Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

Conway does not "own" anyone

When she was asked why the Press Secretary chose to make an issue of the crowd size as his first public statement....Conway responded with a tirade about how bad Obamacare is

That is not a beatdown...that is doublespeak and diversion
LOL Alternative facts for those living in an alternative universe. What a bunch of knownothing idiots. Not only were the crowds bigger for both of President Obama's inaugurations, but the women's march was far bigger than the orange clown's inaugural crowd. That the silly ass has to go and bray out a lie in front of the CIA, and then have his Press Secretary repeat the lie in a no questions 'press conferance?' tells one all you have to know about the state of mental health of the orange clown. And the ethics of his silly ass supporters.
Conway is the worst interview ever

She never answers the question being asked and just goes into full blown screed about the Trump agenda and past transgressions

I have sympathy for her having to defend the Trump administration, but anyone who considers her to be a media talent is an idiot
Ya know what is hilarious? Chuckle needing that monumental question answered. Did he ever once ask why Hillary Clinton sent Susan Rice out to lie about Benghazi? The press is having a melt down.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
Conway does not "own" anyone

When she was asked why the Press Secretary chose to make an issue of the crowd size as his first public statement....Conway responded with a tirade about how bad Obamacare is

That is not a beatdown...that is doublespeak and diversion
She made it clear why trump is going after lying media hacks.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
One wonders why, when given the opportunity to ask questions that matter, our fake media mavens instead want to carp about golden showers and crowd size.

oh, it's because they aren't true journalists.They no longer run the show. They need to make way for REAL reporters.
So Alternative Facts are now the news, ,like alternative reality is real. Kellyanne used Schumer, since she didn't have Clinton to fall back on. She was owned and shown for what she is , nothing but a paid shrill.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
One wonders why, when given the opportunity to ask questions that matter, our fake media mavens instead want to carp about golden showers and crowd size.

oh, it's because they aren't true journalists.They no longer run the show. They need to make way for REAL reporters.

Conway's point was well taken! Why...with all of the substantive things that Trump was doing on his first day in office...was the main stream media's main story..."crowd size"?

It was a question that Chuck Todd repeatedly ignored and that Conway calmly kept going back to.

Why was the "missing" Martin Luther King Jr. bust deemed newsworthy when it was a total lie? This Administration has made it quite clear that if propagandists like MSNBC attempt to present a biased liberal view of what Trump is doing...that they will be challenged on their accuracy and held up for public ridicule.
Conway does not "own" anyone

When she was asked why the Press Secretary chose to make an issue of the crowd size as his first public statement....Conway responded with a tirade about how bad Obamacare is

That is not a beatdown...that is doublespeak and diversion
She made it clear why trump is going after lying media hacks.

She failed miserably
Her disjointed responses, veiled threats and inability to answer questions that are posed showed she was ducking the topic

I'm sorry.....But proclaiming "Media sucks" after every Trump crisis is going to get pretty stale
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
One wonders why, when given the opportunity to ask questions that matter, our fake media mavens instead want to carp about golden showers and crowd size.

oh, it's because they aren't true journalists.They no longer run the show. They need to make way for REAL reporters.

One wonders why....In their first press conference

Trump insisted they go after crowd size estimates and a MLK bust and then storm off
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.

You mean "alternative facts" like that the MLK Jr bust had been removed from the Oval Office? Is that the kind of fiction you're referring to, Penelope?

Complete interview beat down


She never answered his question. And she presented lies cloaked as "alternate fact".

Is that how you want your leadership to communicate? Lie and call it "alternate fact"? What is it you like about democracy, because honesty isn't a characteristic you seem to admire.

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