Kentucky Bill Passes: Gay Marriage & Normal Marriage Licenses Now Different

Yeah, but you're citing the *actual* law. SIl is always citing the one she sees in the wasteland of her mind.

Its the same place her imaginary version of Ferber, Windsor, Obergefell and the Prince's Trust study reside.


Oh, definitely she. We've been speculating for a long time. It was confirmed a few days ago.

wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

Oh, definitely she. We've been speculating for a long time. It was confirmed a few days ago.

wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.
Oh, definitely she. We've been speculating for a long time. It was confirmed a few days ago.

wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.
I'm certain that what you say is correct. But until the courts get involved, and rule, Gays can, if they so choose, select the bride & groom marriage license over & above the other license just so they'll be getting the same one used by church going folks.

No they can't. Bride is a woman. Two gay men cannot honestly select that. Groom is a man. Two lesbians cannot honestly select that. And since these are public forms, you cannot lie and sign your name to them in order to obtain a license..

You clearly do not know what you are talking about but that has never stopped you before:

Under Senate Bill 5, sponsored by Sen. Stephen West, R-Paris, one marriage license would designate the “bride” and “groom” and the other would designate “first party” and “second party.” West said couples could use either form, both of which would require applicants to note their genders so historians who review marriage licenses could know their sex.

Read more here: Kentucky Senate approves bill to require two different marriage license forms

Again, this hissy fit is nothing more than a waste of paper since either couple can use either license.

Every thread of Silhouette's is nothing more than another anti-gay hissy fit.
These homophones are great at contradicting themselves in a single sentence:

"Quite frankly, it's almost disrespectful to the traditional family," said Republican state Sen. John Schickel of Union. "That's' why, wisely, we decided to have two forms. That has nothing to do with bigotry, nothing to do with discrimination. It has to do with the vast majority of Kentuckians that respect traditional marriage."
I'm guessing our resident bigots and homophones here at USMB won't see it. To them, the above statement is perfectly logical...Separate but equal, sound familiar....It has everything to do with discrimination.

Separate but equal is an issue only applying to race..

So Silhouette would have no problem with 'separate but equal in the following circumstances(since they are not 'race':
  • A law requiring American Jews to attend different schools from Christians
  • A law requiring girls to attend a different school than boys
  • A law requiring those of Mexican descent to attend different schools than those of English descent.

Because.....according to Silhouette- 'separate but equal' is only a problem when it applies to race.....
wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

'most' is frankly incredibly generous
Did you read the entire article?

Republican Sen. Stephen West, the sponsor of the bill and whose district includes Rowan County, said gay couples could choose to use the "bride" and "groom" form if they wished.

Yeah, but you're citing the *actual* law. SIl is always citing the one she sees in the wasteland of her mind.

Its the same place her imaginary version of Ferber, Windsor, Obergefell and the Prince's Trust study reside.


Oh, definitely she. We've been speculating for a long time. It was confirmed a few days ago.

wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

She has been exactly this way for years. I am sorry that she had a recent death in the family- I would not wish that on anyone- nor a disability- but neither excuses her behavior. If she is clinically diagnoses as delusional- which I would not be surprised- then I will accept that what she says is not a product of her actual ill will towards gays and their family.
She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

'most' is frankly incredibly generous

Its been my experience. I'm a digger. I investigate until I understand. And then I use understanding to help me glean how people got to where they are. And predict what they'll do in the future. And open doors at key moments I think will help them.

And in my experience, most awful behavior is motivated by fear or pain.
In Kentucky there is no such thing as 'gay marriage'. There's merely marriage. Which both same sex and opposite sex couples can enter into.

Well.....not exactly...

Yes, exactly. Remember Sil....same sex couples can use *either* form.
Not according to Kentucky law they can't.

what part of kentucky law is subordinate to federal law and they won't be allowed to have two forms once the court gets hold of it don't you understand?

I'm certain that what you say is correct. But until the courts get involved, and rule, Gays can, if they so choose, select the bride & groom marriage license over & above the other license just so they'll be getting the same one used by church going folks.

I didn't say that Kentucky couldn't do it. I said the court proceedings to follow are going to waste our tax money.

it's just bizarre to me to see what comes out of that world.

I did not disagree with any part of your previous comment.I agreed with you entirely. And yes, bizarre is an excellent description of what KY lawmakers are proposing now.

I merely suggested a course of action for Gays to take in order to nullify whatever KY lawmakers might throw at them. Until such time the appropriate court of law can throw it out.
Well.....not exactly...

Yes, exactly. Remember Sil....same sex couples can use *either* form.
Not according to Kentucky law they can't.

what part of kentucky law is subordinate to federal law and they won't be allowed to have two forms once the court gets hold of it don't you understand?

I'm certain that what you say is correct. But until the courts get involved, and rule, Gays can, if they so choose, select the bride & groom marriage license over & above the other license just so they'll be getting the same one used by church going folks.

I didn't say that Kentucky couldn't do it. I said the court proceedings to follow are going to waste our tax money.

it's just bizarre to me to see what comes out of that world.

I did not disagree with any part of your previous comment.I agreed with you entirely. And yes, bizarre is an excellent description of what KY lawmakers are proposing now.

I merely suggested a course of action for Gays to take in order to nullify whatever KY lawmakers might throw at them. Until such time the appropriate court of law can throw it out.

oh I agree. it's just annoying that the mosquitos have to keep getting swatted.
wow. you don't meet a lot of obsessively homophobic women.

what a vile thing.

She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.
She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.

Of course. The utility of anger is in its application and intention. But understanding a person and empathizing with them doesn't mean you excuse them. You are merely aware of their context. Sympathy and empathy are related, but distinct. The former being the identification with another's perspective. The latter the awareness of it.

I like to understand how things fit together. How they were made. What they are. Where they're going. And while you can never get a perfect understanding of each, there are degrees of imperfection.

I have a better sense of Sil's context. And her situation is unfortunate.
She's got a lot of time on her hands with a disability and a recent death in the family. It can push idiosyncratic behavior into full on obsessive compulsive behavior.

ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.

I realize this is going somewhat far afield from the OP, but I wonder what you mean by that.
ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.

I realize this is going somewhat far afield from the OP, but I wonder what you mean by that.

I took it as meaning that anger always comes after another emotion like hurt, rejection, fear, frustration, etc. So if you can address the primary emotions (those that come first), you can prevent the secondary emotions (those that come next).

But she may have meant it differently.
that whole separate but equal thing hasn't held up since 1950

For race, but behaviors are not about race. So not sure why you brought that up. People make distinctions on behavior every single day of the week. Ever hear of penal codes?

BTW, on that "separate but equal" issue.... why is gay marriage "legal" but polygamy "illegal". Both are unions of consenting adults based on their kink. Gay is legal, polygamy is not. When you've stumped for polygamy until it is also legal, THEN you will be qualified to speak about that, but not before..

14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning due process and equal protection of the law does not apply solely to race – it applies also to the right to make choices about how to live one's life, free from unwarranted interference by the state, where government cannot disadvantage citizens based on how they decide to conduct their personal lives:

If the constitutional conception of "equal protection of the laws" means anything, it must at the very least mean that a bare [governmental] desire to harm a politically unpopular group cannot constitute a legitimate governmental interest. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture v. Moreno
ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.

Of course. The utility of anger is in its application and intention. But understanding a person and empathizing with them doesn't mean you excuse them. You are merely aware of their context. Sympathy and empathy are related, but distinct. The former being the identification with another's perspective. The latter the awareness of it.

I like to understand how things fit together. How they were made. What they are. Where they're going. And while you can never get a perfect understanding of each, there are degrees of imperfection.

I have a better sense of Sil's context. And her situation is unfortunate.

i understand. i do. i just can't get there. i think i'm probably more interested in intention than motivation. and to me the intention behind that kind of ugly precludes my empathy. it might be a flaw.
ok. fair enough.

sad though

That's generally been my take. There are certain posters that are just awful people that want to hurt others. Sil strikes me as a decent person who is just ill.

Which is unfortunate all around.

I'm afraid I can't get past the insane anti-gay spew. I have too many friends here who are put through too much garbage by bigotry like hers. but kudos to you for giving her your understanding.

As a general rule most awful behavior is motivated by pain and fear. When you know what it is, its easier to empathize and understand. Understanding doesn't excuse it, of course. But it does offer it a context.

And context is what most online communications lack.

All that said, I'll shred a horseshit pseudo legal argument in a heart beat.......because of all the damage such nonsense has caused decent folks. And most of what Sil posts is just nonsense.

anger is never a primary emotion. its always secondary. that doesn't excuse abuse people for being angry and damaged.

but you know that.

I realize this is going somewhat far afield from the OP, but I wonder what you mean by that.

anger is the result of insecurity, hurt, confusion. as a result of those primary issues, people express anger.
Well, I don't know any gay men, but I don't imagine either of the gay men applying for a marriage license would prefer being listed as, "the bride," rather, the spouse.
that whole separate but equal thing hasn't held up since 1950

For race, but behaviors are not about race. So not sure why you brought that up. People make distinctions on behavior every single day of the week. Ever hear of penal codes?

BTW, on that "separate but equal" issue.... why is gay marriage "legal" but polygamy "illegal". Both are unions of consenting adults based on their kink. Gay is legal, polygamy is not. When you've stumped for polygamy until it is also legal, THEN you will be qualified to speak about that, but not before..

14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning due process and equal protection of the law does not apply solely to race – it applies also to the right to make choices about how to live one's life, free from unwarranted interference by the state, where government cannot disadvantage citizens based on how they decide to conduct their personal lives:

So then we agree: polygamy became legal last June in Obergefell. And if you don't believe that is true, you're going to have to cite the 14th when you tell me why not..
that whole separate but equal thing hasn't held up since 1950

For race, but behaviors are not about race. So not sure why you brought that up. People make distinctions on behavior every single day of the week. Ever hear of penal codes?

BTW, on that "separate but equal" issue.... why is gay marriage "legal" but polygamy "illegal". Both are unions of consenting adults based on their kink. Gay is legal, polygamy is not. When you've stumped for polygamy until it is also legal, THEN you will be qualified to speak about that, but not before..

14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning due process and equal protection of the law does not apply solely to race – it applies also to the right to make choices about how to live one's life, free from unwarranted interference by the state, where government cannot disadvantage citizens based on how they decide to conduct their personal lives:

So then we agree: polygamy became legal last June in Obergefell. And if you don't believe that is true, you're going to have to cite the 14th when you tell me why not..

And where, pray tell, did Obergefell mention polygamy?

Might I suggest you actually read the ruling. As you keep imagining things within it that simply don't exist.

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