Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

The demands will only get worse....

Sorry, but in AmeriKKKKa, there is no longer any decency.

The GOP believes sexual assault is OK; rape your daughters is the new fashion for conservatives.
The GOP does not think making false accusations about sexual assault is ok.


Bill Clinton

Al Franken

Harvey Weinstein (80 women)

D-US Senators whose sexual misconduct was so bad FOR 20 YEARS that they formed a committee whose sole purpose was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Once again liberals and snowflakes continue to accuse others of what they do and of being who they are....

here; Donald is a child molester. haha

Only a deplorable POS scumbag liberal snowflake would suggest such a thing from a picture of a father and daughter together.

Just because you molest your kids doesn't mean everyone does it...

FORUM RULES: No Attacks on family members
Well golly here we go again! Another bullcrap delay in the making. They don't seem to realize they are running on nothing.

The Last Refuge

Posted on September 24, 2018 by sundance

Ms. Blasey-Ford Attorney Casts Doubt on Appearance…


As of last weekend sketchy DC political lawyer Michael Bromwich, joined the legal team to represent the political interests of sketchy Kavanaugh accuser Ms. Christine Blaey Ford.

Mr. Bromwich sends a letter tonight beginning to back-away from his clients prior agreement to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. This latest development is entirely predictable.

How can sketchy Ms. Ford deliver credible testimony about a 36-year-old event (at an unknown time and unknown location) where there is ZERO corroborating evidence supporting her claim, and mountains of evidence refuting her claim? Five teenagers at a house party, yet all of the five say not their house. Additionally, every witness she identified as present during the event has gone on record denying any knowledge of anything within the foundation of her claim. How can she testify? She can’t.

Ms. Ford cannot testify because there’s no truth in her sketchy accusations; this was a political stunt with no intention of testimony. So, with a deadline looming it is more likely her political lawyers will try to extricate Ford from their prior commitments.

To remind the Ford supporters that ZERO evidence and ALL named people say they were not there:

According to CNN’s current reporting here’s the statements from the witnesses:

(1) Simply put, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”

CNN article link.
Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.
The GOP did not 'Herman Cain' Garland. You know it. Be a f*ing man for once and admit the truth.
Avenatti says more Kavanaugh accusations will go public within 48 hours: 'I state facts and have evidence to back it up'

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump, now says he has a client who will reveal allegations against embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh within 48 hours -- shortly before Kavanaugh is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee amid other sexual misconduct accusations.

"Let me just be really clear about something," Avenatti said in an interview with CNN on Monday night. "They know that I do not traffic in rumor and nonsense. I state facts and I have evidence to back it up. I would not make these allegations lightly."

Earlier Monday, Avenatti said that the unnamed woman knew Kavanaugh around the time of high school but attended a different school. The woman, according to the attorney, has had multiple security clearances from the U.S. government, including the State Department and Justice Department.

No one of sound mind gives a rat's ass.
I think Ford never wanted to go public, she wanted to remain anonymous but somebody in Feinstein's office outed her. 'Course, it's her own fault for putting her name on that letter she wrote, I guess she trusted the Dems to keep her name out of it, but they saw a chance to derail the confirmation and took it. Things like integrity and trust don't measure up to winning and losing for the Dems.

If she doesn't show then I assume they can interview Kavanaugh about the issue if they want to, or just put the matter up for a vote and get on with it. I'm pretty sure he'll be there whether she is or not. But that's it, no more bullshit. If she appears on Thursday, great; she can have her say but if she does not show up then that's it. She can tell her story to the guy at The New Yorker that did the other woman's story if she wants to, but no more messing around in the Senate. Everybody on both sides already knows damn well what's going on here, and there's no need to keep this sorry mess in the news. And if somebody else pops up then they can speak their piece to the media, but the Senate needs to do it's job with no more bullshit.
Sorry, but in AmeriKKKKa, there is no longer any decency.

The GOP believes sexual assault is OK; rape your daughters is the new fashion for conservatives.
The GOP does not think making false accusations about sexual assault is ok.


Bill Clinton

Al Franken

Harvey Weinstein (80 women)

D-US Senators whose sexual misconduct was so bad FOR 20 YEARS that they formed a committee whose sole purpose was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Once again liberals and snowflakes continue to accuse others of what they do and of being who they are....

here; Donald is a child molester. haha

Only a deplorable POS scumbag liberal snowflake would suggest such a thing from a picture of a father and daughter together.

Just because you molest your kids doesn't mean everyone does it...

FORUM RULES: No Attacks on family members

I did not attack anyone's family members...I stated HE, not his family, might do what he just falsely accused Trump of doing but that does not mean everyone does it
The demands will only get worse....


Yes because an FBI Investigation and additional witnesses haven’t been done in every other case similar to this one. Except that they have been done in every other case but this one.

Why don’t the Republicans want the FBI to investigate this time? Why won’t they call other witnesses? What are they hiding?

Why are they telling everyone that Kavenaugh will be confirmed regardless of what Dr. Ford says?
Sorry, but in AmeriKKKKa, there is no longer any decency.

The GOP believes sexual assault is OK; rape your daughters is the new fashion for conservatives.
The GOP does not think making false accusations about sexual assault is ok.


Bill Clinton

Al Franken

Harvey Weinstein (80 women)

D-US Senators whose sexual misconduct was so bad FOR 20 YEARS that they formed a committee whose sole purpose was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Once again liberals and snowflakes continue to accuse others of what they do and of being who they are....

here; Donald is a child molester. haha

Only a deplorable POS scumbag liberal snowflake would suggest such a thing from a picture of a father and daughter together.

Just because you molest your kids doesn't mean everyone does it...

FORUM RULES: No Attacks on family members

I did not attack anyone's family members...I stated HE, not his family, might do what he just falsely accused Trump of doing but that does not mean everyone does it

haha, go ahead; try and dig your way outta that hole you already dug. It's all on record.
The demands will only get worse....


Yes because an FBI Investigation and additional witnesses haven’t been done in every other case similar to this one. Except that they have been done in every other case but this one.

Why don’t the Republicans want the FBI to investigate this time? Why won’t they call other witnesses? What are they hiding?

Why are they telling everyone that Kavenaugh will be confirmed regardless of what Dr. Ford says?
The FBI has no juisdiction. Why won't Ford file a complaint with the proper local authorities. What is she afraid of? There are no witnesses to call. Someone who says they didn't see anything and it never happened is not a witness

Face it. Dr. Ford is a liar whose sole purpose is to delay and prevent Trump from making any appointment.
The GOP does not think making false accusations about sexual assault is ok.


Bill Clinton

Al Franken

Harvey Weinstein (80 women)

D-US Senators whose sexual misconduct was so bad FOR 20 YEARS that they formed a committee whose sole purpose was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Once again liberals and snowflakes continue to accuse others of what they do and of being who they are....

here; Donald is a child molester. haha

Only a deplorable POS scumbag liberal snowflake would suggest such a thing from a picture of a father and daughter together.

Just because you molest your kids doesn't mean everyone does it...

FORUM RULES: No Attacks on family members

I did not attack anyone's family members...I stated HE, not his family, might do what he just falsely accused Trump of doing but that does not mean everyone does it

haha, go ahead; try and dig your way outta that hole you already dug. It's all on record.

I'm not the one who falsely accused the President of having sex with his child....

You act like you have already forgotten how POS liberals publicly declared Melania should have their son ripped from her hands and raped by pedophiles, how female members of Trump's team should be kidnapped, caged, and raped on camera for posterity....

Claiming the President molests his children is just part of the sewer filth POS snowflakes and libs like you spew in the midst of your overwhelming hatred....
Don't worry, I hear they have more liars lined up ready to claim he raped her. Is there anyone he hasn't raped?

I'm willing to say he did ... how much are we talking here?
At least 50,000.
here; Donald is a child molester. haha

Only a deplorable POS scumbag liberal snowflake would suggest such a thing from a picture of a father and daughter together.

Just because you molest your kids doesn't mean everyone does it...

FORUM RULES: No Attacks on family members

I did not attack anyone's family members...I stated HE, not his family, might do what he just falsely accused Trump of doing but that does not mean everyone does it

haha, go ahead; try and dig your way outta that hole you already dug. It's all on record.

I'm not the one who falsely accused the President of having sex with his child....

You act like you have already forgotten how POS liberals publicly declared Melania should have their son ripped from her hands and raped by pedophiles, how female members of Trump's team should be kidnapped, caged, and raped on camera for posterity....

Claiming the President molests his children is just part of the sewer filth POS snowflakes and libs like you spew in the midst of your overwhelming hatred....

Is jackass Trump a member here? No. Learn your s***.
Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.

He's against the FBI investigating him; the same FBI that did a half-dozen background checks on him throughout his career? Got a link to that?

The truth is it's the FBI that said it's not their issue. The first letter in FBI means Federal. A teen house party is not a federal issue.

A good man who drank at a younger age is not to be believed. But the "good women" who admittedly drank are good women? HTF do you arrive at that conclusion?
Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.
The GOP did not 'Herman Cain' Garland. You know it. Be a f*ing man for once and admit the truth.
Never attacked him? Stealing his appointment to the Supre Court is a full on assault.

The GOP never 'Herman Cain'ed Garland, never attacked him personally, attempting to destroy his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, his marriage....

It was not fair not to give Garland an up or down vote, but the BS the Democrats are doing AGAIN to another good man is beyond unethical, immoral, disgusting, despicable, and falls well below the levels of 'scumbag' & 'POS'!

This is one of the darkest, most pathetic times in this nation's history because of what the Democrats are trying to do.

Garlands life’s work was culminating in his appointment to the Supreme Court. Now you go ask him what he feels about Republican treatment of him.

And “good man” is an admitted heavy drinker who is SURE he was never at some party 35 years ago, never mind getting frisky there. “Good man” is against FBI investigating “good woman’s” claims.

I don’t believe this “good man”, I think what he says doesn’t add up and he is lying.
The GOP did not 'Herman Cain' Garland. You know it. Be a f*ing man for once and admit the truth.

They didn’t attack his character while fucking him in a different, no less painful way. Can you get that?
They didn’t attack his character ...
See, that wasn't so hard, admitting the POS Democrats are 'Herman Cain'ing a good man, attempting to destroy his life, family, and marriage - not just refuse to give him a vote.

The entirety of the malignant ideology the disciples of the American radical left worship and ride smiling idiotically is like a gasoline soaked, spark ignited bicycle towing a fifty gallon tank of high octane by a six foot length of detonating cord. Those disciples being militant feminist venerating moderate democrat women, the entire LGTBQ crusade, those who practice political correctness self flagellation, and all skin tone minorities caught up in the deluge of identity politics.

All of disciples of the modern radical American left are playing with fire—napalm to be exact. However, they do not realize the ideology they attempt to stand on is no different than playing with imminent death.. Why is that?

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