Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Don't worry, I hear they have more liars lined up ready to claim he raped her. Is there anyone he hasn't raped?

and if all that fails...

Breaking : Kavanaugh "Did Wheelies Without A Helmet" According to Two Hotties Who Lived Down The Street:21::laughing0301:

Lord,..what a Circus! how stupid the Left is? VERY!


No it's a freak show, don't disparage the circus.

Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


The same way most investigations start. Interview the actors, interview witnesses and keep good notes.

Then interview or interrogate the same people, find new names to interview and keep good notes.

Then collate the notes, design a strategy and ask the question again and again. Find the little lies, and the big ones will follow.
`Brett Kavanaugh's prospects of being confirmed to the Supreme Court suffered another major setback on Sunday night

Still waiting for the first shred of proof against him.

Without proof, accusations by democrats against Kavanaugh carry no more weight than democrats whining about Trump because they didn't want him as president.
`Brett Kavanaugh's prospects of being confirmed to the Supreme Court suffered another major setback on Sunday night

Still waiting for the first shred of proof against him.

Without proof, accusations by democrats against Kavanaugh carry no more weight than democrats whining about Trump because they didn't want him as president.

LOL Wishful thinking ^^^ on display, built on a foundation of hypocrisy. No one is chanting "lock him up". All but the hacks want to know the truth.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


The same way most investigations start. Interview the actors, interview witnesses and keep good notes.

Then interview or interrogate the same people, find new names to interview and keep good notes.

Then collate the notes, design a strategy and ask the question again and again. Find the little lies, and the big ones will follow.

ROFLMAO, she says these people were there, where ever there is. All of them say they have no recollection they were ever at such a party. Where do you go from there? Because that's where we're at right now.

`Brett Kavanaugh's prospects of being confirmed to the Supreme Court suffered another major setback on Sunday night

Still waiting for the first shred of proof against him.

Without proof, accusations by democrats against Kavanaugh carry no more weight than democrats whining about Trump because they didn't want him as president.

LOL Wishful thinking ^^^ on display, built on a foundation of hypocrisy. No one is chanting "lock him up". All but the hacks want to know the truth.

Everyone wants the truth. Tell us something we don't already know! But in every court and legal proceeding I've ever been in, there are rules, a start time, and limitations on when, how and for how long you may present your case. The Senate has already bent over backwards to accommodate this woman. Now she will either appear and present her evidence and face the questions this Thursday or go back into anonymity.
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.
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Sexual allegations do not apply to Democrats.
Yep that's why Al Franken is still a senator.
Nah, we all know what happened there. After it was exposed that most of Hollywood with the biggest Democrat donors was actually whitewashing sexual assault, rape, and sexual harassment and getting away with it for decades, they had to sacrifice an Al Franken to continue to make stupid, brainwashed women tink that Democrats actually care for them. They have done the same with blacks and other minorities, nothing but bullshit and lip service, but all that happened over and over for generations was the Democrats taking them for granted and then shitting on them, once they got into office.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


You actually want a break down of the process or do you just not really have an actual objection to what is essentially a reasonable position.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


You actually want a break down of the process or do you just not really have an actual objection to what is essentially a reasonable position.

The system broke down 30 years ago when the commiecrats decided they were going to take the blindfold off of lady justice and use her as a super-legislature. They couldn't get their policies passed the proper way so they decided to rule the courts. This isn't about the courts and justice, it's all about you commiecrats agenda and the destruction of the Constitution. Do you seriously think the commies would put so much effort to sway 1/9th of the court if that weren't the case?

You might want to be careful what you wish for, this by any means necessary mantra can and probably will get some people hurt. Schumer announced that as the commiecrat stance the day Kennedy resigned form the court.

There's no shortage of women who were drunken party girls in their youth.

and there is no shortage of Republicans that believe it's OK to sexually assault a young, drunk, female.
Even by their own questionable hazy accounts, no sexual "assault" occurred. Learn the definition if you are going to throw it around.
Lets see how guilty the Senators think he is. I bet not guilty at all...
You still idiotically claimed...
You can get 2/3 of the Senate? No? Then impeachment can't happen. Go wallow in your bullshit.
Don’t you think it would be prudent for you to know what you’re talking about?
Hey everyone, I just "recovered" a memory of me winning the SuperBall lottery. It was so vivid, I knew the winning numbers and everything. Hey and YOU were there, and YOU and YOU!!!

My bank account doesn't reflect this reality but, meh, what's the use of evidence these days? Now where's my money? If the money don't turn up, I'm calling the FBI to investigate.

//New Rules
Can you not even see another side to this? Are you serious? Okay, I'll spell it out. First, the Dems are absolutely driving Republicans straight to the polls with this in November. Read up on that. Second, you are opening up a Pandora's box now for EVERY candidate. You think we won't turn this game on you? You think you can FIND a Dem candidate who didn't, in high school, have drunken shenanigans? If our Congressmen won't find those shenanigans, believe me, our media WILL.Stupid, stupid, short-sighted Dems. As. Ever.
The way I'm seeing now, trump and the republicans are driving the democrats to the polls. It's all the same to me as I neither like nor trust either party. I might have voted for Sanders and Warren but they both supported Hillary, who I still can't stand. I voted Green but with Jill Stein hobnobbing with Putin, I will not support her either. Sad state of affairs.
Long ago, maybe even a eons ago, via the leaked DNC emails, it became apparent that Clinton did indeed rig the election, just as many claimed, such as Bernie Sanders.

What has Trump ever done that actually effected you besides lower your taxes?
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

See Post No. 5
How many women were approached to create this claim and who have decided to be silent?

Perhaps she approached him...have you thought of that?

You're suggesting Dr. Ford approached Soros and said, "You give me a lot of money and I'll send a letter to Dianne Feinstein saying Kavanaugh tried to rape me in high school."??????

Maybe you should look into her background and ask yourself why she would do that to her family and her kids.
Why her husband would go along with it.
That's sheer fucking fantastical thinking.
She's in hiding right now.
Try being driven out of your home with death threats and ask yourself what it's worth.


It is every bit as plausible as her story and has the same amount of evidence.
"The Democrats are working hard to destroy a wonderful man, and a man who has the potential to be one of our greatest Supreme Court Justices ever, with an array of False Accusations the likes of which have never been seen before!" - President Trump
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's

You’ve been supporting these people.

Please do not lie about me. Disliking Trump is not the same as supporting these people.

I have been in favor of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks and one of the things that pisses me off the most is that if the left succeeds in stopping Kavanaugh's confirmation, the next choice by Trump will likely be far worse.

If that's your only worry, then so what? Anyone the Orange Turd will nominate is going to be sketchy AF, so might as well ride it out.

There are people on his list that are 100 times more the ideologue that Kavanaugh is, there are people on his list that make Kavanaugh look like William Brennan.

You morons are shooting yourselves in the foot right now and slapping each other on the back while you do it
"Hold the vote today.
Flake will drop, because he is worthless.
Any other Republican who wants to keep his/her seat will hold the line.
Pence breaks 50-50 tie.
Kavanaugh gets confirmed.
Justice done."

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