Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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They tried, they failed. He will be confirmed.

Breaking news is the FBI will wrap up way early, late Wednesday. Poor libs another swing and a miss.

I don't think so because of Sen SnowFlake and the rest of the libs that will cry foul. Besides, I don't think the Democrat bullpen is empty yet. I expect another phony claim to come forward this week.
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
Victim blaming at it's finest!
Someone should tell Sil that Kavanaugh is gay......that'll get her jets revving.
Here's what we have seen from the nominee in the past week.

Reports of heavy drinking and socially unacceptable behaviors. His denials about problem drinking. The crying jags, the outbursts of anger. He even has the splotchy face of a problem drinker.

It sounds to me like Bart O'Kavanaugh needs to go to AA.

The first part of recovery is admitting you have a problem.

I agree about the splotchy face.

Creepy as hell is he not? :wink:


Is that the same face you made to the young girl you claim got train raped at the party you were at?

The one you didn’t lift a finger to help?
They tried, they failed. He will be confirmed.

Breaking news is the FBI will wrap up way early, late Wednesday. Poor libs another swing and a miss.

I don't think so because of Sen SnowFlake and the rest of the libs that will cry foul. Besides, I don't think the Democrat bullpen is empty yet. I expect another phony claim to come forward this week.

This is up to the FBI, senator Flake a known traitor and illegal alien ally can cry all he wants.
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

Silo's 'common sense' is that Kavanaugh is lying. That he was at the party. That he was in the room with Ford. And that it was 'just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream".

If that's what you believe, then you just admitted that Kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly about the incident.

Smiling.....you may want to actually read what you assess as 'common sense'. Its less embarassing for you that way.
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss

I went to HS in the mid eighties we knew if we got booze the rest would just happen.

No reason to attack - just be there and let the Mickey's big mouths do the heavy lifting.

Yes and you can pretty much bank on more than one Senator leaking the report.

I don't think it's secretive, it's just that word for word will not be revealed. The witnesses may have brought other names into the picture that can't be made public. They may have said something damaging about Kavanaugh unrelated to the actual charge. It could be a host of reasons, but I believe this maneuver is to protect certain people--and not Kavanaugh either.
Yes and you can pretty much bank on more than one Senator leaking the report.

I don't think it's secretive, it's just that word for word will not be revealed. The witnesses may have brought other names into the picture that can't be made public. They may have said something damaging about Kavanaugh unrelated to the actual charge. It could be a host of reasons, but I believe this maneuver is to protect certain people--and not Kavanaugh either.

That's Spartacus moment idiot will probably leak it.
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

Silo's 'common sense' is that Kavanaugh is lying. That he was at the party. That he was in the room with Ford. And that it was 'just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream".

If that's what you believe, then you just admitted that Kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly about the incident.

Smiling.....you may want to actually read what you assess as 'common sense'. Its less embarassing for you that way.
What would you even know about common sense, you haven't demonstrated that you have any in this thread.
I went to HS in the mid eighties we knew if we got booze the rest would just happen.

No reason to attack - just be there and let the Mickey's big mouths do the heavy lifting.

You mean women get loose and groovy when they're drunk, after going to a party where they intended to get drunk? Bbb.bbb...but Ms. Ford said she only had one beer! And I only had one beer on my 21st birthday too. (actually almost died from alcohol poisoning). Actually after the third long island iced tea and taking a puff off a joint, a herd of elephants could've raped me and I'd not remember a damn thing about it. Unless the democrats paid me well 30 years later to discredit a judge they didn't want sitting at the USSC...

Actually all I do remember from that night is I somehow got home and had the presence of mind to turn my head to the left before I blacked out. I woke up the next morning in a pool of vomit about the size of a trash can lid. Remember the bars in the order I went? No. The people I saw. No. Anything that happened after Long island iced tea #3 and a hit of the old chronic? No. So it's odd she doesn't remember anything either except every exact detail of stuff she said he allegedly did to her.
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

Silo's 'common sense' is that Kavanaugh is lying. That he was at the party. That he was in the room with Ford. And that it was 'just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream".

If that's what you believe, then you just admitted that Kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly about the incident.

Smiling.....you may want to actually read what you assess as 'common sense'. Its less embarassing for you that way.
What would you even know about common sense, you haven't demonstrated that you have any in this thread.

Says the poor soul that just backed as 'common sense' that Kavanaugh has been lying under oath about the entire incident. That Kavanaugh was at the party. That Kavanaugh was in the room with Ford.

You just exploded your entire argument. But tell us more about 'common sense'.
Right, because she only remembered the important stuff like how many beers she drank.

And thanks for bringing up that other hole--she was waiting for them to come to her. They offered to come to her long before they laid the deadline. Now if you're going to tell me she didn't know that they made the offer--her lawyers didn't know they made the offer, she never watched the media or read the newspapers to know they made the offer, then you must think I'm the dumbest member on USMB.
-In the scheme of things how important is it for me remembering the mess the ambulance people left on the floor after they were done? I'll ask you honestly to think back on something traumatic in your life and try to remember. You will find that you remember the most important things and probably a few inane details just like Ford.
-At best it's not so much a hole as proof that she wanted to stop Kavanaugh from being nominated. She readily admits to that.
I did, and I remember the address! And I know the dude was arrested! Actual trauma leaves prints in the brain. Mine was 45 years ago. I remember like it was yesterday! You know what I can’t remember? His name or what he looks like. I called the cops who took him away, and no records
That's my point. I remember some things vividly and other things have just faded. Ray is claiming that because the recollection is spotty that means it's untrue. I'm saying that if something traumatic happens there is no telling what will imprint and what won't.

The human mind remembers the most relevant things of a bad situation. That's because when something bad happens to anybody, they replay the story over and over in their heads; sometimes for many years. You instinctively try to figure out if you could have done something different.

In your case with your mother, you don't remember other things because there was nothing you could have done to change the situation or outcome. However in Ford's case, she had to ask herself why did she go to that party, who invited her, who threw the party, things like that. If this really happened, I'm sure she remembers all that.

The problem is if she ever revealed what she remembered (if it did happen) it would leave clues for investigators to go on. They could go back to the house, back to the person who's house it was at the time, back to who brought her there and why, back to how she called for a ride home and gave the location of where she was. Too many leads.
She described parts of the layout of the house. She remembered seeing Judge working at some supermarket a few weeks later. Little leads like that?

So what you mean is she read his book and decided to place herself at where he worked. Brilliant on her part. Nobody could ever figure that one out.

rolling eyes.gif
Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.

It's pretty clear that you are beneath me. You are a Trump supporter and are pro-rape. I don't associate with people who are pro-rape.

And as I predicted you are still unable to support your misrepresentation of what I said.

All you have, is more personal attacks.

You are a troll.

You lose, loser.

You want the full report released because you want to go though it, looking for anything that can be used to further attack the man, regardless of whether it is verified, or actually relevant.

I want the full report because I want all the facts to make an informed decision.

Novel concept to someone who has already decided that the report will have bad information.

But what do you expect from someone who is pro-rape.

Since we don't directly elect justices, your opinion doesn't count, so you don't have to make an informed decision.
Mitch McConnell: FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh won’t be made public

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the FBI’s investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh won’t be made public, and instead will only be allowed to be viewed by senators before a vote is held this week.

“Only senators will be allowed to look at it,” McConnell said at a Tuesday news conference of the FBI’s report, which Republicans have demanded be wrapped up by Friday.

You are paying for it but you cant see it.

Sounds like a banana republic to me.

I'm sure the democrats won't hesitate to leak what they want leaked.
Actually, if the following is true , it’s DiFi who wants it sealed.
Oh the irony!
And Tammys got egg on his fat face again :)

Feinstein Moves To Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

....All indications thus far from that investigation suggest that nothing new will be found to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed, and now Democrats suddenly want to ensure that any new information discovered about Kavanaugh is kept secret so only members of the Senate and select staffers will be permitted to see what the FBI produces after concluding the probe.


.@SenFeinstein indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: “It would seem to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not."

"I think the investigation ought to be closely held," she reiterated.

6:09 PM - Oct 2, 2018

Huge Development: Feinstein Moves To Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses
Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

Silo's 'common sense' is that Kavanaugh is lying. That he was at the party. That he was in the room with Ford. And that it was 'just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream".

If that's what you believe, then you just admitted that Kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly about the incident.

Smiling.....you may want to actually read what you assess as 'common sense'. Its less embarassing for you that way.
What would you even know about common sense, you haven't demonstrated that you have any in this thread.

Says the poor soul that just backed as 'common sense' that Kavanaugh has been lying under oath about the entire incident. That Kavanaugh was at the party. That Kavanaugh was in the room with Ford.

You just exploded your entire argument. But tell us more about 'common sense'.
Geeeze, I didn't see where Kav's name was mentioned. Just two drunk teens....my mistake that I would not infer more than what is posted.
We all know what this witch hunt is about. If Kavanaugh was a liberal judicial candidate, the LGBTQ militia would be GUTTING Ms. Ford, glitter bombing her house and sacrificing her pet cat to Satan to "send a message" to shut up.

That's why I pointed out the irony of their protest's origins being wanting to win cases on appeal that seek to protect women from strange men violating their intimate changing areas. The word "hypocrite" doesn't come close to doing justice to what Mook's Mafia is up to with Kavanaugh...

How odd you would make this about gays. :lol:
Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

Silo's 'common sense' is that Kavanaugh is lying. That he was at the party. That he was in the room with Ford. And that it was 'just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream".

If that's what you believe, then you just admitted that Kavanaugh lied under oath repeatedly about the incident.

Smiling.....you may want to actually read what you assess as 'common sense'. Its less embarassing for you that way.
What would you even know about common sense, you haven't demonstrated that you have any in this thread.

Says the poor soul that just backed as 'common sense' that Kavanaugh has been lying under oath about the entire incident. That Kavanaugh was at the party. That Kavanaugh was in the room with Ford.

You just exploded your entire argument. But tell us more about 'common sense'.
Geeeze, I didn't see where Kav's name was mentioned. Just two drunk teens....my mistake that I would not infer more than what is posted.

Then who is claiming that Kavanaugh and Ford were at the party together, that they were in the room together, but that they were just 'two drunk teens'?

Not Kavanaugh. Not Ford. Not Judge.

No one is. Silo imagined the entire scenario, backed by nothing. Which was my point. Why would anyone with 'common sense' accept Silo's imagination as a credible account when NO ONE involved is making those claims?
Mitch McConnell: FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh won’t be made public

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the FBI’s investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh won’t be made public, and instead will only be allowed to be viewed by senators before a vote is held this week.

“Only senators will be allowed to look at it,” McConnell said at a Tuesday news conference of the FBI’s report, which Republicans have demanded be wrapped up by Friday.

You are paying for it but you cant see it.

Sounds like a banana republic to me.

.@SenFeinstein indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: “It would seem to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not."

Yes and you can pretty much bank on more than one Senator leaking the report.

I don't think it's secretive, it's just that word for word will not be revealed. The witnesses may have brought other names into the picture that can't be made public. They may have said something damaging about Kavanaugh unrelated to the actual charge. It could be a host of reasons, but I believe this maneuver is to protect certain people--and not Kavanaugh either.

That's Spartacus moment idiot will probably leak it.

We will know everything pertinent to this case in a week after it's handed to the committee. If the Democrats try to gum up the works (which I suspect they will to buy more time) by lying about what the FBI found, that's another hurdle that's going to be debated. But the larger point is that we need to convince as many Republicans as we can to vote for Kavanaugh; not one Democrat will support him regardless of what the FBI says.

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