Low Energy Trump Seen Falling Asleep During Trial

Captain Chaos looks like a beat down old SOB to me.
Trump has more energy at his age then many slackers of our youngest generations. Whatever happens to him, Progs messed with the wrong person. Look at how many of the Republican politicians have wilted. It is not difficult to see them leaving office early or declaring they will not run again or just snakes as somehow the legislation that should not het passed, gets passed. D.C. is compromised. It is like a two-bit carnival ripping off the customers and threatening your life if you complain about it.
Trump has more energy at his age
Brillia vs Adderall for ADD/ADHD
Low-Energy Donald. Please clap. Is he going to campaign from his basement?


He is likely praying for his enemies who consistently take their mountains built out of molehills for superior vote counts for themselves. If not, their lies are somewhat boring, and he could be tired of the drivel he hears from the lying sob stories.
If he can't stay awake while being on trial for all this, he doesn't have the energy to be president.
Drivel, drivel, drivel, drivel, drivel, drivel, drivel. Ho hum for the leftists' hum drum.

Man, that's funny on MULTIPLE levels!
Some Christian people obey Christ who told his followers to pray for people who spiteful misuse them. It's not enough to pray for your friends only in the sight of God. We have to follow God,'s laws. It's our responsibility to obey the Lord. It is in the Good Book. We are also encouraged to read the Bible frequently so we will know what dwellers in His blessed Kingdom requires. That knowing and understanding what the Bible actually says is also known as the Word of God. When you find yourself actually obeying the Word, the saying "Come, peace of God" tends to be in your own heart. I can't describe the joy of finding that type of peace.
Some Christian people obey Christ who told his followers to pray for people who spiteful misuse them. It's not enough to pray for your friends only in the sight of God. We have to follow God,'s laws. It's our responsibility to obey the Lord. It is in the Good Book. We are also encouraged to read the Bible frequently so we will know what dwellers in His blessed Kingdom requires. That knowing and understanding what the Bible actually says is also known as the Word of God. When you find yourself actually obeying the Word, the saying "Come, peace of God" tends to be in your own heart. I can't describe the joy of finding that type of peace.
Whatever provides you with the comfort and answers you need.

Meanwhile, the notion that Donald Trump is actually a practicing Christian is preposterous on its face, and it's disturbing that he has convinced some people that he is.
Whatever provides you with the comfort and answers you need.

Meanwhile, the notion that Donald Trump is actually a practicing Christian is preposterous on its face, and it's disturbing that he has convinced some people that he is.
You may not understand the small difference of Christian people who commit the same sin. That difference is that Christians are forgiven because Christ died for his believers' sins, which is why he is called "the lamb of God." And as God told Moses who asked God "who are you?" And God said "I am who I am."

Another problem that arises along the lines of this debate of sorts is that human beings are unable to look on the heart of other sinners. Only God has that power. That at least partially explains why the Good Book says "Judge not least ye be judged."

God's laws are not the same as the laws of the lands because God looks on the heart. The justice system decides based on the laws of men, and some states sentence a person to die for his crime or to place him in jail for however long the Court thinks the law breaker should be so confined, and they may consider families whose loved one was murdered by the killer; if the killing was in self defense, there may not even be a trial because self defense is not generally considered a crime.
When Trump comes to town Americans chant "We love Trump", but when Biden comes to town, Americans chant "f*** joe Biden".

Biden is on the campaign trails trying to find real life supporters while Trump's real life supporters flock to see him.
Pedo Joe falls asleep during one of the "most important meetings in history"

You may not understand the small difference of Christian people who commit the same sin. That difference is that Christians are forgiven because Christ died for his believers' sins, which is why he is called "the lamb of God." And as God told Moses who asked God "who are you?" And God said "I am who I am."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say 'the ends justifies the means'.

And so-called, self-described Christians can't use loopholes like "Well, sure Trump is a piece of shit, but he's doing what the Lord wants done, so afterward, when he has completed his crusade to turn America into 'A Handmaid's Tale' all he has to do is ask for forgiveness and God will surely give it to him!!!!!1!"
Nowhere in the Bible does it say 'the ends justifies the means'.

And so-called, self-described Christians can't use loopholes like "Well, sure Trump is a piece of shit, but he's doing what the Lord wants done, so afterward, when he has completed his crusade to turn America into 'A Handmaid's Tale' all he has to do is ask for forgiveness and God will surely give it to him!!!!!1!"
I did not mention any words about the end justifying the means and you knew that was a false accusation against me, didn't you.
So apparently you misunderstood what I said as well. And FYI, I have attended services in mainstream Christian churches Iin beautiful America for my entire life. NEVER did I ever hear a one of our members call somebody a "piece of shit," which is an inappropriate term for public use whether in a holy building dedicated to doing God's blessings with good will to other people regardless of poverty, illness, incarceration in prison, nor of harming anybody else. Such blistering misuse of language should not appear online anywhere in my humble opinion.

President Trump prospered all Americans who had a market interest, and or a business booming economy. During President' Trump's term, people could afford the gasoline to travel halfway across the Continent because he prospered the oil and gas laborers and administrators of oil companies to lower gas prices to under $2.former gallon for everyday parents to take their kids to any of our National Parks to inhale crispy clean air at Yellowstone, the Grand Canyonlands, Maine's National Park at their beautiful Coast of nature's many areas of eye candy up there.

Good night all. I have been fighting neural pain for several weeks and a good night's sleep helps reduce its sometimes shocking pains. Love and happiness to all who post here, from all political view points. May God help our country help various parts of the world where poverty and pandemics make life unbearable and Healthcare that is not available to the impoverished. Stay well.
Trump obviously doesn't. It's not fair to force him to stay in the courtroom every day for six weeks!
It’s not fair?!?! Haha. He’s being prosecuted for many felonies. I know yall have been pretending like it’s all a political joke. But it really isn’t. Maybe time to wake up

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