Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

It also serves as a concession that Davis was in fact jailed because she was in contempt of court, having nothing to do with her faith, where she alone was responsible for being jailed.


Being held in contempt by a court which fails to honor their oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, with no less then three having directly violated the Constitution by having taken the oath with mental reservation and purposed toward evasion, is merely another measure of the injustice they set upon the nation on the whole and Mrs. Davis individually.

Fails to honor the 'truth faith and allegiance of the Constitution'....according to who? Wait, let me guess. You citing yourself, claiming to speak for the Constitution.

With you citing you defining what 'true faith' is.

C'mon my little know you wanna say it.
Alas the dictionary disagrees:

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

Oh... the flaccid appeal to misleading authority... now, isn't that precious.

Of course, the dictionary is speaking to the colloquial expression; which is to say words used in ordinary or familiar conversation that have no formal or literal meaning.

We know this because the word 'homophobe' is a compound word; meaning that two words were used to form one word.

The first formal or literal word is 'homo', meaning "same"; which is to say: that which is identical or not different.

The second formal, or literal word is "Phobe", short for phobia, where the usage indicates the bearer of the phobia... which is a medical term which means: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. The something having been identified through the suffix 'Homo', which we learned earlier literally means: that which is identical or not different.

Thus the literal meaning of 'Homophobe' is "One with an irrational fear of that which is identical or not different".

And since there is no medical diagnosis of "One with an irrational fear of that which is identical or not different"; meaning that such does not exist... we can KNOW that the word: Homophobe is a fabrication by the Cult of Degeneracy... that such has found colloquial popularity, thus is printed in the dictionary expressing the popular, non-literal, deceitful meaning... is wholly IRRELEVANT.

The simple fact is there is no medical root for any such 'condition'... . And that remains true in BOTH the Literal and Colloquial usage.

And THAT dear Reader, is how THAT ... is done.

(Remember... The key to defeating Leftists in debate rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to Speak.)
And by 'appeal to authority' you mean reading the dictionary rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up?

"appeal to MISLEADING Authority'. You know... the part where you cite a dictionary reference, failing to note the colloquial nature of the reference; thus MISLEADING the Reader toward the belief that the authority of the dictionary specifically imparts a formal or literal meaning to the words it references... and since "homophobe' has no formal meaning; and that its literal meaning is gibberish, you deceive the reader into the believing that which is false, is true.

In truth, 'Homophobe' is a contrivance, as I stated and to which you hoped to contest, through the above cited and wholly refuted, fallacious ruse.

And with that said...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, the above individual was one of the first idiots I sent to perm-ignore when I first began contributing to this august Board. Occasionally it runs sufficiently afoul of reason that I am forced to temporally take it off ignore in order to bitch-slap it, in the fashion that you witnessed above.

It's usually a tedious exchange, such as that above... but it is necessary to satisfy my sadistic streak. I hope it wasn't too much of a bore.

With the win in hand, it's back in the closet now, so it shouldn't be a problem for the foreseeable future.
So you deny saying this?

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Laughing....even you ignore you.
Surely you can understand you just aren't taken seriously. And why in any contest on the meaning of the words between you and the dictionary.....

.....the dictionary wins. And you lose. Every time.
Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.


Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?

You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…but all intolerance is not equal, although you seem to think that you can dumb it down in a way that it seems to be.

It’s interesting how intolerant bigots will so often accuse those who speak against them of being intolerant, bigoted and hatful. It may be the result of their projecting their own intense hatred onto other, and conscious tactic, or both at different times.

I do in fact have hatred and never denied that. I hate bigotry and yes, I hate bigots. I hate that people are marginalized and discriminated against for no reason other than there are some who “disapprove” of them or see them as “different” But all hatred is not equal. My hatred is in response to other’s hatred and for that reason it is objective and justified. Is it not justifiable for the oppressed to hate their oppressor? Should the abused fell anything but disdain for the abuser? We all deplore violence, but do we condemn those who are attacked for defending themselves with violence?

What is the bigot’s hatred in response to? What excuse other than fear of change and a need to maintain superiority do they have? The bigots simply have a need to hate, and that hatred is directed at the most convenient targets. They claim to not be racists, but it is the same mentality and dynamics at play. They can’t get away with the racism so easily anymore so now it is turned on gays and immigrants.

Oh I know, they will claim that they don’t hate and I realize that they may not recognize it as hate, that they may not feel hate in their heart. But, I have to wonder, what they do feel, if anything, when they advocate the denial of basic rights to people while not even being able to articulate a rational reason for doing so? What do you call that if not hate?

Yes, I will condemn those who seek to oppress gays just as they condemn gays and their advocates for seeking rights, for seeking and –yes demanding-equality. The difference is that I rely on the truth, while the opponents of equality rely on lies, scare tactics appeals to ignorance and other logical fallacies, because that’s all that they have.

See how it works?
You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…

I didn't 'call' you a bigot...

I said that the ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Then I asked you to 'allow me to demonstrate', whereupon I merely noted that:

Bigotry = intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

I then asked if you can 'See how that works?'

I then pointed out that "That was you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions from your own...

THEN I Laughed out Loud as a response to your 'LAMENTING people being intolerant of your feelings even as you are intolerant of theirs... .

I then simply pointed out that the use of the word 'bigot' is a logical "PARADOX". At which point I belittled you for your limited intellectual means.

From there I cited your referenced photo...

Noting that "There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. That such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy (That's your Cult...) which, through the use of such, the cult hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality, OKA: degenerative sexual behavior, common to a decaying and a culture in rapid, near free-fall decline.

Then I Laughed Out Loud again... in response to the pretense represented in the fabrication of words, being pitifully deceitful and having a long tradition within the Ideological Left (again, that's your cult) pointing out that such goes WAY BACK to the days of old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'.

THEN I Laughed my ASS OFF... at what a dumbass it was... then pointing out that it is better known for its being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist. (Again... that's your cult)

THEN.... I asked "how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMB-ASSES?"

It’s interesting how intolerant bigots will so often accuse those who speak against them of being intolerant, bigoted and hatful. It may be the result of their projecting their own intense hatred onto other, and conscious tactic, or both at different times.

I suppose it's possible, sure... but in the above circumstance, it was me simply pointing out to you, the paradoxical consequences of the use of the word bigot, wherein the use of the word demonstrates the bigotry intrinsic to the user... assuming of course that the word itself has a meaning and the user possesses the intellectual means to objectively consider that meaning and the consequences of its use.

If not then the user is an idiot, the meaning of the word moot, along with the purpose of language... as absent objectivity, language merely provides the means to grunt and pose for a little bit, prior to the inevitable fight.
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Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?

You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…but all intolerance is not equal, although you seem to think that you can dumb it down in a way that it seems to be.

I wouldn't worry about it. Keys likes to make up his own definitions, pulled sidways out of his ass. Here's one of my personal favorites:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Says who? Says Keyes, citing himself. Which is pretty much his source on every topic.

And predictably in response to your thoughtful'll get spam.
Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?

You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…but all intolerance is not equal, although you seem to think that you can dumb it down in a way that it seems to be.

I wouldn't worry about it. Keys likes to make up his own definitions, pulled sidways out of his ass. Here's one of my personal favorites:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Says who? Says Keyes, citing himself. Which is pretty much his source on every topic.

And predictably in response to your thoughtful'll get spam.

Thanks. I got a real kick out of the part about "reasonable people" I'm just ignoring it. Don't feed the zombie troll bots. They don't know that they're dead.
Now, back to Kim Davis, who is so unbelievably sexy....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The issue is pretty much resolved. And could have been without the jail time. As the situation now is the compromise that judge offered Kim before she was sent to jail for 5 days:

Don't interfere with the deputy clerks that issue marriage licenses.

This was just another Evangelical circle jerk.
Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?

You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…but all intolerance is not equal, although you seem to think that you can dumb it down in a way that it seems to be.

I wouldn't worry about it. Keys likes to make up his own definitions, pulled sidways out of his ass. Here's one of my personal favorites:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Says who? Says Keyes, citing himself. Which is pretty much his source on every topic.

And predictably in response to your thoughtful'll get spam.

Thanks. I got a real kick out of the part about "reasonable people" I'm just ignoring it. Don't feed the zombie troll bots. They don't know that they're dead.
And THAT Reader, besides "A BEATIN'", is what is known as a "Concession".

Which is to say the recognition of the argument and the failure to advance a sustainable defense, thus yielding to the standing argument.

The would-be 'contributor's' concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Again Reader, the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.
2- Get them to Speak.
Last edited:
Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?

You can call me a bigot for being intolerant of you if you like…but all intolerance is not equal, although you seem to think that you can dumb it down in a way that it seems to be.

I wouldn't worry about it. Keys likes to make up his own definitions, pulled sidways out of his ass. Here's one of my personal favorites:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Says who? Says Keyes, citing himself. Which is pretty much his source on every topic.

And predictably in response to your thoughtful'll get spam.

Thanks. I got a real kick out of the part about "reasonable people" I'm just ignoring it. Don't feed the zombie troll bots. They don't know that they're dead.
And THAT Reader, besides "A BEATIN'", is what is known as a "Concession".

That's just your tell. Where you, citing you tell yourself that you've been offered a you.

Its sort of like how you come up with your definitions. Just make up whatever you want:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Homophobia equals 'fear of self' per Keyes. Why bother with a dictionary when you can just make up whatever you'd like? Though you never have explained to us why anyone should give a shit what nonsense you tell yourself.

Explain it to us, my little relativist.
Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.
Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love.

I've heard it said that you have no idea what you're talking about and are making this shit up as you go along. As narcissism and sexual orientation are beyond irrelevant. They don't involve the same psychological principles.

Given that your entire argument is just you making shit we even need to be here for another one of your self soothing thumb sucking sessions?
Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

Sociopaths... And this without exception.

And that is why homosexuals have been locked in the closet for 99.9999999...% of human history.

Once they're 'accepted', the society effectively licenses degeneracy born of sociopathy... And there is simply NO potential upside to THAT!

Consequently ... The cultural decay and decline that lead to their acceptance rolls over into a nose dive... Until, inevitably.... The culture slams into the rocky bottom and with that, its demise.
Now, back to Kim Davis, who is so unbelievably sexy....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Well she IS a Democrat... So physical beauty is not likely.


When my boys were small, we'd sit and watch the news and I'd quiz them on which of the people on the screen were the ones trying to kill our country... And ... I gotta say by the age of 3 they were able to spot a Democrat with 96.368% accuracy.

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