Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

Historivpc interview by Kellyann

Introduced America to Alternative Facts
Todd manhandled the Alternative Factress.

She did not stand a chance.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...
Todd manhandled the Alternative Factress.

She did not stand a chance.
The day we elected big business to handle this country's ils, will be a time in history, this nation will not only regret, but it will take decades to reverse the carnage as Trump himself called get back to normal and white voters will have no one to blame but themselves....they er'd this time and its too late to change course. Government at the hands of conservatives will ruin this country.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...
Get the fuck outta people are too distorted in bullshit to reconize facts
lol... She hammered him on giving his opinion. That's right Chuckie, report the news. Don't create it

Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...
Get the fuck outta people are too distorted in bullshit to reconize facts

She was on MSNBC, Tiger...they haven't dealt in facts in years now!
How many times was she supposed to say the crowd size portrayed by the press was a lie?

She may have kicked his ass but she clearly did not teach him a lesson.
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
How many times was she supposed to say the crowd size portrayed by the press was a lie?

She may have kicked his ass but she clearly did not teach him a lesson.
I love how the left, and their press, claim a person isn't answering a question...if the answer isn't the one they want. I could watch the press take these hits all day every day. I particularly enjoyed his progressively more servile tone and flustered fiddling as he started to realize that if he isn't going to act lil a journalist, he might nit get many more opportunities to pretend...

Complete interview beat down


She spanked Todd who wanted to harp on numbers at Inaguration. Too bad Chuckie...Billary lost and your buddy Obama's legacy is gone.
Todd manhandled the Alternative Factress.

She did not stand a chance.
The day we elected big business to handle this country's ils, will be a time in history, this nation will not only regret, but it will take decades to reverse the carnage as Trump himself called get back to normal and white voters will have no one to blame but themselves....they er'd this time and its too late to change course. Government at the hands of conservatives will ruin this country.
Big business? You mean like all the Goldman Sachs people in Obama administration?

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