Keith Olbermann (Who?) Says Trump Supporters Are "Maggots" Who Must Be "Prosecuted" And "Destroyed"

Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

Keith Olbermann was a deranged leftwinger from like 15 years ago. He basically had “TDS” with Bush and any Republican. He was ahead of his time when it comes to being a batshit crazy communist/Marxist. Now the rest of the Democratic Party has caught up to him, and it’s just let him be more honest about his Marxist ideology.
Wow. Two different Keith Olbermann threads in two days and I haven't seen this guy in years. Still a charmer, eh? I intimated that he had trouble keeping a job. Maybe the last two Olbermann threads indicate why. If lucky, I won't see him for a few more years.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

I already have all the guns I need.

The libs on this site are starting to say we want to defund the police.
Sounds like they want cops to hate the people that support them.
Wow. Two different Keith Olbermann threads in two days and I haven't seen this guy in years. Still a charmer, eh? I intimated that he had trouble keeping a job. Maybe the last two Olbermann threads indicate why. If lucky, I won't see him for a few more years.
I didn't even have to listen to what Olbermann was saying to figure out that his facial expressions indicate he's ready for the rubber-room.
He's totally off his rocker.
If there is any doubt in your mind that these pieces of shit who reject all religious morality, undermine every virtue, ridicule people of faith and maintain no ethical standards will not eagerly repeat the crimes of Stalin and Mao by tenfold...

You're huffing paint.

If not for the Second Amendment these pieces of shit would have purged every patriot in America 40 years ago.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

I already have all the guns I need.

The libs on this site are starting to say we want to defund the police.
Sounds like they want cops to hate the people that support them.

I think that if the FBI is doing their jobs.....Hollywood personalities and Wallstreet execs are going to be doing the perp-walk for funding terrorist activity.
Kieth olderman? Is that yutz still alive?

I remember when he worked at the same station as that dude...what's his name?

Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Of course he is talking about the criminal Trump supporters. Duh . More garbage propaganda and innuendo.....

To him all Trump supporters are criminals.

At least he has the balls to admit it.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

View attachment 399946
View attachment 399947

^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

View attachment 399948
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View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

View attachment 399946
View attachment 399947

^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

View attachment 399948
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View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.

I live in NYC, so getting any gun is a pain in the ass. It used to be I felt OK as long as I had the right to, but current events make me think I need a shotgun for home defense and some form of long rifle like an M1 Garand for oh shit situations.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

View attachment 399946
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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

View attachment 399948
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View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

Looks like a local news channel took Olbermann’s orders seriously. They hired an Antifa thug as a “security guard”, then followed and harassed a pro-police protester. The protester saw a man with a gun and tried to spray him with his pepper spray to defend himself, as the “security guard” fired his gun at him. This was a straight execution carried out by a news media crew. I think this is a first in US history:


Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

View attachment 399946
View attachment 399947

^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

View attachment 399948
View attachment 399949
View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

Sounds like tramp talking about Democrats.
His words must mean something look at all the Trump Humpers who are posting.
It is more representative of the thousands and more of Prog propagandists that are in all of TV and entertainment. Channel after channel is the same whether subtle or head on. Old TV programs, religious programs, and several people with Repub views are allowed still. We have cheated mother nature with a Prog agenda that spouts mother nature as the ruler of us over God.
His words must mean something look at all the Trump Humpers who are posting.

Actually they do, and its really serious business.

Some libs get rabidly inflamed by Mr. Olbermann, and its critically important for Biden Harris to denounce him and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the violence that Keith inspires.

Why don't you follow those same guidelines when it comes to Trump and Trump Humpers.

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