Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

I hope Todd enjoyed his 'inquisition' of Conway.
It was the LAST time in four years she gives him another chance.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.

You mean "alternative facts" like that the MLK Jr bust had been removed from the Oval Office? Is that the kind of fiction you're referring to, Penelope?

Good point

Notice how the reporter in question quickly corrected his story when the actual facts came out?

Why hasn't Spicer corrected himself?
It was a beat down and here's why. Chuckie's aim was to denigrate President Trump. That's all he wanted to do. That was the reason for the interview and we know this by his insistence of asking the same question over and over. Kelly Ann didn't allow him to denigrate our president. Good for her.
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.

You mean "alternative facts" like that the MLK Jr bust had been removed from the Oval Office? Is that the kind of fiction you're referring to, Penelope?

Good point

Notice how the reporter in question quickly corrected his story when the actual facts came out?

Why hasn't Spicer corrected himself?

Notice how the reporter lied about something in the first place? He only "corrected" his story when the actual facts came out. If the Trump Administration hadn't fought the lie it would have been "gospel" among people like yourself, Winger!
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.

You mean "alternative facts" like that the MLK Jr bust had been removed from the Oval Office? Is that the kind of fiction you're referring to, Penelope?
That story was walked back within the hour. But Trump's concern about crowd size and the 'alternative facts' his communications team pressed about linger through today. Demonstrably untruths presented as 'alternative facts'. Gee! I wonder what you guys would say if Obama claimed truth to be lies and called it 'alternative fact'?
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.

You mean "alternative facts" like that the MLK Jr bust had been removed from the Oval Office? Is that the kind of fiction you're referring to, Penelope?

Good point

Notice how the reporter in question quickly corrected his story when the actual facts came out?

Why hasn't Spicer corrected himself?

Notice how the reporter lied about something in the first place? He only "corrected" his story when the actual facts came out. If the Trump Administration hadn't fought the lie it would have been "gospel" among people like yourself, Winger!

The guy came into the oval office and noticed the MLK bust wasn't where it had always been....he tweeted that it was gone
When informed it had only been moved, he corrected himself immediately

When can we expect Spicer to correct himself?

Complete interview beat down


She never answered his question. And she presented lies cloaked as "alternate fact".

Is that how you want your leadership to communicate? Lie and call it "alternate fact"? What is it you like about democracy, because honesty isn't a characteristic you seem to admire.

Even of what you believe is so, Are not all of you Obamadrones not used to lying?

"Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd"

Beating up talking head Chuck isn't really the accomplishment. He can only argue what's written on the front of him, outside of that he's sitting duck.
Amazing at the way trumpers are so delusional. A well-known newscaster looks at a government official, laughs at her ridiculous comment and politely calls her a liar. All this on national tv. All day long and the next as well, the mass media from continues to mock her, call her a liar and publicize the original question asked by the newscaster. So, the first, second, and third day of the Trump Presidency is clogged up with news reports and debates about how he and his administration are prolific liars.
Ya, that Kellyanne really outwitted and put that newscaster in his place. At least that is what the delusional trumpers are saying.
The guy came into the oval office and noticed the MLK bust wasn't where it had always been....he tweeted that it was gone
When informed it had only been moved, he corrected himself immediately

Oh please. Obviously the reporter was looking to trash Trump. That's why he neglected to ask what happened to the MLK bust. The reporter was being dishonest. The media wants to trash Trump and we all know it. The fix was in and the damage done. He can stick his "correction" up his ass.

Complete interview beat down


She never answered his question. And she presented lies cloaked as "alternate fact".

Is that how you want your leadership to communicate? Lie and call it "alternate fact"? What is it you like about democracy, because honesty isn't a characteristic you seem to admire.

Even of what you believe is so, Are not all of you Obamadrones not used to lying?


Let me get this straight. Your principles are so strong that you can excuse the lying from your side as the same acts of the people you criticize. You have no principles! You are nothing but a sports fan rooting for politics rather than teams.

Kelly Ann failed to answer the question because doing so would expose her boss as the petty, petulant child he is. And, by obfuscating, you admire her and claim she has some 'victory' over Mr. Todd!

The loser is the truth and the Trump credibility.
The guy came into the oval office and noticed the MLK bust wasn't where it had always been....he tweeted that it was gone
When informed it had only been moved, he corrected himself immediately

Uhm-huh, did he asked where is the bust before he tweeted, or he corrected himself after he was told that he tweeted bullshit.

You lefties always have some lame excuse that only toddlers would accept.
Kelly Ann failed to answer the question because doing so would expose her boss as the petty, petulant child he is.

I would not have done what Trump did regarding the size of the crowd but he's not a "petulant child". That's silly.
The guy came into the oval office and noticed the MLK bust wasn't where it had always been....he tweeted that it was gone
When informed it had only been moved, he corrected himself immediately

Uhm-huh, did he asked where is the bust before he tweeted, or he corrected himself after he was told that he tweeted bullshit.

You lefties always have some lame excuse that only toddlers would accept.

Yea....sometimes people Tweet before they have all the facts

Responsible people will correct themselves, petulant children will proclaim "alternative facts"
The guy came into the oval office and noticed the MLK bust wasn't where it had always been....he tweeted that it was gone
When informed it had only been moved, he corrected himself immediately

Uhm-huh, did he asked where is the bust before he tweeted, or he corrected himself after he was told that he tweeted bullshit.

You lefties always have some lame excuse that only toddlers would accept.

Yea....sometimes people Tweet before they have all the facts

Responsible people will correct themselves, petulant children will proclaim "alternative facts"

You lefties sure are "responsible" with your narrative. Just look where did it get you.
What's amusing to me is that after eight years of Obama Press Secretaries who played fast and loose with the truth (with the aid of the main stream media) on nearly a daily people are up in arms because Trump's Press Secretary fights back against biased news reporting by that same main stream media?

The lies told in the White House Press room during the Obama White House were epic in scale but that didn't seem to bother any of you in the slightest but a dispute over how crowd size was reported is suddenly an issue? :blowup:
What's amusing to me is that after eight years of Obama Press Secretaries who played fast and loose with the truth (with the aid of the main stream media) on nearly a daily people are up in arms because Trump's Press Secretary fights back against biased news reporting by that same main stream media?

The lies told in the White House Press room during the Obama White House were epic in scale but that didn't seem to bother any of you in the slightest but a dispute over how crowd size was reported is suddenly an issue? :blowup:
Name one.

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