Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.

So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself.


I can think of someone that is much more sleazy & that created much more debt, even filed several business bankruptcies that cost banks billion$.

Poor pathetic misguided commie MF, it only took 15 posts for you to deflect from your own thread, REPORTED FOR OFF TOPIC POST.


well, actually, BIG TEX, when you bloviated this BS: "So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself." that was a bit off topic but if you really wanna go crying to the police, then go ahead; call 9/11. :206:
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

"be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that."

This is not true, no such thing has been shown and it damn well is totally a partisan attack. Too bad that lib/dems like you don't have the integrity to see it.

"now that there are a lot of different allegations"....

LOL, and what allegations are those? Some a-hole says "X" that is totally unsubstantiated and you buy it for no other reason than it fits your ideology?

Guilty until proven otherwise is not how we do business in this country. There is not one bit of evidence that shows Kavanaugh has done the things he is accused of, and you assume he did without anything to show why you jumped to that conclusion. Which frankly makes you an ideological tool. Or fool. Maybe both.
Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.

He's against the FBI investigating him; the same FBI that did a half-dozen background checks on him throughout his career? Got a link to that?

The truth is it's the FBI that said it's not their issue. The first letter in FBI means Federal. A teen house party is not a federal issue.

A good man who drank at a younger age is not to be believed. But the "good women" who admittedly drank are good women? HTF do you arrive at that conclusion?
They didn’t attack his character ...
See, that wasn't so hard, admitting the POS Democrats are 'Herman Cain'ing a good man, attempting to destroy his life, family, and marriage - not just refuse to give him a vote.

lol you are such a fucking moron I don’t even know where to begin.
Defeated to the point of speachlessness....or is that just an allergic reaction to finally being honest? :p
Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.
More liars? Surprise surprise surprise.
Well, he's been right every time so far. Even in the face for more Republican liars.
To get to the truth behind Ford's accusations it is being reported that the GOP is bringing in an expert Sex Crimes Prosecutor who is exceptionally experienced and knowledgeable regarding these crimes to question Ford...

Facing such an expert has the Ford team screaming 'Foul'....

1st Ford's lawyer claimed putting Ford under oath would be 'counter-productive to finding the truth'.
- WTF?!

Next Ford's team screamed 'no fair's when the GOP stated they may gave their extremely qualified FEMALE lawyer aides question Ford instead, eliminating any liberal opportunity to claim the 11 GOP men making up the committee were rude, sexist, unfair, etc.... :p

Now, evidently, Ford & the Deep State Lawyers are panicking over their witnesses possibly having to face an extremely expert specialist in Sex Crimes...

Ford is reportedly starting to get cold feet...

Hearing in Doubt? Christine Ford’s Lawyer Rips Senate Plan to Have Prosecutor Ask Questions: Not ‘Fair and Respectful’

Freedom is slavery
War is peace
Ignorance is slavery.

Let the Democrats add:
Testifying under oath is counterproductive to truth

As scary a bunch as Orwell predicted they would be.
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Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.

He's against the FBI investigating him; the same FBI that did a half-dozen background checks on him throughout his career? Got a link to that?

The truth is it's the FBI that said it's not their issue. The first letter in FBI means Federal. A teen house party is not a federal issue.

A good man who drank at a younger age is not to be believed. But the "good women" who admittedly drank are good women? HTF do you arrive at that conclusion?
They didn’t attack his character ...
See, that wasn't so hard, admitting the POS Democrats are 'Herman Cain'ing a good man, attempting to destroy his life, family, and marriage - not just refuse to give him a vote.

lol you are such a fucking moron I don’t even know where to begin.
Defeated to the point of speachlessness....or is that just an allergic reaction to finally being honest? :p

What do you tell to a moron not capable of sane thought process?

You are out there on the moon complaining about there not being enough cheese.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.

He's against the FBI investigating him; the same FBI that did a half-dozen background checks on him throughout his career? Got a link to that?

The truth is it's the FBI that said it's not their issue. The first letter in FBI means Federal. A teen house party is not a federal issue.

A good man who drank at a younger age is not to be believed. But the "good women" who admittedly drank are good women? HTF do you arrive at that conclusion?
They didn’t attack his character ...
See, that wasn't so hard, admitting the POS Democrats are 'Herman Cain'ing a good man, attempting to destroy his life, family, and marriage - not just refuse to give him a vote.

lol you are such a fucking moron I don’t even know where to begin.
Defeated to the point of speachlessness....or is that just an allergic reaction to finally being honest? :p

What do you tell to a moron not capable of same thought process?
I am not sure exactly what to say to you, but I will let you know...
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?
sounds like someone is scared of being asked questions by an expert in what she's claiming.

If she is telling the truth she has nothing to fear...
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?
Now we have perfect examples why women do not come forward , smear campaigns, threats, and even having to move her family of her home.

The only smear campaign so far has been against Kavanaugh! The guy has the right:
  1. To face his accuser. Ford has tried to deny him that.
  2. To defend himself against the charges.
  3. To examine and challenge the evidence. Still waiting for a shred of evidence.
Chrissy Ford has had THIRTY-SIX years to come forward when all it would have been is a minor college case in the quiet backlogs of local police and a university and chose not to. Now she decides to come forward in a NATIONAL case against just about the highest profile person in the country! And has tried to do it anonymously and without witnesses or credible evidence! And mutton-heads like you don't see a thing wrong with this picture and are prepared to empower women ON THEIR WORD ALONE, even with so many lying, even in a clear case of partisanship, even with obvious maneuvering to delay and thwart a confirmation for purely political reasons!

Yet you were the same person who held THE EXACT OPPOSITE position of the women who accused BILL CLINTON of rape and assault. You have pig shit for brains, you perennially apply a double standard so long as it suits YOUR skewed agenda, and NO ONE, not even the Pope is SO CREDIBLE that a SPECIAL ALLOWANCE can be made in the law that A PERSON'S WORD IS 24K GOLD------


Take your sexist bullcrap and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine, Peneloppy. CHRISSY FORD, an avowed Left Winger made the decision to come forward NOW and charge a Supreme Court nominee of assault from a THIRD OF A CENTURY AGO, and expects us to just take her word for it with teeming contradictions and without a thread of evidence to back it up. Screw her, you and all like her. Whatever she gets now, she has brought it all upon herself.

McConnell & Trump both have stated they both have the ultimate support for the rapist Kavanaugh; why would there be any need for Ford to say a word?
Bbecause she has changed her story, has witnesses who say it never happened, and has launched these allegations...

As D-Hirano said, 'Shut up, step up, & do the right thing'.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?
Don't worry, I hear they have more liars lined up ready to claim he raped her. Is there anyone he hasn't raped?

and if all that fails...

Breaking : Kavanaugh "Did Wheelies Without A Helmet" According to Two Hotties Who Lived Down The Street:21::laughing0301:

Lord,..what a Circus! how stupid the Left is? VERY!

Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.

So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself.


I can think of someone that is much more sleazy & that created much more debt, even filed several business bankruptcies that cost banks billion$.

Poor pathetic misguided commie MF, it only took 15 posts for you to deflect from your own thread, REPORTED FOR OFF TOPIC POST.


well, actually, BIG TEX, when you bloviated this BS: "So the sleazy porn lawyer is injecting himself again, he's going deeper in debt every day, maybe he should find some paying clients. That 10 million in debt won't pay itself." that was a bit off topic but if you really wanna go crying to the police, then go ahead; call 9/11. :206:

The topic is the sleazy porn lawyer and his fables, is it not?

Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.
More liars? Surprise surprise surprise.
Well, he's been right every time so far. Even in the face for more Republican liars.

LMAO, from choir boy to organizing drunken, drugged up gang rapes in two short weeks. Give me a fucking break, no way even you, with absolutely no moral compass, would believe that shit.

Mod Note: For 3 days now, we've been packing up about 25 threads and merging them into the "Daily Kavanaugh/Ford hearings merges. There's one for Saturday, Sunday and now Monday. Over 65 threads total.. CUT IT OUT.

You need to STOP THIS and use the DOZENS of existing threads in politics or current events to add your opinion or comments or predictions. USMB IS NOT TWITTER. We can't be all talking past each other. Threads will be closed or trashed.

Merged total of 19 from Current Events and Politics here.
The fact that Soros's Party dragged another fake accusation out of the muck will actually be a good thing.

Once Trump takes out the Failed Coup plotters and most of the leadership and ownership of the democrat Party, he can properly go after the FakeNews Establishment for backing these obviously phony charges as if they were real.

He doesn't even have to arrest any of the reporters, like Obama threatened -- just daylight them!


USS LMSM Credibility hit amidship and listing badly to port!


You must believe the dozen or so #metoo women who have named Trump as their sexual assaulter really beautiful too. Why do you hate women?

None of them reported any "assault" to the police. It's retroactive "assault" based upon Trump's ascendancy to the Presidency. Trump was no Bill Clinton

LOL, Frank, I ran and managed two Violence Against Women Grants, funded by the Federal Dept. of Justice.

I have first hand knowledge of the fear women who have been abused live with; you cannot know how difficult reporting physical abuse and the threat of worse can effect them.

I've seen cases where men kill the pets of these women, just because they tried to end the relationship; we arrested men who hid in the attics and crawlspaces of a women's home, one in the home of the women's parents.

In one case the police responded to a women's home several times, when she reported someone was going threw her home when she was at work. They began to doubt her, and believed she was paranoid.

Then one day they responded again, and when looking around noticed the toilet had both seats up.

An hour latter the police dog gave them a clue someone was in the attic, and finally they believed her.


Which is precisely why these fake, phony accusations against Kavanaugh are so evil.

Ford has less than no credibility.

For the sake of all genuine victims and all innocent men, she - and her enablers, including Feinstein, must face justice

"justice"? Frank, the party which yells in unison "lock her up" after 8 investigations which found no wrong doing has no clear understanding of justice. The party which hides documents and pretends one moment that a supreme court nomination cannot be heard in an election year, and a moment later goes ahead and does it, has no sense of justice.

Grow up Frank.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


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