Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie

Wow….you fell for all the leftist lies lock, stock, and barrel! (Some people are too ignorant and gullible to vote.)

OMG. You fuckers want to turn us into a socialist nation, and socialism always fails.
Project 2025 is not leftist lies. You're the fucking liar with your socialist mantra. That's completely horseshit! We are a capitalist nation with socialist programs like Medicare and Social Security. And Americans who receive those benefits don't want to see them go and they will under Trump.
It’s been legal.

What’s new is they stopped enforcing companies hiring illegals
That's not true.

The Biden administration is ending mass worksite immigration raids and instead focusing on employers who exploit undocumented workers, according to a newly released memo from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Workplace enforcement has been a contentious issue in the immigration debate. Republicans generally favor it as a means of doubling down on employers and undocumented workers who are breaking the law, while Democrats argue workers, not employers, often bear the brunt of the enforcement. Mayorkas’ memo concentrates on “exploitative employers,” instead of the sweeps targeting workers.
Xiden and his border czar harris made it legal to hire illegals

They stopped enforcing the law and encouraged businesses to hire illegals

So yes they are the problem
Worse…..the Biden Regime and Democrat Cabal members even offered all sorts of bribes for them the lowlife illegals to swarm in - from luxury hotel stays, pre-paid debit cards, three meals a day, fully paid health care, etc., etc.
Project 2025 is not leftist lies. You're the fucking liar with your socialist mantra. That's completely horseshit! We are a capitalist nation with socialist programs like Medicare and Social Security. And Americans who receive those benefits don't want to see them go and they will under Trump.
Oh calm down, Project 2025 is the brainchild of a far-right think tank, and nothing to do with Trump.

And SS and Medicare have had their beneficiaries pay into the programs for 40 or 50 years. The Socialist Kamala wants to give unearned, undeserved handouts to every person on the country, including the lowlifes who have broken in illegally.

Are you so stupid not to realize that not only does America not have the money for this, that it rewards laziness and lack of ambition - and that it will turn American into a bunch of lowlifes who loaf around all day instead of being productive?
Oh calm down, Project 2025 is the brainchild of a far-right think tank, and nothing to do with Trump.

And SS and Medicare have had their beneficiaries pay into the programs for 40 or 50 years. The Socialist Kamala wants to give unearned, undeserved handouts to every person on the country, including the lowlifes who have broken in illegally.

Are you so stupid not to realize that not only does America not have the money for this, that it rewards laziness and lack of ambition - and that it will turn American into a bunch of lowlifes who loaf around all day instead of being productive?
By low life's you mean people of color?

Here's a low life, you support a man who was convicted of rape and fraud, how low do you go and what does that say about you as a woman?
By low life's you mean people of color?

Here's a low life, you support a man who was convicted of rape and fraud, how low do you go and what does that say about you as a woman?

When did I interject race? The lowlifes are the unskilled, uneducated, and often criminal foreigners who are breaking into our country.

And Trump was not convicted of rape. You idiots are so desperate that the only way you can win is to slander your opponent with vicious lies (and of course shut down the count wherever Trump is winning until all the Plan B harvested ballots can be trucked in).
When did I interject race? The lowlifes are the unskilled, uneducated, and often criminal foreigners who are breaking into our country.

And Trump was not convicted of rape. You idiots are so desperate that the only way you can win is to slander your opponent with vicious lies (and of course shut down the count wherever Trump is winning until all the Plan B harvested ballots can be trucked in).
He was found guilty of sexual assault and the presiding judge said she was raped! And this is your choice?
Worse…..the Biden Regime and Democrat Cabal members even offered all sorts of bribes for them the lowlife illegals to swarm in - from luxury hotel stays, pre-paid debit cards, three meals a day, fully paid health care, etc., etc.
I'm wondering if someone like you said the same thing about FDR and Jewish refugees during and after WWII.
When did I interject race? The lowlifes are the unskilled, uneducated, and often criminal foreigners who are breaking into our country.

And if you are losing out on a job to someone with no education, no skills, and a limited grasp on the English Language, that's kind of on you for being a loser.

And Trump was not convicted of rape. You idiots are so desperate that the only way you can win is to slander your opponent with vicious lies (and of course shut down the count wherever Trump is winning until all the Plan B harvested ballots can be trucked in).
He was found liable for rape.

He did the dirty deed.

This isn't in dispute.
Harris is ideology-less, idea-less, meaning-less. She is drawn along by the void that forms in front of her, doing whatever to advance, repeating what is necessary in order to stay in favor of those who continue to promote her. She is far from sophisticated enough to be a dedicated anything, let alone "socialist". That would be far too intellectual for her. In fact, though genuine socialism is far from what is needed in America (or anywhere), it would be more consistent and probably better than the rudderless milquetoasts currently in control. What is truly needed is new thinking, new approaches, new ideas. These are precisely what we do not see in anyone currently being put forth.
He was found guilty of sexual assault and the presiding judge said she was raped! And this is your choice?
1) There was no evidence.

2) A judge doesn’t make the call.

To my friends reading this: The above poster is an example of how the Dems will try to defeat the far superior candidate: by personal and slanderous insults and trying to deflect from his excellent policies. Don’t let them get away with it!
1) There was no evidence.

2) A judge doesn’t make the call.

To my friends reading this: The above poster is an example of how the Dems will try to defeat the far superior candidate: by personal and slanderous insults and trying to deflect from his excellent policies. Don’t let them get away with it!
Of coarse there was evidence. He was convicted! And the judge knows better than anyone, what that evidence means.

To all of Lisa's friends, you are listening to a dishrag whore who would sell her soul to the devil to get a convict who has been convicted of 34 counts of fraud, found guilty of sexual assault and has told more than 10,000 lies since he has been in office.

This is the person she wants to run the country!
That's not true.

The Biden administration is ending mass worksite immigration raids and instead focusing on employers who exploit undocumented workers, according to a newly released memo from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Workplace enforcement has been a contentious issue in the immigration debate. Republicans generally favor it as a means of doubling down on employers and undocumented workers who are breaking the law, while Democrats argue workers, not employers, often bear the brunt of the enforcement. Mayorkas’ memo concentrates on “exploitative employers,” instead of the sweeps targeting workers.
Yep they stopped raids, they stopped enforcing the laws.

Thanks for highlighting it

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