Kayne West backs Trump.................Thinks Whoopie Goldberg is a buffoon

West is the biggest Asshat on the planet oh god I might be wrong about Trump..

Kanye has also voiced his intention to run for POTUS. He didn't vote, so his "voice" doesn't count in this instance. Let's wait, watch, and see...
Here is what you need to know about Kanye. He will do or say whatever gets him attention. Whether it's lewd comments about Taylor Swift, or running for POTUS or being pro-Trump or who knows what, he is the biggest attention whore on the planet.
Whoopie will call anyone Trump chooses over these next two months "Slave Owners"
I wish I was one of the 1.5% of the American population that were slave owners prior to 18fucking65.

That would have been fun. Of course not being white, it would have been tough.

Since to a half Jew black woman like Goldberg there is no such thing as a slave owner that was not white.

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