Kelli Ward has More Than 25 Point Lead over Jeff Flake

He and McCain should both be concerned about this. It’s not just the president’s support of Ward but the plummeting approval of Congress and incumbents in general.

When asked if Flake should be renominated in 2018, an astounding 66 percent said that someone else should represent the Republican Party on the Senate ticket next year while just 22 percent said Flake should be renominated and 13 percent are undecided.

The very detailed poll with lots of links is @ Exclusive — Jeff Flake Underwater: Poll Shows Kelli Ward Opening Up More-Than-25-Point-Lead In Senate Race With Year to Go - Breitbart

Most of us in Arizona couldn't believe he got elected to the Senate in the first place. When challenged about his support of term-limits in Congress and then reneging on his promise to quit after a couple terms, he laughed and said "I lied". Nobody else laughed.

McCain is a hero for going through what he did in Vietnam......That being said, I can't help thinking it is possible his thinking has been compromised. Especially now with his mental health in question.
McCain stopped being a Hero 50 years ago and has become a coward ever since he left Vietnam!

You are the coward. McCain is a hero. You are the horse's ass.

McCain is butt hurt. He couldn't handle Trump's jabs. He's starved
for attention. He needs to hang it up and head for home.
Be wary those in this thread putting their faith in polls after discrediting them in the past after Trump's winning the presidency...
I posted this even though I have absolutely no faith in any poll.
He and McCain should both be concerned about this. It’s not just the president’s support of Ward but the plummeting approval of Congress and incumbents in general.

When asked if Flake should be renominated in 2018, an astounding 66 percent said that someone else should represent the Republican Party on the Senate ticket next year while just 22 percent said Flake should be renominated and 13 percent are undecided.

The very detailed poll with lots of links is @ Exclusive — Jeff Flake Underwater: Poll Shows Kelli Ward Opening Up More-Than-25-Point-Lead In Senate Race With Year to Go - Breitbart

Most of us in Arizona couldn't believe he got elected to the Senate in the first place. When challenged about his support of term-limits in Congress and then reneging on his promise to quit after a couple terms, he laughed and said "I lied". Nobody else laughed.

McCain is a hero for going through what he did in Vietnam......That being said, I can't help thinking it is possible his thinking has been compromised. Especially now with his mental health in question.
McCain stopped being a Hero 50 years ago and has become a coward ever since he left Vietnam!

You are the coward. McCain is a hero. You are the horse's ass.

McCain is butt hurt. He couldn't handle Trump's jabs. He's starved
for attention. He needs to hang it up and head for home.

Trump winner, McCain loser. McCain will be consumed by his own stomach acid that Trump made it to the White House and he got his ass handed to him by some noob nobody from Chicago.
This is a very questionable poll. I'll bet they had McCain losing to Ward as well. Ward is a opportunist, if she were the nominee, I would rather see the Democrats win the seat.

And you'd be wrong as usual you filthy skank....(hey, you used that kind of language on me so enjoy the payback). McCain never trailed Ward in any poll I saw. He's unbeatable here despite being maybe the worst Senator we've ever had in terms of bringing home the bacon in earmarks. He's in the pocket of the hospitality industry and they have very deep pockets and play dirty pool in political campaigns. Kelly Ward is going to upend the Flake and his newly capped teeth so the smirking punk can go back up into his daddy's ranch in the White Mountains and earn a living for a change.
This is a very questionable poll. I'll bet they had McCain losing to Ward as well. Ward is a opportunist, if she were the nominee, I would rather see the Democrats win the seat.

And you'd be wrong as usual you filthy skank....(hey, you used that kind of language on me so enjoy the payback). McCain never trailed Ward in any poll I saw. He's unbeatable here despite being maybe the worst Senator we've ever had in terms of bringing home the bacon in earmarks. He's in the pocket of the hospitality industry and they have very deep pockets and play dirty pool in political campaigns. Kelly Ward is going to upend the Flake and his newly capped teeth so the smirking punk can go back up into his daddy's ranch in the White Mountains and earn a living for a change.

Every poll that they did was questionable. According to their poll. Moore is in a dead heat with Moore. That goes against every poll that has been taken of the Alabama Senate race. In Nevada, they suggest Heller is trailing by about 25 points. Kelli Ward is a kook.

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