Keep Draining The Swamp! President Trump picks Rick Perry for Energy Secretary

Rick honestly could not remember the name of the fucking Energy Dept. in that one debate because they were so ineffectual. Hopefully, Rick can make the Energy Dept. relevant in making America great again.
Oh this time it surely can't get better.

I've been saying that for a while now and have been made a liar every time.
Rick honestly could not remember the name of the fucking Energy Dept. in that one debate because they were so ineffectual. Hopefully, Rick can make the Energy Dept. relevant in making America great again.
He'll probably forget the location of his building on his way to work.
He'll probably forget the location of his building on his way to work.
There have been some troubling picks so far, but for some reason, this one really bugs me.

At least it wasn't Palin, I guess.

Elections have consequences.
he also picked Navy SEAL Ryan Zinke as Interior Secretary. another fine pick by our president!
Rubes schlonged LOL
Perry wants to dismantle the Energy Department. Pruitt wants to dismantle the EPA. Mad Dog wants to dismantle ISIS.

Perry will be replacing Stanford-educated nuclear physissist Ernest nothing changes in terms of smarts!
folks have this idea of Rick Perry — you hear a lot about how he’s not smart. Those folks don’t know Rick Perry...Everybody talks about how he got a ‘D’ in meats. But he is a savvy person, who brings tremendous knowledge base and decision-making skills to the job.

as Governor, Governor Perry streamlined energy permits and helped drive a big expansion of wind power.
"It is also deeply unsettling that our current secretary of Energy, a renowned nuclear physicist, could be succeeded by a contestant on 'Dancing with the Stars,'” - Senator Frank Pallone

I would take a good manager like Perry over a trained scientist like Moniz
"Perry oversaw a rapid expansion of wind energy in Texas, which is now the country’s No. 1 producer of wind power. Supporters say one reason was a law he signed in 2005 that expanded the state’s mandate for energy producers to increase their reliance on renewable sources, to a total capacity of 5,880 megawatts. The bill also directed the state Public Utility Commission to begin developing “Competitive Renewable Energy Zones” that would later help bring renewable energy from isolated, wind-heavy sections of the state to population centers.

Barry Smitherman — whom Perry appointed to serve on the Public Utility Commission and the Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees the oil and gas industry — said the governor’s tenure was marked by a disdain for government bureaucracy. He said Perry was eager to streamline the process for approving permits for energy projects. (The Railroad Commission now processes drilling permits in as few as six to 10 days.)"
What is the democratic interpretation of "Drain the swamp?" I think the interpretation, or expectation of Trump supporter's is to get rid of and replace the political appointee's in the IRS and Justice Department who allowed themselves to be used as a political weapon for the Obama adminstration.
Big Government Rick said today he no longer wants to abolish the Dept. of Energy.

Oh, Rick. Come on man.
"Rick is a very personable guy in person, much different to what you saw in the 2012 presidential debates" - President Trump

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