Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

He should have just withdrew the nomination acceptance,


He and family will be drawn through the mud and other slimey things of his past youth.

He was not just a normal boy being a boy....

He was a drunk alcoholic.... participated or watched his friend Mark Judge And all the other boys lined up in a train taking their turns f-ing whatever girl they could get drunk or drugged enough.

Please know who you are supporting.... don't just like him because Trump does.

there is zero evidence that any of those allegations are true. We do not do guilty by accusation in this country. If either of those women had solid proof the entire country would be asking for his withdrawal, but there is no proof, its nothing but a dem delaying tactic and the GOP members of the committee don't have the balls to call out the dems and have the vote.

And this entire fiasco is because the dem libs in this country are adamant that they must have abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Please tell me why killing unborn human beings is do damn important to you dems and libs.
No one has looked in to it to find any evidence

You are preventing the FBI from checking it out. Your daughters if you have any must be proud of you:rolleyes:

No one is preventing Ford from suing Kavanaugh and present her invisible evidence to back up her allegations, even NOW she doesn't ask a local Maryland prosecutor to investigate.

YOU have been told many times that the FBI made a statement that they amended the Kavanaugh file of her assault allegations, will NOT investigate and says it is a LOCAL matter to handle it. STOP with the FBI must investigate babble, they have stated they will NOT investigate!

To this minute Dr. Ford hasn't one made an OATH statement for the record, she has been 100% contradicted by all for people she named as being there including her long time friend, Mrs. Keyser who also says she wasn't there.

Why can't you admit she has NOTHING to back her accusations with?
Why doesn't she ask a Maryland prosecutor investigate her claims?
Why didn't she tell Feinstein who destroyed her privacy to kindly (censored) Who didn't respect her request to remain anonymous?

Why cant you see that this is pure politics?

she cant see it because everything she posts is pure politics and devoid of any facts or truth. Her user name says it all, she wants socialized medicine where some GS7 in a cubicle somewhere deep in a building in DC will be making your medical decisions for you.

liberalism is a mental disease, care4 proves that on this message board every day.

What is really funny is that Anita Hill was investigated by the FBI (which was ordered by the Bush 1 administration) since it allegedly happened on Federal property, after three days of investigating came to the conclusion that her allegations were UNFOUNDED.


Meanwhile Ford supporters keeps insisting that the FBI investigate an allegation that has no specific time, date or location, how she got there and how she leave, that all four named people say BY OATH they were not there.

Ford claims it was in the early 1980's, both were MINORS on private property, drunk and no Felony occurred, according to her allegation. This is an obvious local police matter, which she has not contacted to start an investigation.

Stop pushing the "FBI needs to investigate" stupidity!
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Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


You actually want a break down of the process or do you just not really have an actual objection to what is essentially a reasonable position.

The system broke down 30 years ago when the commiecrats decided they were going to take the blindfold off of lady justice and use her as a super-legislature. They couldn't get their policies passed the proper way so they decided to rule the courts. This isn't about the courts and justice, it's all about you commiecrats agenda and the destruction of the Constitution. Do you seriously think the commies would put so much effort to sway 1/9th of the court if that weren't the case?

You might want to be careful what you wish for, this by any means necessary mantra can and probably will get some people hurt. Schumer announced that as the commiecrat stance the day Kennedy resigned form the court.


I don't know wtf you are talking about - FBI is perfectly equiped to quickly conduct a background investigation and report it's findings - it's what they are tasked to do on the daily.

If I was the nomenee with a clear concience and a disdain for a person who is falsely accusing me I would call for exactly that.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.

"If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens,"

I would think that at least 99% of 15-17 year olds have been at a party and been drunk and indulged in some groping, male and female teenagers, it's NORMAL teenage behaviour, I know I was indulging in groping when I was 15-17 years in age and EVERYONE had GREAT fun drinking and groping and NOBODY was damaged by this. WTF?! Who as a teenager WANTS to be a Puritan.

I was a good Catholic boy. We were told if we even THOUGHT about "sex" stuff it was a sin. Along with that was that your bodies were the Temple of the Holy Spirit and were NOT to be violated under pain of hell or purgatory. Wasn't a bad ploy; worked on me. Plus a Dad who would have skinned us alive if we did something like that and he found out.


Yes we were told about ALL of that also BUT I was a naughty Catholic girl :smoke: and I'm still naughty:dev2:


I dated a Catholic chic in high school...
She was in open rebellion against the church....but in a good way.
The fact that Soros's Party dragged another fake accusation out of the muck will actually be a good thing.

Once Trump takes out the Failed Coup plotters and most of the leadership and ownership of the democrat Party, he can properly go after the FakeNews Establishment for backing these obviously phony charges as if they were real.

He doesn't even have to arrest any of the reporters, like Obama threatened -- just daylight them!


USS LMSM Credibility hit amidship and listing badly to port!


You must believe the dozen or so #metoo women who have named Trump as their sexual assaulter really beautiful too. Why do you hate women?

None of them reported any "assault" to the police. It's retroactive "assault" based upon Trump's ascendancy to the Presidency. Trump was no Bill Clinton

LOL, Frank, I ran and managed two Violence Against Women Grants, funded by the Federal Dept. of Justice.

I have first hand knowledge of the fear women who have been abused live with; you cannot know how difficult reporting physical abuse and the threat of worse can effect them.

I've seen cases where men kill the pets of these women, just because they tried to end the relationship; we arrested men who hid in the attics and crawlspaces of a women's home, one in the home of the women's parents.

In one case the police responded to a women's home several times, when she reported someone was going threw her home when she was at work. They began to doubt her, and believed she was paranoid.

Then one day they responded again, and when looking around noticed the toilet had both seats up.

An hour latter the police dog gave them a clue someone was in the attic, and finally they believed her.

We have to find a better way to make sure real victims AND the falsely accused get justice.
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.
women who get raped remember EVERYTHING about it, including how it smells like. She doesnt remember ANYTHING. cos it didnt happen.
Not if they repress the memory.

The bimbo in question isn’t even accusing him of rape. No rape happened according to her. Her story is that they were both drunk at a party and he tried to get some, and she pushed him off and he left.

Hardly a traumatizing “rape” that a girl would suppress the memory.

It doesn't matter, they've set the narrative and will for the rest of his life call him a rapist.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

How do you propose the FBI do that. Where exactly do they start, like what year?


You actually want a break down of the process or do you just not really have an actual objection to what is essentially a reasonable position.

The system broke down 30 years ago when the commiecrats decided they were going to take the blindfold off of lady justice and use her as a super-legislature. They couldn't get their policies passed the proper way so they decided to rule the courts. This isn't about the courts and justice, it's all about you commiecrats agenda and the destruction of the Constitution. Do you seriously think the commies would put so much effort to sway 1/9th of the court if that weren't the case?

You might want to be careful what you wish for, this by any means necessary mantra can and probably will get some people hurt. Schumer announced that as the commiecrat stance the day Kennedy resigned form the court.


I don't know wtf you are talking about - FBI is perfectly equiped to quickly conduct a background investigation and report it's findings - it's what they are tasked to do on the daily.

If I was the nomenee with a clear concience and a disdain for a person who is falsely accusing me I would call for exactly that.

that background check has already been done 6 times, they found nothing 6 times. this whole dem charade is nothing but a pathetic attempt to delay the vote, any one with a lick of common sense knows that by now.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

actually he should sue her for slander and defamation, he should also list Feinstein, and several others as co-defendents in the suit.
Suppose when Garland was nominated, someone who was at Harvard at the same time like Dr. Jerome Corsi, heard through the grapevine that Garland got out of line once and made an unwelcome and inappropriate advance toward some broad.

No other details were available. The only thing that was known was that it was somewhere in Cambridge during Corsi and Garland's schooling.

Would that warrant a full FBI investigation?

The allegations are NOT through grape-vine, they are direct accusations.

Why would an innocent man being wrongly accused not want FBI to clear him?

Where did Kavanaugh say he did not want the FBI? The FBI said this is not in their purview, that's all.
The FBI did not say that....

Back ground checks IS THEIR JOB.

The FBI completed their background checks, 6x, all clean. End of story, vote him on the USSC.
1 full background check, the others used the original back ground check.

Something NEW has come up, that they need to now check out....


So what do you think another background check would achieve/reveal?
We already know Ford is a lying sack of shit with no evidence so whats the point?
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.
Now we have perfect examples why women do not come forward , smear campaigns, threats, and even having to move her family of her home.

What do you think Kavenaugh's family is going through? What do you think his children have to deal with, knowing their father and hearing people call him a rapist even though he's not accused of it?

See, this is why the whole thing stinks like political opportunism. Feinstein had the letter and could have handled the accusation in any number of ways to minimize the circus. That she did it this way tells me she wanted precisely the circus she's getting.

Do you for a minute believe she never intended for Ford's identity to come out? Ford took a polygraph. That clearly shows she expected to be public.

That's one reason why I believe the whole thing was orchestrated from the beginning and have a hard time believing the accused.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

Kavanaugh has never said he does not want an investigation, he has said numerous times that he just wants his rights to defend himself against whatever allegations she has.

In reality I don't think Ford or the dems want an investigation because they know nothing will be found. this is about delaying the vote, nothing more.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

so you think that her unsupported unwitnessed allegations are credible but his denials aren't? do you understand how stupid that makes you look?
The libs know the accusations against Kavanaugh are bullshit
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

Kavanaugh has never said he does not want an investigation, he has said numerous times that he just wants his rights to defend himself against whatever allegations she has.

In reality I don't think Ford or the dems want an investigation because they know nothing will be found. this is about delaying the vote, nothing more.

Delaying the vote is the Democrat Party's key here. If they can push it to after the election, and they can win the election, there won't be any more confirmations.
this isn't a criminal trial, no need to hire an expert female prosecutor... we elect and pay the senators to question and vet SC nominees and pertaining witnesses... can she have the senate hire an expert in sexual abuse/sexual harassment alcoholism abuse prosecutor to question Kavanaugh?

Your boy is turning out not to be so squeaky clean as you all thought or were told he was... it ain't just a partisan attack... be one thing if he was drunk as a skunk, one time thing with Dr Ford, but it is being shown that it is much more than that... and the R senators are gonna have to take a step back and have the FBI Investigate, now that there are a lot of different allegations.... even if half are true and taken in to consideration, he should not be seated on the SC, the highest position in the land.... yes, I feel sorry for him for taking Trump's lead, deny deny deny.... it may work for Trump, but the lies about it from Kavanaugh, won't fly.... it's not YOUR supreme court justice being picked, it's the nation's, men AND WOMEN.

It's a damn shame that Trump just has trouble picking his team, and now SC Justices.... men who have a dark side... with women...or with other dark things, he really seems to be attracted to these types and they are who he likes...

the doctors-civilian and enlisted, rob porter, manafort, roger stone, flynn, michael cohen.... plus much of his crooked admin/cabinet, Scott Pruit and Tom Price, ... all, with a dark side...

he seems to live in a culture of corruption, and is comfortable there?

Ahh you slipped. A Supreme Court Justice is not the “highest office in the land”. You would have it so as we are ruled by them.
You third worlders have this intense desire to be ruled like serfs. Maybe we can accommodate you in the near future.
it's the highest position of the land that is not through their election by us.... and a lifetime position. The supreme court is an equal part of our govt, the Congress, and the presidency being the other 2 of the 3 equal parts/branches.

Actually it is through an election.
The election of Trump.

lol Kavanaugh wasn't even on the list of judges Trump promised to nominate when he ran for president.

You know why? Because that was prior to Mueller investigation and Trump needing someone on the bench willing to argue that a president is effectively above the law.

That means ZERO people voted for Trump because he would nominate Kavanaugh specifically.
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.

That's a good point. Are we really willing to toss our traditions of separating juvenile actions from adult actions just to keep one man off the Supreme Court?
that background check has already been done 6 times, they found nothing 6 times. this whole dem charade is nothing but a pathetic attempt to delay the vote, any one with a lick of common sense knows that by now.

How do you know they found "nothing"? Maybe they found an accusation but couldn't corroborate it, and / or dismissed a "witness" as unreliable, as males often do in the face of females complaining about male aggression. Are you privy to the FBI background-check files? Of course, in case they ignored evidence for sexual assault, the FBI has an incentive to bury the case even deeper and to refuse to improve on the background check to cover up their failure.

Maybe they found nothing because they didn't check back as far as Kavanaugh's high school and college years?

How do you know "this whole dem charade is nothing but a pathetic attempt to delay the vote"? I mean, assuming ulterior motives without so much as a shred of evidence (that should be a big hint) shines a bright light, indeed, on your own state of mind. The term in question is "projection", and there's the case of judge Garland to shed even more light, that is, delaying the vote indefinitely, just not by Dems.
Ms. Ford has relief even if the police don't investigate.

Judge Kavanaugh with his denials has made it clear that Ford is lying. She can sue him for defamation, and should, really. She'll be able to get satisfaction

Lol, no dummy, Judge Kavanaugh dug himself into a hole with his not-credible denials.

It is not-credible when Kavanaugh says that he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff (like if he perhaps did at one point meet the accuser), but that he is 100% certain he wasn't at a particular party 35 years ago. It doesn't add up.

It is not-credible when Ford is one pressing for FBI investigation and WH with Kavanaugh run away from it.

I am SOOO glad you are not a lawyer, investigator or a even a simple jurist, who keeps making a fool of himself in the process.

Here is something YOU need to understand, The ACCUSER is the one who has to prove it happened with evidence with the help of a local police prosecutor or Detective. The Accused only has to sit back to see what "evidence" are brought up against him before making a defense.

Dr. Ford has never made a statement under other OATH to the Senate Committee, neither has she asked a local police to investigate it, neither has she sued him over it.

She is running on NOTHING, even her own long time friend contradicted Ford by saying UNDER OATH she didn't know who Kavanaugh was and was never there as claimed by Ford.

Why don't you do some learning on what the RULE OF LAW is?

Burden of proof (law)

"The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the obligation of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets its burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side."

DR. Ford has yet to provide any burden of proof, Kavanaugh doesn't have to defend anything.

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