Keep draining that swamp!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Love it. The best would be if he invites Putin to Mar A Lago for golf next week.

The tears of the left are tasting so fucking sweet.

Do you know they are so fucking demented that they actually forgot that they blamed Comey for fixing the election for Trump?

I will be back later. On my way to piss on a liberal's grave.

Fucking love it.
Love it. The best would be if he invites Putin to Mar A Lago for golf next week.

The tears of the left are tasting so fucking sweet.

Do you know they are so fucking demented that they actually forgot that they blamed Comey for fixing the election for Trump?

I will be back later. On my way to piss on a liberal's grave.

Fucking love it.
LOL. You're a fucking idiot. Seriously.
We need to exhume karl marx from london and create a public toilet in DC with his remains as the ballast of the tank.
Love it. The best would be if he invites Putin to Mar A Lago for golf next week.

The tears of the left are tasting so fucking sweet.

Do you know they are so fucking demented that they actually forgot that they blamed Comey for fixing the election for Trump?

I will be back later. On my way to piss on a liberal's grave.

Fucking love it.
LOL. You're a fucking idiot. Seriously.

Thanks for humping his leg and biting his ankles cupcake.

Love it. The best would be if he invites Putin to Mar A Lago for golf next week.

The tears of the left are tasting so f-ing sweet.

Do you know they are so f-ing demented that they actually forgot that they blamed Comey for fixing the election for Trump?

I will be back later. On my way to piss on a liberal's grave.

FN love it.

Watching their take of the firing is both hysterical and disturbing.
LET THEM CONTRADICT themselves and step all over their former words about wanting Comey removed and praise for the integrity of the Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. These will make great side by side clips to assure these liars & manipulators will never get re-elected.
In fact once they show the lies they should show the dems demonization campaign claiming excessive lying is a sign of insanity. ALONG WITH THE tin foil hat conspiracy narative blowing up in their faces, everything they ever said in propaganda and demonization will reflect back as being Them all along deflecting who they were on their opponent. On top of that exposing that all along the abuse of power, they wasting tax payers time and money, preventing function of gov't, sabotage necessary relations, were comitting treasonous acts and instigating terrorist acts against their own country.
Sold out the people & Country for sake of party and tactics.
Done right and these clips will expose the full picture of what the progresive leftist
radicals are all about.
Love it. The best would be if he invites Putin to Mar A Lago for golf next week.

The tears of the left are tasting so fucking sweet.

Do you know they are so fucking demented that they actually forgot that they blamed Comey for fixing the election for Trump?

I will be back later. On my way to piss on a liberal's grave.

Fucking love it.

Aren't you one of the dickheads who used to screech "Commie" at every liberal when Obama was POTUS? And now you are one?
Yep, Trump is fulfilling my very distinct notion that he is definitely a sociopath who thinks of himself as a monarch. An emperor. Problem is, that's not what we do here and thank god he is paving his own road to impeachment.
Yep, Trump is fulfilling my very distinct notion that he is definitely a sociopath who thinks of himself as a monarch. An emperor. Problem is, that's not what we do here and thank god he is paving his own road to impeachment.

I told everyone here that you guys would pull the ole dictator narrative out of your hat if he arrested one of your criminals or fired someone you wanted to use for such propaganda. In fact, itcs the reason why Clinton and Obama think they can get away with anything they want by crying it just the same way.
However, we see you guys hit yourselves trying to hit Trump again.
1) The Dems especially Schumer were saying they wanted Comey fired, suddenly he contradicts that.
2)worse yet is that Dems caused 2 people off the investigations who were opponents, 1 which was set up by Obama who would be investigated, thus their claims of timing and usage for delaying or other delusional comments has to be even standard reflected back at them whereby twice they did what they are crying foul over.
3)they are caught lying again to distract the fact there is nothing there in their tin foil hat conspiracy theories. According to the Dem Senators talking about mental health & Democratic Psychologist used to demonize the president, if one lies a lot and is stating delusional blames and conspiracy they are insane. Therefore the psychologist described Hillary, Obama, Warren, Pelosi, Schumer, and most liberal media indulging in the conspiracies and lying as utterly insane.
Their own words not mine.
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This thread triggered more libs than a Trump tweet. :laugh:
Like I said, I play them like a cheap dime store banjo.

They are so fucking easy for me. To the point where it is often not fun. That is how easy they are.

Then again, in a sense it never gets old.

I especially love it when I say exactly what they are going to do, and they do it.

They are unreal fucking losers. I had a real nice piss on a liberal's grave last night. After I chugged an icy cold Bud.
Just wait until Trump puts two more conservatives on the supreme court, libstains will be foaming at the mouth.
Whoever runs against Schumer his next term will have an easy time if he or she gathers all these zingers from these clips and shows what his party accomplished so far the first 100days. Broken windows, damaged properties, damaged relations, terrorist threats against celebrities and citizens, beat up grandpas and grandmas, set fires, set a gotel on fire, comited crimes and made false charges on them, made up phoney crimes =false charges, used activism for missleading it's minions to do acts of destabilizing our country for sake of a multi billion dollar investment fund manager who finances and instigates riots around the world for sake of shorting markets and gaining from the pain & loss of others. Dems got alot of treasonous acts done the first 100 days, Russia would be very proud of them.

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