Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant

Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.

Conway IS Palin. Cheap wig and she lost a few pounds. Her "alternative facts" remark was a dead giveaway.


Kellyanne is Sarah, after the meth.
and beaten with an ugly stick...
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.

Conway IS Palin. Cheap wig and she lost a few pounds. Her "alternative facts" remark was a dead giveaway.


Kellyanne is Sarah, after the meth.
and beaten with an ugly stick...
This is part of the Democrats war on women.

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