Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
How many times was she supposed to say the crowd size portrayed by the press was a lie?

She may have kicked his ass but she clearly did not teach him a lesson.
She didn't, and it wasn't.
Obama 2008 inauguration (On the Right), compared to Trump 2016 inauguration (On the Left):

Spicer's claim that they had the largest crowd in history was demonstrably not true. Anyone claiming otherwise Kellyanne tried to compare the audience to Obama's second inauguration, while completely ignoring his first inauguration.
Even now he is making shit up, and distorting the facts to try to make what he said true.
He literally just said, "Take the Nielson ratings of 31 million, and add that to the CNN ratings of 16 million, and that is more than even Reagan's numbers".

Hey, stupid! The CNN numbers are included in the Nielson ratings!!!!! You can't take the Nielson ratings, and add that to the CNN internal numbers, as if those are two separate ratings!!!!

He was mentioning the streaming numbers from CNN online. Those numbers are not included in the Nielson ratings.

I give Trump the biggest worldwide crowd. But Saturday Spicer said BOTH "viewers" and "attendance".

Neither one is true. This is widely accepted. It's provably false, regardless of whether you're talking about TV viewers or attendees.

Why lie about this? It would be SO much more dignified and respectful for the press secretary to say, "if the number of people watching was so much lower than Obama, then President Trump hopes to prove those doubters wrong" or something along those lines?

It's clear this administration in no way cares (or knows) to be professional and dignified. It's a joke that this man holds office.

Does the main stream media care to be professional or dignified? Does real journalism even exist anymore at news outlets like CNN and MSNBC? They air their own "take" on the world and edit content accordingly without regard for journalistic ethics. Voters in a democracy need to be well informed...not influenced.
How many times was she supposed to say the crowd size portrayed by the press was a lie?

She may have kicked his ass but she clearly did not teach him a lesson.
She didn't, and it wasn't.
Obama 2008 inauguration (On the Right), compared to Trump 2016 inauguration (On the Left):

Spicer's claim that they had the largest crowd in history was demonstrably not true. Anyone claiming otherwise Kellyanne tried to compare the audience to Obama's second inauguration, while completely ignoring his first inauguration.
Even now he is making shit up, and distorting the facts to try to make what he said true.
He literally just said, "Take the Nielson ratings of 31 million, and add that to the CNN ratings of 16 million, and that is more than even Reagan's numbers".

Hey, stupid! The CNN numbers are included in the Nielson ratings!!!!! You can't take the Nielson ratings, and add that to the CNN internal numbers, as if those are two separate ratings!!!!

He was mentioning the streaming numbers from CNN online. Those numbers are not included in the Nielson ratings.

I give Trump the biggest worldwide crowd. But Saturday Spicer said BOTH "viewers" and "attendance".

Neither one is true. This is widely accepted. It's provably false, regardless of whether you're talking about TV viewers or attendees.

Why lie about this? It would be SO much more dignified and respectful for the press secretary to say, "if the number of people watching was so much lower than Obama, then President Trump hopes to prove those doubters wrong" or something along those lines?

It's clear this administration in no way cares (or knows) to be professional and dignified. It's a joke that this man holds office.

Does the main stream media care to be professional or dignified? Does real journalism even exist anymore at news outlets like CNN and MSNBC? They air their own "take" on the world and edit content accordingly without regard for journalistic ethics. Voters in a democracy need to be well informed...not influenced.

The media is not the president. Stop getting distracted.

I never claimed they were. My question to you was whether the main stream media had a responsibility to be professional and conduct themselves as journalists? Quite frankly I don't think they even try to do so at this point. They see themselves as "king makers"...a group entitled to decide what the public will hear and what they will not. Couple that mentality with a "the end justifies the means", mind set and it's not hard to understand why the media have the appalling trust numbers that they now have!
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
You know what? Every time two lawyers enter a court room there is an alternative set of facts thrown out! Right? Right!

No, not even close.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Kelly Ann kicked Chuckie's ass! It's what she's been doing to the people at CNN and MSNBC all through this election cycle! You'd think that at this point they'd know better than to try and hit her with a "gotcha" question...

They have the GOP so confused they do not knows facts from fiction, alternative facts are fiction.
You know what? Every time two lawyers enter a court room there is an alternative set of facts thrown out! Right? Right!
Wrong. There are two alternative narratives to explain the facts, but facts are facts.
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
None of which had anything to do with the verifiably untrue claim that the crowd at Trump's inauguration was larger than any in history, which was specifically the topic of Chuck's question. Why did Trump send Spicer out there to make a demonstrably untrue statement? You are doing the same thing Kellyanne did - trying to distract with completely unrelated questions, and claims to try to bury the fact that Spicer made a demonstrably untrue statement.
You know, I watched that interview as well (Meet the Press is my Sunday afternoon show), and she was asked about Spicer and his crowd size statements, but she never answered him. All she did was pivot to something else and try to say how bad Obama and Hillary were. I'm wondering why she even mentioned Hillary, because she lost the election. Guess that if you don't have anything good to say about your side, the best thing to do is pivot to how bad the other side is, regardless of the question asked.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Because, by making an untrue statement, Spicer made the story about crowd size. If Spicer wanted the focus to be about the things that Trump had done on Saturday, then maybe he shouldn't have made an untrue statement about crowd size during his first ever foray into the Press Room. Just a thought.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Because, by making an untrue statement, Spicer made the story about crowd size. If Spicer wanted the focus to be about the things that Trump had done on Saturday, then maybe he shouldn't have made an untrue statement about crowd size during his first ever foray into the Press Room. Just a thought.

You know, considering that it was raining and cold, I don't really understand why crowd size is such an issue. He should have just said that there was a good turnout and people were happy to be there and just moved on.

But............trouble is, he couldn't. Why? Because he works for Trump, and everything Trump does has to be the biggest and best, because Trump has a very good brain and the best words.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Because, by making an untrue statement, Spicer made the story about crowd size. If Spicer wanted the focus to be about the things that Trump had done on Saturday, then maybe he shouldn't have made an untrue statement about crowd size during his first ever foray into the Press Room. Just a thought.

You know, considering that it was raining and cold, I don't really understand why crowd size is such an issue. He should have just said that there was a good turnout and people were happy to be there and just moved on.

But............trouble is, he couldn't. Why? Because he works for Trump, and everything Trump does has to be the biggest and best, because Trump has a very good brain and the best words.
It isn't, and shouldn't be. What is an issue, is that Trump sent his Press Secretary into the Press Room for the first time to litigate the question of crowd size with a demonstrably untrue statement. It rather brings into question the relationship that Trump intends to have with facts, and the truth over the next four years. When Spicer makes a dishonest statement about something so ridiculous, and unimportant, it calls into question whether he will be able to be trusted when making claims about issues that actually matter.
She made a good point, there was a forecast for cold rainy weather that day, that undeniably kept many people home. And how many, we will never know.
She made a good point, there was a forecast for cold rainy weather that day, that undeniably kept many people home. And how many, we will never know.

You know, it would have been MUCH easier on Trump and his staff if Spicer and her had just said they had a lot of people in spite of the rain and it was a good turnout.

But, like I said, they work for Trump, and everything he does has to be bigger and better than anyone else. Remember, he's promised us that he is going to be the best job creating president God ever created.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Because, by making an untrue statement, Spicer made the story about crowd size. If Spicer wanted the focus to be about the things that Trump had done on Saturday, then maybe he shouldn't have made an untrue statement about crowd size during his first ever foray into the Press Room. Just a thought.

You know, considering that it was raining and cold, I don't really understand why crowd size is such an issue. He should have just said that there was a good turnout and people were happy to be there and just moved on.

But............trouble is, he couldn't. Why? Because he works for Trump, and everything Trump does has to be the biggest and best, because Trump has a very good brain and the best words.
It isn't, and shouldn't be. What is an issue, is that Trump sent his Press Secretary into the Press Room for the first time to litigate the question of crowd size with a demonstrably untrue statement. It rather brings into question the relationship that Trump intends to have with facts, and the truth over the next four years. When Spicer makes a dishonest statement about something so ridiculous, and unimportant, it calls into question whether he will be able to be trusted when making claims about issues that actually matter.

I'm curious...when the various Obama Press Secretaries went to that podium and told bald faced lies to the Press Corps...were you concerned with that? Or is this concern something that's developed recently?
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
None of which had anything to do with the verifiably untrue claim that the crowd at Trump's inauguration was larger than any in history, which was specifically the topic of Chuck's question. Why did Trump send Spicer out there to make a demonstrably untrue statement? You are doing the same thing Kellyanne did - trying to distract with completely unrelated questions, and claims to try to bury the fact that Spicer made a demonstrably untrue statement.

The crowd count really doesnt matter,Trump is the President.
But to have the so called media constantly lie about Trump is an issue.
As for being "distracted"? Trump was moving ahead with important policy implementations in his first few days in office...yet the story that was being run with wasn't about was about crowd size! Let's be honest here...if there is distraction taking place isn't on my part!
Because, by making an untrue statement, Spicer made the story about crowd size. If Spicer wanted the focus to be about the things that Trump had done on Saturday, then maybe he shouldn't have made an untrue statement about crowd size during his first ever foray into the Press Room. Just a thought.

You know, considering that it was raining and cold, I don't really understand why crowd size is such an issue. He should have just said that there was a good turnout and people were happy to be there and just moved on.

But............trouble is, he couldn't. Why? Because he works for Trump, and everything Trump does has to be the biggest and best, because Trump has a very good brain and the best words.
It isn't, and shouldn't be. What is an issue, is that Trump sent his Press Secretary into the Press Room for the first time to litigate the question of crowd size with a demonstrably untrue statement. It rather brings into question the relationship that Trump intends to have with facts, and the truth over the next four years. When Spicer makes a dishonest statement about something so ridiculous, and unimportant, it calls into question whether he will be able to be trusted when making claims about issues that actually matter.

I'm curious...when the various Obama Press Secretaries went to that podium and told bald faced lies to the Press Corps...were you concerned with that? Or is this concern something that's developed recently?
And another deflection, and attack. Why can't you just answer the question? Why did Trump send Spicer into that Press Room to disseminate a demonstrably untrue statement his very first foray into the Press Room?
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
None of which had anything to do with the verifiably untrue claim that the crowd at Trump's inauguration was larger than any in history, which was specifically the topic of Chuck's question. Why did Trump send Spicer out there to make a demonstrably untrue statement? You are doing the same thing Kellyanne did - trying to distract with completely unrelated questions, and claims to try to bury the fact that Spicer made a demonstrably untrue statement.

The crowd count really doesnt matter,Trump is the President.
But to have the so called media constantly lie about Trump is an issue.
Crowd size doesn't matter, you're right. However, a Press Secretary entering the Press Room for the very first time to disseminate a demonstrably untrue statement, particularly on something as minor as crowd size, calls into question the press' ability to ever believe anything that press Secretary says about anything, and that is an issue.
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
None of which had anything to do with the verifiably untrue claim that the crowd at Trump's inauguration was larger than any in history, which was specifically the topic of Chuck's question. Why did Trump send Spicer out there to make a demonstrably untrue statement? You are doing the same thing Kellyanne did - trying to distract with completely unrelated questions, and claims to try to bury the fact that Spicer made a demonstrably untrue statement.

The crowd count really doesnt matter,Trump is the President.
But to have the so called media constantly lie about Trump is an issue.

You're right............crowd size DOESN'T matter, he still got sworn in. So why do they feel a need to lie about the crowd size? Wouldn't a better use of Spicer's time have been to outline what Trump will do in the next 100 days, rather than bitching about who had the bigger crowds?
Yeah.....she kicked Chucky's balls up around his shoulders.
The media continues to lie about every little thing to try and de legitimize Trumps presidency through the death of a thousand cuts and Chucky wants to ask why Trump would call em out on it?
Except that's not what Trump did. He sent Spicer to the Press Room to tell a verifiable lie. And Chuck repeatedly asked Kellyanne why Trump would do that, she refused to answer the question, and deflected, and attacked Chuck, and tried to reframe the question to be about what she wanted it to be about. Kinda like you are doing now.

Yes Trump did call em out on it. Who do you think Spicer is speaking for?
The fake Bust story,the fake CIA story it's become obvious the press is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency and I hope the left wing morons continue because Trump will thrash them.
None of which had anything to do with the verifiably untrue claim that the crowd at Trump's inauguration was larger than any in history, which was specifically the topic of Chuck's question. Why did Trump send Spicer out there to make a demonstrably untrue statement? You are doing the same thing Kellyanne did - trying to distract with completely unrelated questions, and claims to try to bury the fact that Spicer made a demonstrably untrue statement.

The crowd count really doesnt matter,Trump is the President.
But to have the so called media constantly lie about Trump is an issue.

You're right............crowd size DOESN'T matter, he still got sworn in. So why do they feel a need to lie about the crowd size? Wouldn't a better use of Spicer's time have been to outline what Trump will do in the next 100 days, rather than bitching about who had the bigger crowds?
...and being dishonest about it, while they were at it. I mean, if Trump is going to send Spicer into the Press Room to tell a lie about something this minor, irrelevant, and unimportant, how are we supposed to believe anything Spicer tells us when it comes to the stuff that is actually important.

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