Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.

It didnt matter who was on a list.
What mattered is we'd get Conservatives on the SC.

...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.

and the vote on that new candidate would occur after the mid term elections, don't you think that everyone understands that dem tactic. but, it will probably all be academic since the dems wont take either house in November.
Kavanaugh deserves a verdict.
If the majority of the Senate agrees he's guilty this week, next week we'll have another candidate with a real short deadline to get confirmed

That's going to be a blow to Trump who was expecting to have a valuable ally in the supreme court (ie... executive powers and protection from courts).
...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.
Yeah Trump (probably Pence lol) showed the bag of conservative goodies to the evangelicals and they all had an orgasm.
oh please run Mooshelle in 2020, please please do it.

I think she's smart enough (and life is too short) to get on that shit-hole corrupted bandwagon. Time for a 40 year old with energy like Kennedy (or Obama) had.
Kavanaugh deserves a verdict.
If the majority of the Senate agrees he's guilty this week, next week we'll have another candidate with a real short deadline to get confirmed

That's going to be a blow to Trump who was expecting to have a valuable ally in the supreme court (ie... executive powers and protection from courts).

Even if Kavanaugh doesnt end up on the SC,which is unlikely,Trump would just place another Conservative Judge in his place.
So you were saying.....
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

so you think that her unsupported unwitnessed allegations are credible but his denials aren't? do you understand how stupid that makes you look?

They are credible when the accused begins to act shady.

Had Kavanaugh behaved like a typical innocent, forthcoming person there would be nothing to this. FBI would clear him and he'd be on his way to smooth nomination right now.

so wanting the ability to defend himself is acting shady? can you explain that? What exactly is wrong with expecting the accuser to support her accusations?

by the way, your hero Federer said that you made homosexual advances to him 30 years ago, prove that you didn't.

WTF? I SPECIFICALLY laid out what was shady about Kavanaugh's behavior so far and no dummy, it wasn't the fact that he would want to defend himself, it is HOW he has gone about it.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.
Even if Kavanaugh doesnt end up on the SC,which is unlikely,Trump would just place another Conservative Judge in his place.
So you were saying.....

The other potential candidates don't have that predisposition to favor more executive power to the president or immunity from prosecution.

You'll still end up with a social-issue biased candidate though... which will please evangelicals. (A fundamentalist christian bias that is...)
Kavanaugh deserves a verdict.
If the majority of the Senate agrees he's guilty this week, next week we'll have another candidate with a real short deadline to get confirmed

That's going to be a blow to Trump who was expecting to have a valuable ally in the supreme court (ie... executive powers and protection from courts).

Even if Kavanaugh doesnt end up on the SC,which is unlikely,Trump would just place another Conservative Judge in his place.
So you were saying.....

VERY few judges went out on the limb as far as Kavanaugh did in arguing that a president is effectively above the law while in office.

Just because you are conservative doesn't mean you favor such unbridled presidential powers.
lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.

It didnt matter who was on a list.
What mattered is we'd get Conservatives on the SC.

...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.

and the vote on that new candidate would occur after the mid term elections, don't you think that everyone understands that dem tactic. but, it will probably all be academic since the dems wont take either house in November.

and the vote on that new candidate would occur after the mid term elections,

and the new Justice,(Kavanaugh or not), will still be voted in and seated before the new Congress is seated
Even if Kavanaugh doesnt end up on the SC,which is unlikely,Trump would just place another Conservative Judge in his place.
So you were saying.....

The other potential candidates don't have that predisposition to favor more executive power to the president or immunity from prosecution.

You'll still end up with a social-issue biased candidate though... which will please evangelicals. (A fundamentalist christian bias that is...)

I'm good with Kavanaugh.
Hell,if just for the comedy value in watching you liberals destroy your own party.
If they found anything the dems would have already brought it out, don't be so naïve. Remember the wonderful words of your Kenyan messiah the great obozo, "elections have consequences". you libs need to GTFU and accept that reality so well expressed by your hero and savior.

Garland was not brought to a vote in accordance with long standing senate tradition to not vote on a SCOTUS nominee when the president is a lame duck. Getting even never works, it just makes you look like a juvenile idiot.

Ludicrous. President Obama isn't a (my) "messiah", and he wasn't a "lame duck" when he nominated Garland, and there is no such "tradition".
I think Ford never wanted to go public, she wanted to remain anonymous but somebody in Feinstein's office outed her. 'Course, it's her own fault for putting her name on that letter she wrote, I guess she trusted the Dems to keep her name out of it, but they saw a chance to derail the confirmation and took it. Things like integrity and trust don't measure up to winning and losing for the Dems.

If she doesn't show then I assume they can interview Kavanaugh about the issue if they want to, or just put the matter up for a vote and get on with it. I'm pretty sure he'll be there whether she is or not. But that's it, no more bullshit. If she appears on Thursday, great; she can have her say but if she does not show up then that's it. She can tell her story to the guy at The New Yorker that did the other woman's story if she wants to, but no more messing around in the Senate. Everybody on both sides already knows damn well what's going on here, and there's no need to keep this sorry mess in the news. And if somebody else pops up then they can speak their piece to the media, but the Senate needs to do it's job with no more bullshit.

I agree. She has the opportunity to testify. If she doesn't take it, get on with it.
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Not accusing you specifically, but now we're supposed to trust the committee to handle the investigation? Haven't we been told that we need the experts in the FBI investigate? Just wondering why it went one way, now the other.
If I was Grassley, I would say the hell with the hearing with Ford and Kavanaugh; because she seems not to be honest about even attending it at all. From various sources; it has been reported that at first, she was afraid of flying to DC. But yet, she is already in Delaware. And she has been there since Monday. Makes you wonder how she got there so quickly. I am sure if she drove there, she would have left late Friday or early Saturday morning. But still...from whar I have read from the various reports, she was even spotted at an airport somewhere on the east coast. Not far from Delaware.
So, she is making this a three-ring circus and she is loving it! Probably laughing at them.
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, that leaves Trump to nominate another justice, he can nominate a person who is more conservative and less desirable then Kavanaugh, the Senate then will not confirm. Then it puts the pressure on the Democrats to pass the third nominee because by that time the American public will be tired of the games. So, Trump and the Republicans can then force the issue.
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, that leaves Trump to nominate another justice, he can nominate a person who is more conservative and less desirable then Kavanaugh, the Senate then will not confirm. Then it puts the pressure on the Democrats to pass the third nominee because by that time the American public will be tired of the games. So, Trump and the Republicans can then force the issue.

I believe Kavanaugh will be confirmed. We cannot have another Ginsberg who rather make decisions based on the World Court. We are a country that was base on the Constitution. But let it may; he will be confirmed regarding all these ridiculous accusations.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


The same way most investigations start. Interview the actors, interview witnesses and keep good notes.

Then interview or interrogate the same people, find new names to interview and keep good notes.

Then collate the notes, design a strategy and ask the question again and again. Find the little lies, and the big ones will follow.

ROFLMAO, she says these people were there, where ever there is. All of them say they have no recollection they were ever at such a party. Where do you go from there? Because that's where we're at right now.


Thank you for once again posting a partisan message based solely on ignorance and dishonesty.

Why do you support Trumpism?

Today we are being governed by an Authoritarian, a narcissist and megalomaniac who has cowed much of The Congress; Trump has nominated for the Supreme Court someone who very likely promised to be loyal to him; he has alienated our friends, attacked the press, kissed the ass of Putin and used the power of his office with the aid of McConnell to destroy long held traditions.

Grow up, and become the patriot you want others to believe you are.
...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.
Yeah Trump (probably Pence lol) showed the bag of conservative goodies to the evangelicals and they all had an orgasm.
oh please run Mooshelle in 2020, please please do it.

I think she's smart enough (and life is too short) to get on that shit-hole corrupted bandwagon. Time for a 40 year old with energy like Kennedy (or Obama) had.

What did Obama do for the SCOTUS? NOTHING.
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, that leaves Trump to nominate another justice, he can nominate a person who is more conservative and less desirable then Kavanaugh, the Senate then will not confirm. Then it puts the pressure on the Democrats to pass the third nominee because by that time the American public will be tired of the games. So, Trump and the Republicans can then force the issue.

You consider the Democrats playing a game? How do you consider McConnell's failure to bring Obama's nominee up for the advice and consent to replace Scalia?

McConnell used the forthcoming election for misfeasance, and did not apply the same standard in this election year.

McConnell Wife is employed by Trump in his Administration, Quid Pro Quo seems to be afoot.
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Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.

So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself.


I can think of someone that is much more sleazy & that created much more debt, even filed several business bankruptcies that cost banks billion$.

Poor pathetic misguided commie MF, it only took 15 posts for you to deflect from your own thread, REPORTED FOR OFF TOPIC POST.


well, actually, BIG TEX, when you bloviated this BS: "So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself." that was a bit off topic but if you really wanna go crying to the police, then go ahead; call 9/11. :206:

The topic is the sleazy porn lawyer and his fables, is it not?


Actually no; the topic is more info coming on another Kavanaugh accuser.

Avanetti just happens to be the messenger.

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