Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

The people of this community should punish the ones directly responsible. The gay couples themselves should get some community involvement.

True. The RW never can seem to round up vigilantes when they really need them.....

Somebody get Clive Bundy on the phone.
Real vigilantes work quite differently. However, the law has failed. The only thing left is covert vigilanteism.
You seem to be advocating for violence against gay people because you lost in the courts. You're as dangerous as ISIS, you psycho bitch. I expect to be seeing you on the news very soon. Hopefully, you're taken out before you harm others.

No reason to get excited. Tipsy advocating violence against someone of a different opinion is about as rare as cow pies in a stockyard....
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.

Well, then, by all means, put a statue of her next to your church parking lot!
I haven't attended church since childhood, a great many years ago.
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
Getting put in jail for breaking the law is also a time honored tradition.
Yep. And if you go to jail for breaking a BAD law, you end-up a folk-hero.
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
Getting put in jail for breaking the law is also a time honored tradition.
Yep. And if you go to jail for breaking a BAD law, you end-up a folk-hero.
No one thinks this bitch is a folk hero except dumb people.
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
Getting put in jail for breaking the law is also a time honored tradition.
Yep. And if you go to jail for breaking a BAD law, you end-up a folk-hero.
Article VI of the Constitution is not a 'bad law.'

And refusing to obey the Constitution makes one in contempt, not a 'folk hero.'
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
And so is being jailed. If she wants to continue her protest, that's fine with the me. I admire her for sticking up for her beliefs even thou I don't share those beliefs. The record for contempt of court is 14 years. Maybe she will set a new record. However, regardless of her protest the law will stand. It's very unlikely that SCOTUS will reverse itself and even less likely that congress will amend the constitution to stop gay marriage.
I am amused that what the anti-gay people label "perversion", and "degradation", not to mention "morally bankrupt" when objecting to sex practiced by gays, is also practiced by most heteralsexual couples. That, however, is not objectionable, I guess, since nobody talks about it. Of course, what people do in their own bedrooms is their own business, but somehow, what gays do in their own bedrooms is every conservative's business.

The whole thing leads me to believe that the objections are coming from people with extremely suppressed personal sex lives....
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
I'm trying to think of an example where someone was jailed for hurting someone else's feelings? Gays aren't a race of people. They are just people doing something different than others sexually. So when a woman objects to their behaviors, it may hurt their feelings, but behaviors don't have legal protections like race. So this woman sits in jail under a mistaken premise. Of which she will sue and win her job back and her right to passively object ot participate in the gay sex cult hijacking American culture without its permission..

Oh Christ!!:blowup:She is not in jail for hurting anyone's feelings. That is just idiotic. She is in jail for contempt of a lawful supreme court ruling and a lawful district court order for her to comply with that ruling. There is no mistake whatsoever about why she is in jail.

As for anything being a "behavior" is concerned-reading the bible is a behavior. Religion is not race either. However, it is protected by constitutional law which is comprised of the text of the document, the amendments AND Case Law.

The right of two people of the same sex to get married is also NOW protected by constitutional law. In this case -Case Law. You can call that a behavior also if you want. It doesn't change the law.

Also, she was not PASSIVLY refusing to participate .......she was ACTIVLY thwarting the implementation of the law. You think that she can win a law suit over this? Fat fucking chance.!

Gay sex cult? That is beyond bigoted, ignorant equine excrement!

Anyone who can't understand that must have a bag of hammers for a brain!
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
Getting put in jail for breaking the law is also a time honored tradition.
Yep. And if you go to jail for breaking a BAD law, you end-up a folk-hero.
Article VI of the Constitution is not a 'bad law.'

And refusing to obey the Constitution makes one in contempt, not a 'folk hero.'
Article VI is not in dispute.

A ruling by SCOTUS is in dispute.

And, when the Objector points to the immorality which the ruling forces upon public servants, well, whether you like it or not, that person does, indeed, end-up a folk-hero.

Civil Disobedience - a time-honored tradition in this country, and elsewhere.
I am amused that what the anti-gay people label "perversion", and "degradation", not to mention "morally bankrupt" when objecting to sex practiced by gays, is also practiced by most heteralsexual couples. That, however, is not objectionable, I guess, since nobody talks about it. Of course, what people do in their own bedrooms is their own business, but somehow, what gays do in their own bedrooms is every conservative's business.

The whole thing leads me to believe that the objections are coming from people with extremely suppressed personal sex lives....

I'm in the firm belief straight people that continually squawk about gay rights are most likely closeted and suppressing their desires :rolleyes:
The people of this community should punish the ones directly responsible. The gay couples themselves should get some community involvement.

True. The RW never can seem to round up vigilantes when they really need them.....

Somebody get Clive Bundy on the phone.
Real vigilantes work quite differently. However, the law has failed. The only thing left is covert vigilanteism.
You seem to be advocating for violence against gay people because you lost in the courts. You're as dangerous as ISIS, you psycho bitch. I expect to be seeing you on the news very soon. Hopefully, you're taken out before you harm others.

No reason to get excited. Tipsy advocating violence against someone of a different opinion is about as rare as cow pies in a stockyard....
I'm not excited; I just hope she chokes on a .45.
...You can't even dream up a case that could overturn Obergefell, but you still delude yourself into believing it's going to happen Yeah, sure. From your keyboard to G-d's monitor, right?
I'm not well-versed in Constitutional Law, and don't pretend otherwise, but you don't have to be a Constitutional scholar, nor even a lawyer, to understand and appreciate the highly charged political situation, and to appreciate the old maxim: "Where there's a will, there's a way."

What will it take?

A changed court composition, in this context; either one of the five, willing to revisit their decision, or a replacement. And, a test case of some kind that warrants another review; either of the original decision or requiring a new ruling sufficiently distinctive to conduct that review, while sufficiently similar to overturn the original, when finalized.

The details of that case? Hell, I don't know. Haven't got a clue. And I'm happy to admit it, without reservation. Skilled and imaginative and motivated lawyers who are so inclined, would be far better equipped to answer that question than an amateur hack like myself.

But even an amateur hack can confidently observe that unpopular laws - and judicial rulings - are oftentimes hammered-at, year after year, and even decade after decade, until a weak-spot in the armor is detected, and then quickly exploited. It's more about politics than law, with law taking a back seat. Lord knows, we've seen that often enough, eh?

Is it going to happen? I dunno. But the Smart Vegas Money is on it being tried - repeatedly - until the proper 'angle' is stumbled upon.

There is a harsh Reaction coming against this recent ruling, as Conservatives prepare to take back the reins of power.

And, if you thought that Conservatives, once in power, were all hot-and-bothered about Abortion - you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

That's my prediction, and I'm sticking to it.
Start with .... the law is not unpopular and work your way back from there. Regardless, your "prediction" falls flat on its face because heterosexuals have no standing to sue homosexuals over marriage as heterosexuals' rights are not being infringed.
...Supreme Court justices aren't "swayed" to "take second look" at cases. A new case would have to be brought to their court...
Really? No shit, buckwheat. Go back and look at the entire sequence, and you'll see that that's a precursor step, to submitting a case again. Missed that, didja?

...Who do your delusions tell you is going to file such a suit and upon what ground would it be based?...
How the hell should I know? With an entire nation of legal minds to choose from, and backed with conservative money, somebody or another will conjure one up, soon enough.

...Same-sex marriage is here to stay. Deal with it already.
Feel free to continue believing that.
Translation....I don't know squat but I'm going to continue to bloviate and blather about what I desperately want to have happen anyway
Well, until that happens, Kim can obey the law, or rot in jail, just like everybody else. It is her choice. I'm just glad that none of my taxes are paying her salary while she sits there reading her Bible.
Civil Disobedience to immoral laws (and rulings) is a time-honored tradition, worldwide.
Getting put in jail for breaking the law is also a time honored tradition.
Yep. And if you go to jail for breaking a BAD law, you end-up a folk-hero.
Article VI of the Constitution is not a 'bad law.'

And refusing to obey the Constitution makes one in contempt, not a 'folk hero.'
Article VI is not in dispute.

A ruling by SCOTUS is in dispute.

And, when the Objector points to the immorality which the ruling forces upon public servants, well, whether you like it or not, that person does, indeed, end-up a folk-hero.

Civil Disobedience - a time-honored tradition in this country, and elsewhere.
The SCOTUS gay marriage ruling is based primarily on the 14th amendment, Due Process Clause.

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