*Keep Your Dirty Hands Off Israel, Joe Biden*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Now he's went and done it, telling Israel, how to clean up Gaza.
2. No, no, no, no, I'm a Texan, and I say Benjamin, the President of Israel, should have a free hand till the jobs done right.
3. Joe making noises, on how this war should be fought, is out of line.
4. Israel has every right to protect itself, and they will.

Sorry bout that,

1. Now he's went and done it, telling Israel, how to clean up Gaza.
2. No, no, no, no, I'm a Texan, and I say Benjamin, the President of Israel, should have a free hand till the jobs done right.
3. Joe making noises, on how this war should be fought, is out of line.
4. Israel has every right to protect itself, and they will.

You got that wrong, your headline needs to spell - Keep your hands off "dirty" Israel, Joe Biden - stop sending them aid.
You got that wrong, your headline needs to spell - Keep your hands off "dirty" Israel, Joe Biden - stop sending them aid.
I think we should send aid to Ukraine or Israel. . . . but?

Unlike others. . . I think we should stahp giving that shit away. We are trillions in debt.

Anyone that wants to BUY what we produce? They are more than welcome to. We should sell to the highest bidder.


I think we should send aid to Ukraine or Israel. . . . but?

Unlike others. . . I think we should stahp giving that shit away. We are trillions in debt.

Anyone that wants to BUY what we produce? They are more than welcome to. We should sell to the highest bidder.



How many Americans are murdered by Russians every year? I'm thinking around zero, yet the drug cartels murder about 200 people a day.

America needs to mobilize their war efforts against the drug cartels. Imagine, the sky turning dark from the armada of drones flying into Mexico and South America. Exhilarating really!!!

In Israel, at least there were American citizens murdered and some still held captive, so I would probably send some money to Israel for that as well since Biden does not give a damn about the Americans held hostage by Hamas, the terrorist group he has now allied himself with.
In Israel, at least there were American citizens murdered and some still held captive,
Most of your post was a straw man.

I wrote nothing about the border crises, so making an argument about that, and then telling me I am wrong? That's not going to fly.

Now? If you would like to name for me the American citizens that have been, "murdered," or "held captive," and start a separate thread to discuss THAT issue? Sure, we can do that. . .

However, you are not addressing some weak minded leftist that falls for CFR, neo-con/neo-lib war propaganda.

We can discuss the issue of duel citizenship in an appropriate place, and its implications for US foreign policy. :sigh2:


Sorry bout that,

1. Now he's went and done it, telling Israel, how to clean up Gaza.
2. No, no, no, no, I'm a Texan, and I say Benjamin, the President of Israel, should have a free hand till the jobs done right.
3. Joe making noises, on how this war should be fought, is out of line.
4. Israel has every right to protect itself, and they will.


As an older, "Scratch n' Dent" Veteran, my first loyalty is to the US, its genuine security and its best global interests and because of my military experience, I am also intimately familiar with what modern munitions do to human tissue.

Soon after my military service, I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East and spent the '73 War in and around Southern Lebanon's Palestinian refugee camps.

Of course Israel has a right to defend itself but that's not what Netanyahu and his right wing extremists are doing.

Earlier experiences make it impossible for me to understand how any loyal, rational and informed American could blindly aid and abet the systematic extermination, torture and persecution of people they have never met and about whom they know nothing except what a pro Israel, American MSM (1) tells them.

What many Americans aren't being told is that Netanyahu's genocidal foray into Gaza will simply make Israelis less secure as there are about 2.7 Billion Muslims in the world who are both forming alliances with BRIC and other growing world powers and justifiably resentful of US complicity in an internationally condemned genocide.

Nothing would delight Netanyahu and his war mongers more than to manipulate the US into a disastrous "War on Islam" and soak Middle Eastern soil with the blood of young American G.I.s, again, for Israel's regional hegemony & indefensible genocide

The IDF practice of slaughtering Palestine's native residents didn't start in October of 2023 with what ethical Jews around the word are calling the Gaza genocide (2).

During Operations "Cast Lead", "Pillar of Cloud", "Cutting Edge" etc, IDF has earned the reputation as "The Israel Massacre Forces" (3) and IDF members even shoot children "for fun",(4) so stories about Hamas using "Human Shields" is just more of the same pro Israel MSM bias most have heard.

Essentially, what Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is what foreign Zionists have been doing to Palestine's native residents since Deir Yassin (5).

What exposes Netanyahu's myopic misadventure as blatant genocide is the absence of an End Game or an Exit Strategy.
His objective is to kill off as many of Gaza's native residents as the world will stand by and tolerate.

America's complicity in the Gaza genocide will simply make America less secure while going down as another black mark on America's history.

Even if Hamas was eliminated, attempting to "...clean up Gaza" via genocide only serves to recruit millions of angry young replacements for generations to come.

I don't expect to change your mind, I simply hope you'll consider long term solutions that are are both moral and in America's best long term interests.

Future generations deserve better from us than a WW 3.


(1). “U.S. media coverage reveals a pro-Israel bias”

EXCERPT “Why does TV news look like a Netanyahu ad?” asked Chris McGreal of The Guardian on July 31, in his article on the “notoriously pro-Israel mainstream media in the U.S.” CONTINUED

(2) “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(3). "The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

(4). “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.” CONTINUED

(5) " 9th April, 1948: 65th anniversary of Deir Yassin Massacre!"

EXCERPT "Around 250 people were murdered in cold blood. Of these, 25 were pregnant women who were bayoneted in the abdomen while still alive. Fifty-two children were maimed under the eyes of their own mothers, before being slain and having their heads cut off. The Jewish Agency and the commander of the British ground troops were aware the massacre was taking place, but no one attempted to intervene." CONTINUED
I think we should send aid to Ukraine or Israel. . . . but?

Unlike others. . . I think we should stahp giving that shit away. We are trillions in debt.

Anyone that wants to BUY what we produce? They are more than welcome to. We should sell to the highest bidder.
The sovereign nation Ukraine was attacked in 2014, by the national army of another sovereign nation, and again in a wide spread overall attack in 2022 - by Russia.
Russia's reason being the nonstop NATO-eastward expansion initiated foremost by the USA aka Bush sen. at the time. Since Ukraine was and is supposed to become a NATO member - it is understood that NATO therefore needs to help/support them.

Israel has given cause for the Palestinians to fight against Israels continued occupation of Palestinian lands and having killed approx. 50,000 Palestinians since 1948/9. And ensuring that e.g. Gaza and the West-bank are/remain economically unsustainable.

What justifiable reason does the USA have to support Israels policy? being more or less Israels sole military hardware provider! - that additionally provides US$ 4 Billion military equipment a year for free? Not to mention (Trump) acknowledging Jerusalem to be Israels capital - and therefore adding ample cause for Palestinian radicals to attack Israeli settlements in e.g. the Gaza envelope.
Additionally the USA is supporting a nation that commits war-crimes against Palestinian civilians and has "ignored" around 80 UN resolutions.

In other words - the Ukraine and Israel issue - are non-comparable
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The sovereign nation Ukraine was attacked in 2014
I think this is the only part of your warped view on Ukraine that I can agree with. . .


U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt caught out in private chat (2014)​

Sorry bout that,

1. Now he's went and done it, telling Israel, how to clean up Gaza.
2. No, no, no, no, I'm a Texan, and I say Benjamin, the President of Israel, should have a free hand till the jobs done right.
3. Joe making noises, on how this war should be fought, is out of line.
4. Israel has every right to protect itself, and they will.

A country that wants to endanger Americans because it helps them continue a genocide should certainly be a concern of the U.S. President.
The sovereign nation Ukraine was attacked in 2014, by the national army of another sovereign nation, and again in a wide spread overall attack in 2022 - by Russia.
Russia's reason being the nonstop NATO-eastward expansion initiated foremost by the USA aka Bush sen. at the time. Since Ukraine was and is supposed to become a NATO member - it is understood that NATO therefore needs to help/support them.

Israel has given cause for the Palestinians to fight against Israels continued occupation of Palestinian lands and having killed approx. 50,000 Palestinians since 1948/9. And ensuring that e.g. Gaza and the West-bank are/remain economically unsustainable.

What justifiable reason does the USA have to support Israels policy? being more or less Israels sole military hardware provider! - that additionally provides US$ 4 Billion military equipment a year for free? Not to mention (Trump) acknowledging Jerusalem to be Israels capital - and therefore adding ample cause for Palestinian radicals to attack Israeli settlements in e.g. the Gaza envelope.
Additionally the USA is supporting a nation that commits war-crimes against Palestinian civilians and has "ignored" around 80 UN resolutions.

In other words - the Ukraine and Israel issue - are non-comparable

Thank you for condemning America's unconditional and immoral support of each and every Israeli war crime, atrocity and betrayal. (1)

The greatest threat to America is not from enemies far away but from America's disloyal infestation of parasitic and deeply entrenched "Israel Firsters" whose sole objective is to secretly extract as much American blood and resources as possible for the most egregious genocide on the planet.

Most Americans seem unaware of the degree to which America is being manipulated into a disastrous and unwinnable War on 2.7 Billion Muslims by America's Zionist "Fifth Column" and armchair warmongers.

The same Americans who demand and expect better schools, improved health care and safer streets don't know that the countless $ Trillions (2) quietly wasted on Zionist genocide and expansionism could be used to dramatically improve the lives of all Americans at the same time it makes America more secure.

Of course Americans must make conditions on the $ Trillions extracted by the same insatiable Israeli lobbies that are "quietly successful" (3) in sending young American G.I.s to die for Israeli genocide, expansionism and regional hegemony.

Every American needs. to know that every bullet or bomb used in Netanyahu's genocidal folly that mutilates Gaza's men, women and children makes America less safe.

Before America's Israeli lobbies manipulate America's more deeply into an unwinnable War on Muslims, loyal Americans need to remember:

“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”– John Sheehan, Society of Jesus. (Jesuit priest)


(1). "How Israel Has Betrayed America"

EXCERPT "A recent report by Newsweek magazine that Israel has spied on the United States at “an alarming level” and has done so “more than any other ally does” raises a very serious issue concerning how much Israel has betrayed America, which is something that the American mainstream media have time and again refused to debate in public." CONTINUED

(2). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"
By Thomas R. Stauffer

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
Infamous GRAU (neo nazi site promoter) hypocrite-
Is against:


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I think this is the only part of your warped view on Ukraine that I can agree with. . .


U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt caught out in private chat (2014)​

Victoria Nuland should also stop pressuring Israel to intervene in Russia-Ukraine war. Which they refused/refuse.​

As to MSM Anti Israel bias, one can see, for example:


As to pAlaesTiNiAn routine of causing civilians death via using them,

"Densely populated" - is not an excuse. There was plenty of space to have their murderous rocket launchers targeting Israeli citizens.. outside cities, not to mention Gaza Beach.
Certainly no need to have kindergarten and hospitals for terror activities for instance.

they bragged about it, admitted - the STRATEGY

And not just from today:

And even dating back to Arafat beginning the method of using their own people as human shields in Lebanon in 1982 and on..
Decried in 1983


Deir Yassin Lie
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