Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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This woman accused Kavanaugh of drugging people and raping them in her statement. Then on NBC she couldn't remember if he really did...

Criminal Defamation of Character and Lying to Congress.. I believe Grassley already referred her for criminal prosecution..
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Are you suggesting the FBI will make up facts?
He is suggesting that the FBI will report all the made-up shit that the interviewees spew.
Why do I have a feeling this is just a way to create an excuse if the FBI turns up corroboration. It sounds convenient to simply reject information you don't like without seeing it.

If there is even a hint at any corroboration, Senator SnowFlake will be the first to vote against his confirmation. And just because the report will not be made public does not mean we won't find out what's in it. Every Senator will be able to express what they liked or didn't like in the report.
At which point Republicans again will point to it being a political hitjob. Basically saying," Hey don't look at the charges, look at the Democrats." Of course selectively holding information on a SCOTUS you want nominated and abusing your senate majority to control what and what isn't made public being a political act all in itself.

The democrat senators will get to see it so what's the problem?
I did, and I remember the address! And I know the dude was arrested! Actual trauma leaves prints in the brain. Mine was 45 years ago. I remember like it was yesterday! You know what I can’t remember? His name or what he looks like. I called the cops who took him away, and no records
That's my point. I remember some things vividly and other things have just faded. Ray is claiming that because the recollection is spotty that means it's untrue. I'm saying that if something traumatic happens there is no telling what will imprint and what won't.

Which makes the point that it is to be discounted. Don't be an idiot.
Really??? Just because I don't remember what day it was when my mother died, should I discount what I do remember of that day? Or that I'm wrong that after they were done the floor was full of wraps from needles?
Dude my mom passed this year and I don’t know the exact day without looking it up. However, my first wife passed away September 3, 1991 and I will never forget that day, it was more traumatic for me, my daughter was 10. My life sucked for five years. Traumatized does something to yourself
Of course it does. My point is been all along that the memory of a traumatic day is both spotty and very vivid. Nothing you have said seems to discount that.
She remembers all there, not the there. That’s unusual. And, no one she said was there don’t remembered. Sorry,
ho hum

another day, another lie told by Blasey Ford exposed

I just want a vote; will be at least somewhat happy if his nomination fails. as I fully expect trump to renominate him if that happens; and for him to get confirmed since we will have a few more Republican Senators than we do now

We MUST vote so we can get everyone on record before midterms; especially vulnerable red state dems

THIS need to be a campaign issue


Real estate and other records undercut a key part of Christine Blasey Ford’s account of why she finally came forward with charges of attempted rape against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after some 30 years.

Ford testified last week that she had never revealed the details of the alleged attack until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. She said the memories percolated up as they revisited a disagreement they’d had over her insistence on installing a “second front door" when they had remodeled their Palo Alto, Calif., home.

The need to explain a decision her husband “didn’t understand,” Ford testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door — front door -- is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.

“The door was not an escape route but an entrance route,” said an attorney familiar with the ongoing congressional investigation. “It appears the real plan for the second front door was to rent out a separate room."
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss

Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.
And, if your son is accused of a sexual crime from a woman/girl with as little evidence as this, I want you to side with the accuser,
and not with your son.

If it were my son, I'd be responding emotionally. Not rationally

And I certainly wouldn't demean the girl by calling her a 'party slut'. If conservatives think this kind of naked misogeny is going to endear them to women voters, November may well prove them wrong.
But, you would still believe the woman, right? The women voters know just what is going on with this debacle. They really aren't that stupid, and with common sense has seen through this politcal game from the democrats. Make no mistake about that.

Then why do more women believe Ford than Kavanaugh?

By large margins.

And with Kavanaugh caught lying under oath repeatedly, why would he be credible?
Not buying the premise that women believe Ford over Kav. Need to ask just how was the poll weighted?
But, I know that you would take the word of a woman with sketchy memory over your son's good name.
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

And like I said, if Ms. Ford was accusing all of a sudden a pick the liberals wanted, you folks would be brutalizing her in the press and probably elsewhere.

And again, this comes as very hypocritical from a political base that seeks to punish women with force of law should they protest strange men in their intimate dressing and hygiene areas. So, consider the source there too. They seek to do this even knowing that 20% of any woman group have been actually raped and have, therefore, rape PTSD.

Judge Kavanaugh would vote against that policy. Also, very ironic and telling of his character vs the character of the far left when it comes to women and rape....
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Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

And like I said, if Ms. Ford was accusing all of a sudden a pick the liberals wanted, you folks would be brutalizing her in the press and probably elsewhere.

And again, this comes as very hypocritical from a political base that seeks to punish women with force of law should they protest strange men in their intimate dressing and hygiene areas. So, consider the source there too.
You know it's hypocritical when the liberal posters on this board won't touch Dem Keith Ellison beating his girlfriend.
Especially with all the evidence against him.
You know it's hypocritical when the liberal posters on this board won't touch Dem Keith Ellison beating his girlfriend.
Especially with all the evidence against him.

Or forcing real actual women rape victims under threat of legal action for protesting deranged men in their intimate changing and hygiene areas. Don't forget that one..

Here's the Mook Mafia M.O on this one: "we're using a woman's potentially hyped up account of almost-rape to boot a judge who would vote to save actual women rape victims from being forced (under threat of law) to undress in the presence of deranged men...and to relive old trauma and emotional wounds."

It is grotesquely ironic.
Example of how big a POS Ksavanaugh is.

He was asked if he was ever so drunk to have passed out. He basically said that he has never passed out while drinking beer.

One of his classmates said that Kavanaugh was frequetly staggering drunk & he drank more than just beer.

Did Kavanaugh pass out while drinking these other things???? Did he dodge & mislead? Likely so.

Did you even read what you wrote cuckboy. I’ve drank many times to the point of staggering without passing out.

God, I’d tell you to grow a pair, but you’d want them on your chest!
Um, pulling a girl into a room against her will, holding her down as she tried to get up, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she thought he might inadvertantly kill her and trying to remove her clothes is not 'restraint'.

And if your daughter were similarly assaulted, I would hope she is believed.

Me too. But not if she made up some of it for political expediency. The jury is still out mdk. It happens. The democrats rabidly don't want this conservative Justice and so maybe, just maybe two drunk teens messing around turned into "he put his hand over my mouth as I tried to scream". Like I said, she didn't go to a drunken bacchanal wearing a white pinafore and chastity belt. Who's to say?

Given that Kavanaugh denies even being at the party, there's nobody backing your imaginary account. Not Ford, not Kavanaugh, not Judge.

No one.

So maybe you have no idea what you're talking about. And are again arguing your imagination.
Ford can't tell you what party, she can't tell you where the party was, she can't tell you when it was. she can't tell you how she got there and how she got home. she can't give you a witness to the party. But, yes by all means run with the mantra from the democrat play book. But, don't insult other posters because they use common sense in their critical thinking.

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