Keith Olbermann Related To Trump ?

What good stuff? Incompetence that led to a shitty virus outbreak response that has killed almost 250K people? Infections at their highest rate so far?
7% unemployment with thousands of businesses and millions of jobs that are probably never coming back? A sweetheart tax cut for the 1%, bloated budgets,
and increasing the deficit to 1.2 trillion (pre-pandemic). And stoking a race war as a cherry on top of the shit sundae.

Let me quote from one of Trump's reality shows..."You're Fired!!".
Trying to outdo Olbermann in insane rage noted.
Trump's virus outbreak response has killed almost 250k? Governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy,
Newsom deserve no credit at all for any of that?
That same Chinese sourced pandemic is not the reason why the economy, which was the envy of the
world, is now saddled with shutdowns and closed businesses?

Try and find out why so much of your unbalanced rage is misplaced and childish.

I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
View attachment 412588
Don't let the facts get in the way of your lives.

Let me correct this for you..mostly cause I'm tired of you idiots posting this shit.

January 31st - Trump announces a travel RESTRICTION for any Chinese nation attempting to enter the US. However it does not apply to over 40K American citizens who fly home in a panic through crowded international airports in largely blue cities with little in the way of testing, contact tracing, and quarantining. Not even a two week shelter in place for those Americans while we get our testing act together. Ball dropped right there. Hello pandemic. The rest of your horseshit is recycled right wing dead horse beating. You're right. Trump's inaction on the virus was insanity. But the majority of American voters just rectified that.
I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
No "worship" needed. I just have a regard for facts you seem to lack due to your psychopathic

You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and
didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
No "worship" needed. I just have a regard for facts you seem to lack due to your psychopathic

You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and
didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
You should count your lucky stars the Deplorables stay passive. They may do that. They can take this nation down because they control the mechanisms of survival.
I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
No "worship" needed. I just have a regard for facts you seem to lack due to your psychopathic

You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and
didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
You should count your lucky stars the Deplorables stay passive. They may do that. They can take this nation down because they control the mechanisms of survival.

Like most everything the rabid right puts out. A lot of talk and smoke. But in the end, you'll unbunch your panties, smooth them off, and get to the business of yelling and screaming about deficits and abortion again.
You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Lawsuits contesting the theft of the presidency have already been filed while you sat there smiling
and confidently slurping up your Cheerios.

You have about as much legitimacy in this matter as Cognitively Deficient Joe does. Which is to say none.

Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
Yes. The leftist fools were about as right about that as they are about who the president is and
the status of the election. Your Stalinist/Alinsky-ite tactics don't work in a society with a strong judiciary
and free press.

You don't get to claim the presidency. You have to actually win it. You have only accomplished half your
goals...the claiming part. Check this out.

жаль, что ты проиграл Sorry to disappoint you, Ivan.
Like most everything the rabid right puts out. A lot of talk and smoke. But in the end, you'll unbunch your panties, smooth them off, and get to the business of yelling and screaming about deficits and abortion again.
A Socialist solution to theft of an election by a hard core socialists. Who is surprised?
Steal and then lie and attempt to normalize the crime.

Everyone who reads this would do well to remember who we are dealing with...socialist psychopaths
with no feelings of remorse or guilt. They hijacked the party and put Cognitively Impaired Joe in as their puppet (Kamala Harris is the socialist helper here keeping their hands in control).

Everything they do is by the book. Step one...the crime. Step two...normalize the crime. Step three..consolidate your power and step autocratic control over a nation of sheep.

But many of the sheep have sharp teeth and claws and will fight back.
Last edited:
I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
No "worship" needed. I just have a regard for facts you seem to lack due to your psychopathic

You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and
didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
You should count your lucky stars the Deplorables stay passive. They may do that. They can take this nation down because they control the mechanisms of survival.

Like most everything the rabid right puts out. A lot of talk and smoke. But in the end, you'll unbunch your panties, smooth them off, and get to the business of yelling and screaming about deficits and abortion again.
You know nothing of violence. Punching people out and pop gun shooting with burning some stores is baby stuff. That is your spew for machismo. The reality is that you back the darkness. With a percentage of you either unaware or believing otherwise. You believe social justice is equality. While the evil that pushed it has taken away unalienable rights. Trump showed us all what you are. You are in the front now. The Progressive Socialist Party is a Cult. And the Cult is all powerful. You may be a member, but you can be neutralized. Used and thrown under the bus as needed. You will find that out. sooner rather then later.
What good stuff? Incompetence that led to a shitty virus outbreak response that has killed almost 250K people? Infections at their highest rate so far?
7% unemployment with thousands of businesses and millions of jobs that are probably never coming back? A sweetheart tax cut for the 1%, bloated budgets,
and increasing the deficit to 1.2 trillion (pre-pandemic). And stoking a race war as a cherry on top of the shit sundae.

Let me quote from one of Trump's reality shows..."You're Fired!!".
Trying to outdo Olbermann in insane rage noted.
Trump's virus outbreak response has killed almost 250k? Governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy,
Newsom deserve no credit at all for any of that?
That same Chinese sourced pandemic is not the reason why the economy, which was the envy of the
world, is now saddled with shutdowns and closed businesses?

Try and find out why so much of your unbalanced rage is misplaced and childish.

I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
View attachment 412588
Don't let the facts get in the way of your lives.

Let me correct this for you..mostly cause I'm tired of you idiots posting this shit.

January 31st - Trump announces a travel RESTRICTION for any Chinese nation attempting to enter the US. However it does not apply to over 40K American citizens who fly home in a panic through crowded international airports in largely blue cities with little in the way of testing, contact tracing, and quarantining. Not even a two week shelter in place for those Americans while we get our testing act together. Ball dropped right there. Hello pandemic. The rest of your horseshit is recycled right wing dead horse beating. You're right. Trump's inaction on the virus was insanity. But the majority of American voters just rectified that.
Lol, no matter what Trump did, you would say it was wrong. Fact is looney liberals were telling people to congregate, because Trump said we should be careful. Their hatred for Trump cost American lives.
I just giving you the facts. Feel free to continue your worship of Trump.
Looks like his time is short. Again, if he had just shown an interest in doing his job,
he could have prevented the virus spread, limited the economic damage, and probably
sewn up his re-election..all before one ballot was cast in the Democratic primaries.
No "worship" needed. I just have a regard for facts you seem to lack due to your psychopathic

You present about as many facts as your savior does..which is to say next to none.
Looks like he lost. I would count your blessings that Republicans pulled a rabbit out of the election hat and
didn't suffer the bloodbath everyone thought they were going to.
You should count your lucky stars the Deplorables stay passive. They may do that. They can take this nation down because they control the mechanisms of survival.

Like most everything the rabid right puts out. A lot of talk and smoke. But in the end, you'll unbunch your panties, smooth them off, and get to the business of yelling and screaming about deficits and abortion again.
You know nothing of violence. Punching people out and pop gun shooting with burning some stores is baby stuff. That is your spew for machismo. The reality is that you back the darkness. With a percentage of you either unaware or believing otherwise. You believe social justice is equality. While the evil that pushed it has taken away unalienable rights. Trump showed us all what you are. You are in the front now. The Progressive Socialist Party is a Cult. And the Cult is all powerful. You may be a member, but you can be neutralized. Used and thrown under the bus as needed. You will find that out. sooner rather then later.

As I've participated in none of that and don't condone it, hawk your end of the nation bullshit somewhere else. I get it. You're pissed off. You were lied to. And your guy lost. Again, I have no idea what America you thought this fraud of a reality TV show host was going to return you to. But I can only describe your devotion as a cult. It is what it is. I'll choose to believe that we have a brighter future now. If you want to live in darkness, be my guest. Some people are more comfortable and less frightened in the dark.
As I've participated in none of that and don't condone it, hawk your end of the nation bullshit somewhere else. I get it. You're pissed off. You were lied to. And your guy lost. Again, I have no idea what America you thought this fraud of a reality TV show host was going to return you to. But I can only describe your devotion as a cult. It is what it is. I'll choose to believe that we have a brighter future now. If you want to live in darkness, be my guest. Some people are more comfortable and less frightened in the dark.
Keep believing in a fraud, given the illusion of success due to fraud. It suits your low level IQ.
View attachment 412038

The only difference being that Trump got good stuff done.

All Olbermann has ever done is shit his pants on TV.

Yes, you are stupid.

I get that.

A Trump Humper calling someone stupid is like Jeffery Dahmer calling William Gacy a pedophile.

But someone calling you stupid is like calling the sky blue.
View attachment 412038

The only difference being that Trump got good stuff done.

All Olbermann has ever done is shit his pants on TV.

Yes, you are stupid.

I get that.

A Trump Humper calling someone stupid is like Jeffery Dahmer calling William Gacy a pedophile.

But someone calling you stupid is like calling the sky blue.

It is ironic that a moron would try and call someone stupid.
View attachment 412038

The only difference being that Trump got good stuff done.

All Olbermann has ever done is shit his pants on TV.

Yes, you are stupid.

I get that.

A Trump Humper calling someone stupid is like Jeffery Dahmer calling William Gacy a pedophile.

But someone calling you stupid is like calling the sky blue.

It is ironic that a moron would try and call someone stupid.

And it gets more so every time you post.
View attachment 412038

The only difference being that Trump got good stuff done.

All Olbermann has ever done is shit his pants on TV.

Yes, you are stupid.

I get that.

A Trump Humper calling someone stupid is like Jeffery Dahmer calling William Gacy a pedophile.

But someone calling you stupid is like calling the sky blue.

It is ironic that a moron would try and call someone stupid.

Super pathetic is the biggest vacuous idiot on this board
The black deaths rates will skyrocket in the inner cities as cops are defunded
White leftist are the enemy of god

Many great black folks are stuck in the inner cities and now they will have zero police help

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