Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Skylar is just pissed because he knows Ms. Ford was probably lit, evidenced by the fact that she couldn't remember a damn thing except for some reason every excruciating detail of the alleged assault. But not one thing else. Now, if I remembered every detail of a rape at a party I was at, I'd be ruminating over and over whether or not to tell the host, my parents if I wasn't supposed to be there, etc. etc. So that she can't remember any more details and comes forward only 30+ years later to (conveniently) discredit a judge who has been sitting for some time (hello dear, why so late, his lower position was just as important to be "clean" on his record), her account is suspect at best.

Add to that the democrats who would run her out on a rail if she was alleging against a liberal pick, and the fact that democrats want to force women rape victims to have to undress in front of deranged males in their private hygiene areas, and you have a cocktail for pure bullshit from every angle I can see.

Why can't anybody corroborate her story with no details?

Because they weren't at a party that never existed.
Example of how big a POS Ksavanaugh is.

He was asked if he was ever so drunk to have passed out. He basically said that he has never passed out while drinking beer.

One of his classmates said that Kavanaugh was frequetly staggering drunk & he drank more than just beer.

Did Kavanaugh pass out while drinking these other things???? Did he dodge & mislead? Likely so.

Did you even read what you wrote cuckboy. I’ve drank many times to the point of staggering without passing out.

God, I’d tell you to grow a pair, but you’d want them on your chest!
Look buttbreath, Kavanagh said he drank beer. He left out he drank other stuff.

He said whole drinking beer, he never passed out.

Don't you think it odd that he included drinking beer with his not blcking out????

Kavanaugh is a dishonest Fuck

Nice hissy fit darling.

I bet you would hit him with your purse if you could.
Skylar is just pissed because he knows Ms. Ford was probably lit, evidenced by the fact that she couldn't remember a damn thing except for some reason every excruciating detail of the alleged assault. But not one thing else. Now, if I remembered every detail of a rape at a party I was at, I'd be ruminating over and over whether or not to tell the host, my parents if I wasn't supposed to be there, etc. etc. So that she can't remember any more details and comes forward only 30+ years later to (conveniently) discredit a judge who has been sitting for some time (hello dear, why so late, his lower position was just as important to be "clean" on his record), her account is suspect at best.

Add to that the democrats who would run her out on a rail if she was alleging against a liberal pick, and the fact that democrats want to force women rape victims to have to undress in front of deranged males in their private hygiene areas, and you have a cocktail for pure bullshit from every angle I can see.

Why can't anybody corroborate her story with no details?

Because they weren't at a party that never existed.

How dare you question a rape victim?

She waited 36 years because she wanted to.

And can't remember any details because it was 36 years ago.

What part don't you understand?
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
Victim blaming at it's finest!
Someone should tell Sil that Kavanaugh is gay......that'll get her jets revving.
"Funny and agree" just doesn't cover it, that was friggin' hilarious!
Example of how big a POS Ksavanaugh is.

He was asked if he was ever so drunk to have passed out. He basically said that he has never passed out while drinking beer.

One of his classmates said that Kavanaugh was frequetly staggering drunk & he drank more than just beer.

Did Kavanaugh pass out while drinking these other things???? Did he dodge & mislead? Likely so.

Did you even read what you wrote cuckboy. I’ve drank many times to the point of staggering without passing out.

God, I’d tell you to grow a pair, but you’d want them on your chest!
Now there's some heavy duty Irony for you. :71:


Which of the 3 accusers do you think will go to prison first? But maybe more importantly, which will get the longest sentence?

I’m asking you first, cuz nobody on this board digs chicks in prison more than you, right?
Example of how big a POS Ksavanaugh is.

He was asked if he was ever so drunk to have passed out. He basically said that he has never passed out while drinking beer.

One of his classmates said that Kavanaugh was frequetly staggering drunk & he drank more than just beer.

Did Kavanaugh pass out while drinking these other things???? Did he dodge & mislead? Likely so.

Did you even read what you wrote cuckboy. I’ve drank many times to the point of staggering without passing out.

God, I’d tell you to grow a pair, but you’d want them on your chest!
Now there's some heavy duty Irony for you. :71:


Which of the 3 accusers do you think will go to prison first? But maybe more importantly, which will get the longest sentence?

I’m asking you first, cuz nobody on this board digs chicks in prison more than you, right?

I'm not real dave, but I'll answer. Swetnick is going to jail first. Her or
her lawyer. They've already filed a criminal referral on her. She gave
a sworn affidavit to the Senate, then changed her entire story on MSNBC.

If the FBI investigates her...she'll sing big-time or face a possible 5 years
in prison.
Look buttbreath, Kavanagh said he drank beer. He left out he drank other stuff.

He said whole drinking beer, he never passed out.

Don't you think it odd that he included drinking beer with his not blcking out????

Kavanaugh is a dishonest Fuck

Judge Kavanaugh DRANK BEER? Oh my Allah. Comrade Nazi, you've clutched your pearls so hard you've broken them.


Comrade Nazi, no man has EVER drank beer before. :eek:

No wonder you subhuman fucks are lynching him... :eusa_whistle:
Uh. Reading comprehension. Did you go to school with Kavanaugh and miss the class sexually abusing girls two years your junior.?
Crooked Hillary was for rape (all her life) before she was against it (last 2 weeks).
This Swetnick twat gave 4 names to NBC, 1said he never heard of Swetnick, another is dead and 2 others wouldn’t respond to NBC.

Seems legit!

Atrended HS parties, watched girs get raped, never reported it, got raped, never reported it, went back - attended more parties.

Yeah, right.

History of trouble, attempted to blackmail a bad, restraining order by an ex because she threatened to kill his wife and children...

I'm sure snowflakes will claim, just like with Ford, that her testimony is very 'credible'...

By now, everyone should know that Swetnick sexually harassed two male co-workers, then she filed a false retaliatory claim against her accusers claiming they sexually harassed her. The employer determined the claim against Swetnick was valid (there were witnesses) but her claim against her accusers was unfounded. When Swetnick made public comments against her employer, the company sued her in court for defamation; however, the lawsuit was quickly dismissed.. Everyone should also know that she committed unemployment fraud and falsified her resume claiming work experience which she did not have and a college degree which she did not have. But there is even more to this woman that proves she is a compulsive liar.

“Swetnick was on the other side of a civil case in 1994, as a plaintiff, when she filed a personal injury lawsuit in Maryland against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. She claimed she lost more than $420,000 in earnings after she hurt her nose in a fall on a train in 1992.

“Swetnick, who described herself in court records as a model and actor, claimed she had "numerous modeling commitments" with several companies at the time of the accident but missed out them because of her injuries.

“To support her claim for lost wages, Swetnick named "Konam Studios" as one of the companies promising to employ her. A court filing identified Nam Ko, a representative of "Kunam Studios," as a possible plaintiff's witness for her case.

“Ko, however, told AP on Friday that he was just a friend of Swetnick's and that he had never owned a company with a name spelled either way and had never agreed to pay her money for any work before she injured her nose. He said he first met Swetnick at a bar more than a year after her alleged accident.”

“Court records show Swetnick's lawsuit against the transit agency was dismissed in 1997 after a settlement was reached. Vincent Jankoski, one of the lawyers who defended the agency, said the case was resolved without paying Swetnick any money after she failed to provide documentation supporting her lost-wage claims.”

Third Kavanaugh accuser has history of legal disputes

NOTE: Some posters erroneously believe that the Webtrends filed a claim of sexual harassment against Swetnick and since the charges were dismissed she must be innocent of sexual harassment. This is not true. The lawsuit was about defamation, not sexual harassment. The company stands by its findings and Swetnick never pursued her claim against her accusers.

CONCLUSION: Anyone who believes anything this woman says is a fool.

Over $1 MILLION for her in a #GOFUNDME account....and she didn't have to spread her legs!
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

And like I said, if Ms. Ford was accusing all of a sudden a pick the liberals wanted, you folks would be brutalizing her in the press and probably elsewhere.

And again, this comes as very hypocritical from a political base that seeks to punish women with force of law should they protest strange men in their intimate dressing and hygiene areas. So, consider the source there too.
You know it's hypocritical when the liberal posters on this board won't touch Dem Keith Ellison beating his girlfriend.
Especially with all the evidence against him.
It's worse that that with the Ellison story

they have CLEARED him - hired an unethical and biased lawyer to "investigate"

they have said they need video evidence

and the have made it clear - they don't believe HER

left wing hypocrisy has no limits
Democrats are NOT going to be happy / satisfied with how the FBI's re-investigation of Kavanaugh - #7 - they called for is going....


Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

T'he FBI had interviewed four people in its probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh as of Monday afternoon, but the three witnesses whom Christine Blasey Ford alleges were at the party in her testimony do not recall the gathering, according to the Washington Post’s sources.

The FBI has talked to alleged party guests Patrick J. Smyth,
Mark Judge and Leland Keyser and Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her during their college years, according to WaPo.

“[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh,” Smyth’s lawyer Eric B. Bruce said in a statement, according to WaPo.'

Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

Much like with Mueller's witch hunt, the investigation remains on-going with ZERO evidence to support the accusations found.

And as I predicted, the next screed will be about how the investigation failed, not how the allegations are unsupported. It's glaringly transparent that this is not about protecting women, it's about exercising political power and destroying people seen as enemies.
7 investigations of Kavanaugh 'failed'?!

1 (ONE) investigation of Ford didn't - it exposed her as a CRIMINAL LIAR!
This one....what a phony. Big boost to Kavanauh!:113: What were the DUMS thinking?

They literally believe that everyone thinks like they do and agree that old fashioned ideas like presumption of innocence and fair play no longer apply.
btw - i think the FBI is going to do some serious investigations soon - her and how fords letter got leaked to begin with.

Have they investigated The Dirty Dossier?

How Clinton and Obama paid for it?

How the money was laundered through COIE lawfirm and Fusion GPS?

Call me when they have a Pre-Dawn Raid on Tony Podesta's home, the DNC HQ, COIE Lawfirm, and Fusion GPS.
Uranium One: FBI Refuses To Release Three-Dozen Secret Memos Involving Clintons, Russia And Obama

fbi ain't interested in fusion gps...or at least providing the known documentation.
hey ice read all about NYTimes investigation into tax fraud by Trump?/ ??
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss

Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.
And, if your son is accused of a sexual crime from a woman/girl with as little evidence as this, I want you to side with the accuser,
and not with your son.

If it were my son, I'd be responding emotionally. Not rationally

And I certainly wouldn't demean the girl by calling her a 'party slut'. If conservatives think this kind of naked misogeny is going to endear them to women voters, November may well prove them wrong.
But, you would still believe the woman, right? The women voters know just what is going on with this debacle. They really aren't that stupid, and with common sense has seen through this politcal game from the democrats. Make no mistake about that.

I certainly hope so.

Lying a lot, has worked for dems in the past.
Translation: She was asking for it! :rolleyes:
Sorry dude - she had one beer.

What was she doing at a party that she knew beforehand would be teeming with multiple young horny men who were definitely intending on drinking way more than one beer? Looking for a safe space for her virginity? Please. How old was she? 17? In the 1980s? Let me guess, "she had no idea it was going to be like that!". Good lord. Every kid over the age of 14 back then knew the word "PARTY!" mean a snowstorm of cocaine, a fog of pot smoke and a deluge of alcohol all flowing through the veins of "free love 1960s & 70s influenced" young bucks.

Oh my goodness! I went to a party in the 1980s and there were drunk young men wanting down my panties! My stars! Well I never!

I've never went to a party when I was 14 such as you describe. And I was no angel.
You're response seems to be same as others - She was asking for it.
We're 5th of the way through the 21st century.
That doesn't fly anymore
More deflections from the right .

Now we know why the gop his so much on Kav and want to rush things thru. Cause there was so much bad shit on Kav .

He was an a hole at the senate . Not judicial at all . He painted a picture that he was a book worm who occasionally had a sip of beer. Total BS !

The guy looks less and less credible every day.

"Rushing"? LOL!!!

Rushing. Why put an artificial time limit on the investigation? The FBI should take the time they need.

They waited MONTHS, after they had the information of the accusation, waiting to the most disruptive time to release it.

And now you accuse REPUBLICANS of rushing?

Leftards are absolutely excellent gaslighters

Because they are soulless assholes who don't mind lying the most absurd and divisive lies, nor have the slightest twinge of anything when they are called out on their obvious bullshit.

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