Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.
I can't wait until Kavanaugh is voted onto the USSC so the crazy Leftists can focus on something else. Maybe we'll get to replace RBG, that will make the Loony Left go even more berserk. Lets put the really conservative gal from ND on next!!
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.
What evidence is there that the train rape accusation is based on an actual events??
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

Kavanaugh has already been drawn through the mud, there is no downside now to see this through.

Getting confirmed is his best opportunity at rehabilitation.

If he fails to go on to the court under these circumstances, his career and life are ruined.
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
Can't let his life be ruined by the crazy Leftists, he is well qualified, and passed all FBI background checks. Hell, even the NYT doesn't believe some of the claims since they couldn't vet them.
Vote him on NOW!!
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....

Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....

There is nothing there except 2 very drunk girls, that are BOTH ABNORMAL ACTIVISTS, that have NO CORROBORATION of anything, except a terrible mental disease called progressivism!
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....


since the accuser cannot say when or where the alleged attack happened 35 years ago or who might have witnessed it, what exactly do you want the FBI to investigate?

also, the FBI does not have jurisdiction to investigate a matter that is past the statute of limitation and did not occur on federal property, maybe the state, city, or county could investigate if anyone could tell them where to start.

this is nothing but another dem witch hunt designed to delay the vote to confirm a very qualified judge. It is a national disgrace.
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:
The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....

There is nothing there except 2 very drunk girls, that are BOTH ABNORMAL ACTIVISTS, that have NO CORROBORATION of anything, except a terrible mental disease called progressivism!
Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....

There is nothing there except 2 very drunk girls, that are BOTH ABNORMAL ACTIVISTS, that have NO CORROBORATION of anything, except a terrible mental disease called progressivism!
Where is the evidence?.....36 years and NEVER a HINT OF THIS.....That disease is full blown in you!
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:

the FBI does not have jurisdiction, why cant you understand that? Why did Feinstein hold the letter for 6 weeks if it was such incriminating documentation? Why didn't she bring it up in the hearings? Why didn't she bring it up when she questioned him privately?

everyone but you understands that this is nothing but a slander attempt to delay the vote.

and my daughter is very proud of me, not that it is any of your business.

McConnell & Trump both have stated they both have the ultimate support for the rapist Kavanaugh; why would there be any need for Ford to say a word?

Neither women have accused him of Rape, your dishonest attempt to create this lie exposes YOUR penchant to create something out of the air.

I see that many Ford supporters have IGNORED this fact, I posted this once before which was ignored for the obvious reason:

I can't fathom the STUPIDITY of democrats who continue their belief that it happen based on UNSUPPORTED allegation of something that ALL four named people denied it ever took place:

Committee contacts Ford's friend about party; 'she has no recollection' of it, lawyer says

"CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.

"I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article," a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.
On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Simply put," Walsh said, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."

This coupled with other people named by Ford who also say they were never there:

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”

Why continue to believe in something with ZERO evidence behind it?

Then we have this which Ford defenders have already ignored several times I brought it up, that the Statute of Limitations in the State of Maryland NEVER expires over what she alleges, why doesn't she just sue him or the Prosecutor sue him?

Post #883 I quote:

"No it is the STATE of Maryland to do that IF they think there is enough reason do so, the statute of limitations doesn't expire in conjunction to what Ford alleges, thus the State or Ford, can take him to court.

Why don't either one do it?

Criminal Statutes of Limitations

All four have stated UNDER OATH that they were not there!

Ford has yet to commit to anything beyond accusations. No oath statement nor does she sue Kavanaugh in a Maryland court, nor does she ask a Maryland Prosecutor to investigate her claims against Kavanaugh.

Her very inaction exposes her as someone who KNOWS she has NOTHING to work with.
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:

MD has jurisdiction over the accuser's case, and MD said that they will not investigate. Google it for yourself.
MD has jurisdiction over the accuser's case, and MD said that they will not investigate. Google it for yourself.

That's because Maryland knows there is nothing to it- even less worthy than the death of Freddie Gray which they did prosecute with no evidence.

The state is a Far Left Mecca of extremist Democrat Socialism. Yet, they still won't touch this
And they are such bizzare allegations it's pathetic
No, drinking games among freshmen in college are not "bizarre."

Prove it happenned, no more hearsay, fucking proof and if you cant provide it stfu

You loons are pathetic
Good...you support a full FBI investigation of these allegations......I wonder why Kavanaugh and the GOP does not.

Because the FBI has no jurisdiction over local cases from 30+ years ago....

The FBI had jurisdiction in the Hill/Thomas accusations because they allegedly happened at a federal agency.
Jurisdiction for prosecution....what is wrong with investigating the truth in these matters like they did with Clarence Thomas? What is the GOP afraid of?
After 6 FBI investigations it's becoming clear that the Democrats are using this stunt to delay the vote. If there was any truth to the accusations the FBI would have found it in at least one of those investigations.
He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:

No one is preventing Ford from suing Kavanaugh and present her invisible evidence to back up her allegations, even NOW she doesn't ask a local Maryland prosecutor to investigate.

YOU have been told many times that the FBI made a statement that they amended the Kavanaugh file of her assault allegations, will NOT investigate and says it is a LOCAL matter to handle it. STOP with the FBI must investigate babble, they have stated they will NOT investigate!

To this minute Dr. Ford hasn't one made an OATH statement for the record, she has been 100% contradicted by all for people she named as being there including her long time friend, Mrs. Keyser who also says she wasn't there.

Why can't you admit she has NOTHING to back her accusations with?
Why doesn't she ask a Maryland prosecutor investigate her claims?
Why didn't she tell Feinstein who destroyed her privacy to kindly (censored) Who didn't respect her request to remain anonymous?

Why cant you see that this is pure politics?
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He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:

No one is preventing Ford from suing Kavanaugh and present her invisible evidence to back up her allegations, even NOW she doesn't ask a local Maryland prosecutor to investigate.

YOU have been told many times that the FBI made a statement that they amended the Kavanaugh file of her assault allegations, will NOT investigate and says it is a LOCAL matter to handle it. STOP with the FBI must investigate babble, they have stated they will NOT investigate!

To this minute Dr. Ford hasn't one made an OATH statement for the record, she has been 100% contradicted by all for people she named as being there including her long time friend, Mrs. Keyser who also says she wasn't there.

Why can't you admit she has NOTHING to back her accusations with?
Why doesn't she ask a Maryland prosecutor investigate her claims?
Why didn't she tell Feinstein who destroyed her privacy to kindly (censored) Who didn't respect her request to remain anonymous?

Why cant you see that this is pure politics?

she cant see it because everything she posts is pure politics and devoid of any facts or truth. Her user name says it all, she wants socialized medicine where some GS7 in a cubicle somewhere deep in a building in DC will be making your medical decisions for you.

liberalism is a mental disease, care4 proves that on this message board every day.

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