Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

so you think that her unsupported unwitnessed allegations are credible but his denials aren't? do you understand how stupid that makes you look?

They are credible when the accused begins to act shady.

Had Kavanaugh behaved like a typical innocent, forthcoming person there would be nothing to this. FBI would clear him and he'd be on his way to smooth nomination right now.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

I am SOOO glad you are not a lawyer, investigator or a even a simple jurist, who keeps making a fool of himself in the process.

Here is something YOU need to understand, The ACCUSER is the one who has to prove it happened with evidence with the help of a local police prosecutor or Detective. The Accused only has to sit back to see what "evidence" are brought up against him before making a defense.

Dr. Ford has never made a statement under other OATH to the Senate Committee, neither has she asked a local police to investigate it, neither has she sued him over it.

She is running on NOTHING, even her own long time friend contradicted Ford by saying UNDER OATH she didn't know who Kavanaugh was and was never there as claimed by Ford.

Why don't you do some learning on what the RULE OF LAW is?

Burden of proof (law)

"The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the obligation of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets its burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side."

DR. Ford has yet to provide any burden of proof, Kavanaugh doesn't have to defend anything.

Dummy, this is not a court of law. Kavanaugh is not in legal jeopardy. This is a court of public opinion and Congress that can confirm or deny him for just about any reason at all.
McConnell can't let the dems get away with a double standard on sex. Clinton got away with everything, that is the standard. If Kavanaugh passed the FBI background check, he passed, then the Senate needs to check if he's qualified. There cannot be this character assassination by female lawyers coming out of the woodwork. Kavanaugh will be confirmed, but not soon enough, Grassley is playing with fire postponing the vote.
He didn't pass a FBI investigation with the new allegations. Sorry.

What part of "there is no FBI investigation for new allegations" don't you understand? He passed the background check 6x, he's cleared. New allegations are garbage.
The part where repubs claim to moral upstanding citizens. So what he passed the previous 6 checks? Why wouldnt he? They didnt know to ask Ford if he sexually assaulted her.

Based on the excuses we've been hearing, she would have said no, because reasons and stuff. Only now has she been able to overcome her reluctance to go public?
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.
What do you think Kavenaugh's family is going through? What do you think his children have to deal with, knowing their father and hearing people call him a rapist even though he's not accused of it?

See, this is why the whole thing stinks like political opportunism. Feinstein had the letter and could have handled the accusation in any number of ways to minimize the circus. That she did it this way tells me she wanted precisely the circus she's getting.

Do you for a minute believe she never intended for Ford's identity to come out? Ford took a polygraph. That clearly shows she expected to be public.

That's one reason why I believe the whole thing was orchestrated from the beginning and have a hard time believing the accused.

Yeah, any and all reasons to disbelieve the victims would do, right? In doubt, make them up.

List the "number of ways" Feinstein could have handled this, other than, first, contacting Senate leadership over the case (to be turned down), then handing the letter to the FBI (to be turned down again). Three or four ways would do, along with a short explanation how you believe less "circus" would ensue. Thank you.

What if Ford took the polygraph on Feinstein's urging so as to assure Feinstein she isn't falling for a political plot? Or do you think Ford came up with the idea?

BTW, if you didn't actually mean to say you "have a hard time believing the accused", did you?
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

I am SOOO glad you are not a lawyer, investigator or a even a simple jurist, who keeps making a fool of himself in the process.

Here is something YOU need to understand, The ACCUSER is the one who has to prove it happened with evidence with the help of a local police prosecutor or Detective. The Accused only has to sit back to see what "evidence" are brought up against him before making a defense.

Dr. Ford has never made a statement under other OATH to the Senate Committee, neither has she asked a local police to investigate it, neither has she sued him over it.

She is running on NOTHING, even her own long time friend contradicted Ford by saying UNDER OATH she didn't know who Kavanaugh was and was never there as claimed by Ford.

Why don't you do some learning on what the RULE OF LAW is?

Burden of proof (law)

"The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the obligation of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets its burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side."

DR. Ford has yet to provide any burden of proof, Kavanaugh doesn't have to defend anything.

Dummy, this is not a court of law. Kavanaugh is not in legal jeopardy. This is a court of public opinion and Congress that can confirm or deny him for just about any reason at all.

Then according to YOU, we can try to destroy people with unsupported accusations or even flat out LIES, for political or public purposes. It sounds like you have no respect for the law at all then.

Because of people like YOU, he is already convicted of rape, something even Dr. Ford never claimed happened. For the rest of his life, Judge Kavanaugh will have to deal with the damage caused by "public Opinion", based on unsupported allegations.

Do you really think this is good for America to just convict people based on allegations, without legal process?

Lets continue on with Burden of Proof:

"The burden of proof is always on the person who brings a claim in a dispute. It is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, a translation of which in this context is: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."[2]

The party that does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption of being correct, they are presumed to be correct, until the burden shifts after presentation of evidence by the party bringing the action. An example is in an American criminal case, where there is a presumption of innocence by the defendant. Fulfilling the burden of proof effectively captures the benefit of assumption, passing the burden of proof off to another party."

bolding mine

DR. Ford never had intention of following due process, she wants to attack him for the singular purpose of preventing his election to the SCOTUS, because she KNOWS just sliming him with an accusation will be enough for brainless Democrats to fall for it and beat down Kavanaugh with lies of rape, which Ford never claimed it happened.

This is mob justice, where no evidence/facts are needed, just a belief is enough.

This why I consider her to be a vile human being.
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this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.
McConnell can't let the dems get away with a double standard on sex. Clinton got away with everything, that is the standard. If Kavanaugh passed the FBI background check, he passed, then the Senate needs to check if he's qualified. There cannot be this character assassination by female lawyers coming out of the woodwork. Kavanaugh will be confirmed, but not soon enough, Grassley is playing with fire postponing the vote.
He didn't pass a FBI investigation with the new allegations. Sorry.

What part of "there is no FBI investigation for new allegations" don't you understand? He passed the background check 6x, he's cleared. New allegations are garbage.
The part where repubs claim to moral upstanding citizens. So what he passed the previous 6 checks? Why wouldnt he? They didnt know to ask Ford if he sexually assaulted her.

We'll see the evidence on Thursday if she shows up. McConnell said that Kav has many witnesses that contradict her fuzzy claims. Should be a circus on Thursday.
No we wont see any evidence. Didnt you get the memo? No witnesses. Just he said she said.

Unless he's been smart and didn't try to play to the circus, just thought like a judge who is familiar with courtroom tactics and kept his cards close to the vest. If that's true, no one can advise him of trying to trash his accuser in the court of public opinion. That would be smart.
Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.

It didnt matter who was on a list.
What mattered is we'd get Conservatives on the SC.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

I am SOOO glad you are not a lawyer, investigator or a even a simple jurist, who keeps making a fool of himself in the process.

Here is something YOU need to understand, The ACCUSER is the one who has to prove it happened with evidence with the help of a local police prosecutor or Detective. The Accused only has to sit back to see what "evidence" are brought up against him before making a defense.

Dr. Ford has never made a statement under other OATH to the Senate Committee, neither has she asked a local police to investigate it, neither has she sued him over it.

She is running on NOTHING, even her own long time friend contradicted Ford by saying UNDER OATH she didn't know who Kavanaugh was and was never there as claimed by Ford.

Why don't you do some learning on what the RULE OF LAW is?

Burden of proof (law)

"The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the obligation of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets its burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side."

DR. Ford has yet to provide any burden of proof, Kavanaugh doesn't have to defend anything.

Dummy, this is not a court of law. Kavanaugh is not in legal jeopardy. This is a court of public opinion and Congress that can confirm or deny him for just about any reason at all.

Then according to YOU, we can try to destroy people with unsupported accusations, for political or public purposes. It sounds like you have no respect for the law at all then.

Because of people like YOU, he is already convicted of rape, something even Dr. Ford never claimed happened. For the rest of his life, Judge Kavanaugh will have to deal with the damage caused by "public Opinion", based on unsupported allegations.

Do you really think this is good for America to just convict people based on allegations, without legal process?

Whats the alternative? Not let someone victimized by the lifetime nomenee to the Supreme Court have a chance to testify? Thats not a viable option.

Accuser can make her case and accused can make his. So far the accuser is making much better case having taken a polygraph test and calling for FBI investigation, while the accused is making spurious assertions and dodging an FBI investigation.
Why all this is being rushed before the mid-terms? And why an FBI investigation is impossible? Timing with the expectation that house and senate will be lost in less than 60 days.

Trump needs Kavanaugh in the supreme court:
  • Brett will enable more executive power and protection from the courts to Trump and family.
  • Brett will help the ultra-conservative agenda of evangelicals.
  • Brett will ensure evangelicals continue to support an immoral Trump as an important part of the base.
Evangelicals need Kavanaugh in the supreme court.
  • To be in a position to reverse RoeVWade (abortion ruling)
  • To promote and enforce a fundamentalist christian friendly agenda for the next 40 years.
I could go on with what's motivating this totally corrupted 'stuff the court' effort by christian lobbies in the USA.

Separation of church and state in the USA ?

"Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United Stateswhich reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

I call BULLSHIT McConnell !
Evangelicals will support a pig if it helps their agenda!
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Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's

You’ve been supporting these people.

Please do not lie about me. Disliking Trump is not the same as supporting these people.

I have been in favor of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks and one of the things that pisses me off the most is that if the left succeeds in stopping Kavanaugh's confirmation, the next choice by Trump will likely be far worse.

If that's your only worry, then so what? Anyone the Orange Turd will nominate is going to be sketchy AF, so might as well ride it out.

There are people on his list that are 100 times more the ideologue that Kavanaugh is, there are people on his list that make Kavanaugh look like William Brennan.

You morons are shooting yourselves in the foot right now and slapping each other on the back while you do it

How so?
Evangelicals will support a pig if it helps their agenda!


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that background check has already been done 6 times, they found nothing 6 times. this whole dem charade is nothing but a pathetic attempt to delay the vote, any one with a lick of common sense knows that by now.

How do you know they found "nothing"? Maybe they found an accusation but couldn't corroborate it, and / or dismissed a "witness" as unreliable, as males often do in the face of females complaining about male aggression. Are you privy to the FBI background-check files? Of course, in case they ignored evidence for sexual assault, the FBI has an incentive to bury the case even deeper and to refuse to improve on the background check to cover up their failure.

Maybe they found nothing because they didn't check back as far as Kavanaugh's high school and college years?

How do you know "this whole dem charade is nothing but a pathetic attempt to delay the vote"? I mean, assuming ulterior motives without so much as a shred of evidence (that should be a big hint) shines a bright light, indeed, on your own state of mind. The term in question is "projection", and there's the case of judge Garland to shed even more light, that is, delaying the vote indefinitely, just not by Dems.

If they found anything the dems would have already brought it out, don't be so naïve. Remember the wonderful words of your Kenyan messiah the great obozo, "elections have consequences". you libs need to GTFU and accept that reality so well expressed by your hero and savior.

Garland was not brought to a vote in accordance with long standing senate tradition to not vote on a SCOTUS nominee when the president is a lame duck. Getting even never works, it just makes you look like a juvenile idiot.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.

It didnt matter who was on a list.
What mattered is we'd get Conservatives on the SC.

...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.
Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.

Whether he was on a list or not has no bearing.
Trump didnt even have to provide a list in the first place.

It has 100% bearing on the question of anyone voting for Trump to get Kavanaugh specifically nominated to the supreme court.

Many people did vote for Trump because he promised to nominate conservative judges and Trump could have nominated any one of them and he still has a dozen to chose from.

It didnt matter who was on a list.
What mattered is we'd get Conservatives on the SC.

...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.

Why? Because of a bunch of baseless accusations put out by a dem operative?
Fuck that!!!
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

so you think that her unsupported unwitnessed allegations are credible but his denials aren't? do you understand how stupid that makes you look?

They are credible when the accused begins to act shady.

Had Kavanaugh behaved like a typical innocent, forthcoming person there would be nothing to this. FBI would clear him and he'd be on his way to smooth nomination right now.

so wanting the ability to defend himself is acting shady? can you explain that? What exactly is wrong with expecting the accuser to support her accusations?

by the way, your hero Federer said that you made homosexual advances to him 30 years ago, prove that you didn't.
...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.

Yeah Trump (probably Pence lol) showed the bag of conservative goodies to the evangelicals and they all had an orgasm.
...did I not just say that? Trump can yank Kavanaugh and replace him with any other of a dozen conservative judges.

Kavanaugh deserves a verdict.

If the majority of the Senate agrees he's guilty this week, next week we'll have another candidate with a real short deadline to get confirmed

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