Administration, Quid Pro Quo seems to be afoot.

That is the way most Americans see politics, it is a game and it really is just that, a game to gain power. That is what makes politics intriguing, it is nothing but a game to gain power and prestige.

And, of course, the fact that real people get hurt doesn't matter. Kind of like watching an auto race, hoping to see a crash.

That is the sad fact of politics and that is why people are fascinated with the political process.
He was directly asked about FBI investigation option in an interview with FOX and instead of jumping at an opportunity to publicly ask for one (or at least say it would be just fine by him) he went back to mindless parrotting for the tenth time "I just want a fair process", implying that an FBI investigation is somehow less than fair.
He comes off as insincere, just looking to get out of simple questions with whatever he was prepped with.

The guy is a living red flag.

Relatively... he's the perfect green flag for evangelicals that want to reverse social issue court decisions.

You are so full of it.
He was directly asked about FBI investigation option in an interview with FOX and instead of jumping at an opportunity to publicly ask for one (or at least say it would be just fine by him) he went back to mindless parrotting for the tenth time "I just want a fair process", implying that an FBI investigation is somehow less than fair.
He comes off as insincere, just looking to get out of simple questions with whatever he was prepped with.
The guy is a living red flag.
Relatively... he's the perfect green flag for evangelicals that want to reverse social issue court decisions.
You are so full of it.

Yeah no room for any more bullshit from Republicans.
Well abortion was probably iffy, but now after what Democrats are doing to him, it’s almost a guarantee it will be overturned if he’s confirmed. Payback is a bitch.
Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

As usual, this will end up in the streets. You'd figure that the 'internet' would help with critical thinking.
What this is really all about is static fundamentalist religion-based ideology (rural areas) VS dynamic evolving secular ideology (urban areas).

Bada bing bada boom as usual... and then there's always that clueless lying heavy maintenance guy in the room grabbing pussy being played by forces he couldn't care less about.

WTF is this bullshit?
I didnt post that and I dont use an IPad.

Great! This friggin site is hacked

now that would be some funny s***
Well abortion was probably iffy, but now after what Democrats are doing to him, it’s almost a guarantee it will be overturned if he’s confirmed. Payback is a bitch.
Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

As usual, this will end up in the streets. You'd figure that the 'internet' would help with critical thinking.
What this is really all about is static fundamentalist religion-based ideology (rural areas) VS dynamic evolving secular ideology (urban areas).

Bada bing bada boom as usual... and then there's always that clueless lying heavy maintenance guy in the room grabbing pussy being played by forces he couldn't care less about.

WTF is this bullshit?
I didnt post that and I dont use an IPad.

Great! This friggin site is hacked

I dont know but the site has been acting weird lately.
Like when I refresh a page it takes me to the bottom of the page.
Or when I try and scroll it's all jumpy.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

Kavanaugh has never said he does not want an investigation, he has said numerous times that he just wants his rights to defend himself against whatever allegations she has.

In reality I don't think Ford or the dems want an investigation because they know nothing will be found. this is about delaying the vote, nothing more.

He was directly asked about FBI investigation option in an interview with FOX and instead of jumping at an opportunity to publicly ask for one (or at least say it would be just fine by him) he went back to mindless parrotting for the tenth time "I just want a fair process", implying that an FBI investigation is somehow less than fair.

He comes off as insincere, just looking to get out of simple questions with whatever he was prepped with.

No he comes off as a nominee who doesn't have the authority to direct the proceedings, unlike this witness that wants to dictate everything.

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


You actually want a break down of the process or do you just not really have an actual objection to what is essentially a reasonable position.

The system broke down 30 years ago when the commiecrats decided they were going to take the blindfold off of lady justice and use her as a super-legislature. They couldn't get their policies passed the proper way so they decided to rule the courts. This isn't about the courts and justice, it's all about you commiecrats agenda and the destruction of the Constitution. Do you seriously think the commies would put so much effort to sway 1/9th of the court if that weren't the case?

You might want to be careful what you wish for, this by any means necessary mantra can and probably will get some people hurt. Schumer announced that as the commiecrat stance the day Kennedy resigned form the court.


I don't know wtf you are talking about - FBI is perfectly equiped to quickly conduct a background investigation and report it's findings - it's what they are tasked to do on the daily.

If I was the nomenee with a clear concience and a disdain for a person who is falsely accusing me I would call for exactly that.

When are you ignorant folks going to understand that the background check has been completed, including the new information.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass. FBI never interviewed Ford or potential witnesses.

The committee has spoken to the witnesses subject to a felony, they'll talk to Ford Thursday, if she shows up.

a recent article appeared on the frontpage of the Missoulian which announced that there had been a recent sexual assault on the UM campus that involved 2 female students, 10 males and the date-rape drug Rohypnol. a subsequent article on December 2017 disclosed that 3 of the rapists were UM Grizzly Bear Football players.

the articles were written by seasoned journalist Gwen Florio. rape is an epidemic in cities like Missoula, Montana. its an EPIDEMIC!

Gwen Florio's reporting inspired another rape victim to come forward. Kelsey Belnap saw Florio's article and thought it sounded dismayingly similar to what happened to her a year earlier. "Oh my god. i could have prevented this from happening", she bellowed. in the hope that coming forward would prevent others from suffering, she reported what happened to her to the police.
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the right thing to do, is for the FBI reopen his background check with these new allegations and investigate it, to the best that these investigators can.

It's the only thing that will help Kavanaugh now... especially if what he is claiming about himself, is true.

the Republican Senators FIGHTING this being investigated, is only because they KNOW the FBI is going to find that he is not as squeaky clean in these accusation...

THIS IS HOW it appears.

And for the sake of Justice, and the American way... we simply need to take both sides seriously and not just brush it off, without reopening their background check on him through the FBI, or without even hearing the woman out.... for goodness sake!

it's like these Old Republican men are stuck in the 50's and 60's and 70's and 80's.... where women were just told, in ways like this, to just SHUT UP.... whatever YOU SAY does not matter, whatever you say means nothing compared to what the man says about it....!!

Your story, will fall on deaf ears. Why you bother to even come here and talk is not going to get you anywhere... we are not authorinzing the professional gvt investigators that you pay for with your tax money, investigate your claim, we are not going to add or have any witnesses that can corroborate your claim, and when you are questioned, we are going to have a professional female prosecutor who specializes in these kind of cases, instead of us, doing our duty, so that we do not come off badly.....

this is not right and just or fair or American.

Well let me tell you now, YOU WILL NOT get away with this kind of belittling and demeaning behavior in this day and age.... mainly, because it is simply WRONG.... just plain wrong.

It may come out that these now 3 women are telling the truth. You Trumpsters and R's have no desire to find out the truth...

Why? Do you actually believe the women could be telling the truth and Kavanaugh is lying, but YOU DON'T CARE that he is a liar, well, because you have to win at all costs kind of thing??? and at the sake of justice not prevailing??? Sigh....

If YOU REALLY BELIEVE Kavanaugh did NONE of what has been claimed by these 3 women, along with writings in Mark Judges book, along with yearbook mentionings, along with being part of the 100 kegs or bust club... along with a male room mate or friend that states his doing such a thing, with all of his drunkenness and how nasty he got... was believable.

then you would INSIST on the FBI doing what investigation they can on the accusations... so the Senators can make an INFORMED DECISION instead of this half assed joke of advise and consent that I have witness in all of my decades alive!

None of this is fair to Kavanaugh if he is right, and None of this is fair to Dr. Ford if she is right.... it won't be fair to either of them, if we do not at least try to get to the bottom of it without screaming partisanship is the cause....

IT IS NOT THE CAUSE of this happening or not happening 30 some years ago....

Yes the leak was partisan, whomever it was that leaked it should be fired. but THAT is NOT Doctor Ford's fault.

Yes, mcconnel stating before she even spoke at the hearing, Kavanaugh would be plowed through and the next SC justice.... could not get more partisan THAN THAT...... along with several Republicans, even on the Judicial committee, that Kavanaugh was going to be pushed through and this hearing her talk, was simply a courtesy and for "appearance". That is partisan and unjust.

Without some sort of valid investigation in to this, it leaves it as a he said, she said, and divides this Nation even further.... and leaves the Republicans to claim some sort of plausible deniability on Kavanaugh. And they are afraid to get to the truth, because of God only knows what partisan strategy they want to accomplish, no matter how bad and wrong and unjust and unfair it is....

this is HOW IT LOOKS to near everyone, in this great nation and to those around the world that once had respect for us and the rule of law, see it.

It's a SHAM.... a SHAM slammed down our throats, and these Republican Senators on this committee SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES committing such a dereliction of DUTY.
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I can think of someone that is much more sleazy & that created much more debt, even filed several business bankruptcies that cost banks billion$.

Poor pathetic misguided commie MF, it only took 15 posts for you to deflect from your own thread, REPORTED FOR OFF TOPIC POST.


well, actually, BIG TEX, when you bloviated this BS: "So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself." that was a bit off topic but if you really wanna go crying to the police, then go ahead; call 9/11. :206:

The topic is the sleazy porn lawyer and his fables, is it not?


Actually no; the topic is more info coming on another Kavanaugh accuser.

Avanetti just happens to be the messenger.

Avanetti is a pig, he hasn't asked for the committee to make room for another witness. He's just trying to muddy the waters. That slime ball ambulance chaser doesn't deserve to breath.


I wish I could say he's just the equivalent of a FNC conservative hack, but Avanetti is a lot smarter and backs up his bluster with facts, the truth, and results! Trump has attacked everyone else but this guys who goes right at him! MA's detractors can't say that since they were also sure Trump would be exonerated by now in the Mueller investigations/probes! :11: :aargh: :2cents:

Poor Herman Cain
Poor Clarence Thomas
Poor John Conyers Jr.

Poor Blake Farenthold
Poor Ruben Kihuen
Poor Al Franken
Poor Trent Franks

Poor Bobby Scott
Poor Roy Moore
Poor George H.W. Bush

And the list just goes on and on and on and on with scum playing this card. What a hoot as to how many buy in, and how we fight and fight over it. What a joke, and a waste of time.


If just one of those guys would stand by their promise to sue their fake accusers I am sure it will all stop. Why dont they sue the pants/skirts off these women like they say they will at least to help future men that are being setup?
CARE: "the right thing to do, is for the FBI reopen his background check with these new allegations and investigate it, to the best that these investigators can."

Based on what? She doesn't know where, she doesn't know when, and there are no corroborating witnesses. She didn't say anything to anybody for 30 years, but now she speaks up at the last minute of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, after the questioning is over?

And her story keeps changing. The WaPo found that she'd given a different account of the party to a marriage counselor in 2012. In that version, four boys assaulted her (she didn't name Kavanaugh). She told the Post that there were four boys at the party but only two assaulted her. She said counselor's notes were wrong.

Here's how the Post reported it last week: "The (marriage counselors) notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist's part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room. "

In her letter to Sen. Feinstein, Ford also said that the party "included me and 4 others."

So, for years, Ford had clearly maintained that there were four other people — all boys — at the party.

Now, suddenly, Ford claims that one of the four was actually a girl. And that she was a lifelong friend of Ford's. But the woman, Leland Ingham Keyser, says she doesn't know Kavanaugh and has no idea about the party in question. And under oath and the penalty of perjury, NOBODY is supporting or verifying her story.

What the hell is the FBI going to find that causes them to issue a 7th background check that differs from the 1st 6? What you're advocating for is nothing short of political bullshit, a delaying tactic without merit and frankly without scruples either. What about Kavanaugh's rights? What happened to the presumption of innocence? Do you think he's being treated fairly in all this?

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