Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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Over $1 MILLION for her in a #GOFUNDME account....and she didn't have to spread her legs!

So it is the ewioman's fault for allowing herself to get raped.

You people are really a sad bunch of pathetic human beings.
7 investigations of Kavanaugh 'failed'?!

1 (ONE) investigation of Ford didn't - it exposed her as a CRIMINAL LIAR!

You are such an asshole. The FBI did clearance evaluations & did not probe everything in his life.

No, no investigation of Ford exposed her as a criminal liar.

A criminal liar would be you & your butt buddy Trump
This one....what a phony. Big boost to Kavanauh!:113: What were the DUMS thinking?

They literally believe that everyone thinks like they do and agree that old fashioned ideas like presumption of innocence and fair play no longer apply.
Will you fucking assholes quit with this bullshit.

There are lots of cases of he said/she said. They are investigated & the credibility of each is analyzed.

You fucking morons think that as long as there are no witnesses, you can assault anyone you want without repercussions.

How did you get this fucking stupid?
And as I predicted, the next screed will be about how the investigation failed, not how the allegations are unsupported. It's glaringly transparent that this is not about protecting women, it's about exercising political power and destroying people seen as enemies.
Exactly. The LGBTQ cult (aka the Democrats) are using a paid woman’s 30+ year old stale account from a party she went to as a teen to get drunk. Her take features crystal clear “memory” of every single thing she says Kavanaugh did to her. Yet all other details of that stand-out night are fuzzy or gone. Now if I was traumatically assaulted, that date, time & place & every other detail of the night would be burned into my memory like a branding iron. If her account was directed at an Obama pick for USSC, the dems would disembowel her publicly.

Worse, they’re using a woman’s tale of undressing woes by force in order to prevent seating a Justice who would cast against any case the dem/lgbt cult would fight for to make it illegal for any woman (including statistical 20% rape victims) to protest a strange male in with her intimate changing area behind a segregated door marked “women” (only).

So there’s the manifestation of their “true concerns” about violating women. They want to make violating them backed by the force of law.
Skylar is just pissed because he knows Ms. Ford was probably lit, evidenced by the fact that she couldn't remember a damn thing except for some reason every excruciating detail of the alleged assault. But not one thing else. Now, if I remembered every detail of a rape at a party I was at, I'd be ruminating over and over whether or not to tell the host, my parents if I wasn't supposed to be there, etc. etc. So that she can't remember any more details and comes forward only 30+ years later to (conveniently) discredit a judge who has been sitting for some time (hello dear, why so late, his lower position was just as important to be "clean" on his record), her account is suspect at best.

Add to that the democrats who would run her out on a rail if she was alleging against a liberal pick, and the fact that democrats want to force women rape victims to have to undress in front of deranged males in their private hygiene areas, and you have a cocktail for pure bullshit from every angle I can see.

Why can't anybody corroborate her story with no details?
Because they weren't at a party that never existed.

How dare you question a rape victim?

She waited 36 years because she wanted to.

And can't remember any details because it was 36 years ago.

What part don't you understand?
View attachment 219972

So you are an expert on the victims of sexual assault. Wow. Who knew. I mean your posts are so intelligent.

How many victiims of Sandusky, the priests, and that gymnastics reported it when it happened???

Over $1 MILLION for her in a #GOFUNDME account....and she didn't have to spread her legs!

So it is the ewioman's fault for allowing herself to get raped.

You people are really a sad bunch of pathetic human beings.

That's a strange thing to say because even she did not say she was raped. You embody the spirit of the democrat smear machine that doesn't care about facts, only emotions.
This one....what a phony. Big boost to Kavanauh!:113: What were the DUMS thinking?

They literally believe that everyone thinks like they do and agree that old fashioned ideas like presumption of innocence and fair play no longer apply.
Will you fucking assholes quit with this bullshit.

There are lots of cases of he said/she said. They are investigated & the credibility of each is analyzed.

You fucking morons think that as long as there are no witnesses, you can assault anyone you want without repercussions.

How did you get this fucking stupid?

I'd peg that response right about the 10 year old level. I will present as evidence that I am correct the anticipated response of the idiots to the FBI report. After demanding the FBI investigate, suddenly the result of said investigation will be cast aside and ignored as they race on to the next faux scandal, still insisting on calling Kavanaugh a rapist, even though his accuser never said she was raped
You're response seems to be same as others - She was asking for it.
We're 5th of the way through the 21st century.
That doesn't fly anymore

Neither does taking money to manufacture a rape story 30+ years stale as a political favor to dems whose real objection to Kavanaugh is that he would vote to protect women rape victims & other gals from having deranged males forced on them as a matter of law in their intimate changing areas.

You appreciate the thick irony, right? :popcorn:
Hey AzogtheDefiler and iceberg, where'd ya go?

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

But Kavanaugh didn't find out precisely what Ramirez was telling reporters until reporters for The New Yorker asked him for comment.


The testimony matches with that Kavanaugh gave when under oath in front of the Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, Kavanaugh made it clear in his deposition that he was, in fact, communicating with friends, trying to figure out what Ramirez was saying to members of the media, so technically, NBC News's bombshell isn't even ... new.

So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.
Skylar is just pissed because he knows Ms. Ford was probably lit, evidenced by the fact that she couldn't remember a damn thing except for some reason every excruciating detail of the alleged assault. But not one thing else. Now, if I remembered every detail of a rape at a party I was at, I'd be ruminating over and over whether or not to tell the host, my parents if I wasn't supposed to be there, etc. etc. So that she can't remember any more details and comes forward only 30+ years later to (conveniently) discredit a judge who has been sitting for some time (hello dear, why so late, his lower position was just as important to be "clean" on his record), her account is suspect at best.

Add to that the democrats who would run her out on a rail if she was alleging against a liberal pick, and the fact that democrats want to force women rape victims to have to undress in front of deranged males in their private hygiene areas, and you have a cocktail for pure bullshit from every angle I can see.

Why can't anybody corroborate her story with no details?
Because they weren't at a party that never existed.

How dare you question a rape victim?

She waited 36 years because she wanted to.

And can't remember any details because it was 36 years ago.

What part don't you understand?
View attachment 219972

So you are an expert on the victims of sexual assault. Wow. Who knew. I mean your posts are so intelligent.

How many victiims of Sandusky, the priests, and that gymnastics reported it when it happened???

I never said I was an expert on sexual assualt?

I know I’ll get shit for this but it must be said.

Hillary Clinton committed perjury and people still believed she should be president. I guess perjury is only a problem when a Republican does it?

It’s obvious regarding the Kavanaugh fiasco that someone has committed perjury. Who you think actually did depends on either your political standing or your capability (or lack thereof) to use common sense.

Ok, so using common sense. Who do you think committed perjury in this case?

There’s no way to know bc there’s no way to know if the incident really happened. I don’t think Ford’s story is credible but it’s not fair to declare she’s committed perjury either.

The whole thing is a complete shitshow.
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

So there are pictures of them actually interacting or is there just a pic where they’re not even acknowledging each other and that’s “proof” they interacted?

That's the wedding party. They're posing in the same photo for chists sake.

Uh-huh, I know. Yet they’re not what I would call “interacting.” The definition of words matter you know.
Hey AzogtheDefiler and iceberg, where'd ya go?

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

But Kavanaugh didn't find out precisely what Ramirez was telling reporters until reporters for The New Yorker asked him for comment.


The testimony matches with that Kavanaugh gave when under oath in front of the Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, Kavanaugh made it clear in his deposition that he was, in fact, communicating with friends, trying to figure out what Ramirez was saying to members of the media, so technically, NBC News's bombshell isn't even ... new.

So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.

In other words, he lied...again.
Hey AzogtheDefiler and iceberg, where'd ya go?

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

But Kavanaugh didn't find out precisely what Ramirez was telling reporters until reporters for The New Yorker asked him for comment.


The testimony matches with that Kavanaugh gave when under oath in front of the Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, Kavanaugh made it clear in his deposition that he was, in fact, communicating with friends, trying to figure out what Ramirez was saying to members of the media, so technically, NBC News's bombshell isn't even ... new.

So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.

In other words, he lied...again.

No. He clearly stated that. Open you Leftist eyes.
This one....what a phony. Big boost to Kavanauh!:113: What were the DUMS thinking?

They literally believe that everyone thinks like they do and agree that old fashioned ideas like presumption of innocence and fair play no longer apply.
Will you fucking assholes quit with this bullshit.

There are lots of cases of he said/she said. They are investigated & the credibility of each is analyzed.

You fucking morons think that as long as there are no witnesses, you can assault anyone you want without repercussions.

How did you get this fucking stupid?

You fucking morons think that with no corroboration, you can make false claims of assault against anyone you want without repercussions.
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

So there are pictures of them actually interacting or is there just a pic where they’re not even acknowledging each other and that’s “proof” they interacted?

That's the wedding party. They're posing in the same photo for chists sake.

Uh-huh, I know. Yet they’re not what I would call “interacting.” The definition of words matter you know.

A coherent point matters as well.
Whatever interaction they had is irrelevant to the point.
Hey AzogtheDefiler and iceberg, where'd ya go?

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

But Kavanaugh didn't find out precisely what Ramirez was telling reporters until reporters for The New Yorker asked him for comment.


The testimony matches with that Kavanaugh gave when under oath in front of the Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, Kavanaugh made it clear in his deposition that he was, in fact, communicating with friends, trying to figure out what Ramirez was saying to members of the media, so technically, NBC News's bombshell isn't even ... new.

So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.

In other words, he lied...again.

No. He clearly stated that. Open you Leftist eyes.

Yeah...he clearly stated that he knew nothing about the Ramirez allegations until the New Yorker article...which was a lie.
There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

But Kavanaugh didn't find out precisely what Ramirez was telling reporters until reporters for The New Yorker asked him for comment.


The testimony matches with that Kavanaugh gave when under oath in front of the Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, Kavanaugh made it clear in his deposition that he was, in fact, communicating with friends, trying to figure out what Ramirez was saying to members of the media, so technically, NBC News's bombshell isn't even ... new.

So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.

In other words, he lied...again.

No. He clearly stated that. Open you Leftist eyes.

Yeah...he clearly stated that he knew nothing about the Ramirez allegations until the New Yorker article...which was a lie.

He said he didn't know the details behind her allegations. Not NOTHING. Stop trolling me. WTF?!?
So we’re right back to he lied in sworn testimony when he said he didn’t know about the Ramirez claim until the article came out.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

Kavanaugh hearing: Transcript

No. He didn't know the specifics but he knew she was alleging something.

In other words, he lied...again.

No. He clearly stated that. Open you Leftist eyes.

Yeah...he clearly stated that he knew nothing about the Ramirez allegations until the New Yorker article...which was a lie.

He said he didn't know the details behind her allegations. Not NOTHING. Stop trolling me. WTF?!?

He lied, period. (Repeatedly) This is just one of the many lies he's told...from Renate alumni to the Devil's Triangle...

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