Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

your pompous need to climb on your high horse and prove yourself morally superior is tedious, sad and pathetic. What you have set out to show is un-proveable by its very nature. I am glad to see tho that you are half-acknowledging that you have lost the legal argument.

I will start tho to wade through your arguments.

More rantings from the dark world according to DCraelin ? Of course you will attack the truth that you are threatened by and It’s apparent that you are threatened because of your need to insult me. Now hear this, I did not concede the legal argument. I acknowledged that fact that I have my biases, something that you do not seem to have the integrity to do. What I said was that I will never convince you of the fallacy of your legal argument as you will never prove me wrong. All that you can do is to choose to ignore the majority opinion of the SC as well, the vast majority of the lower court’s rulings, and an extensive body of case law.

this is a quasi legal argument ...using an emotional tug to play to heightened scrutiny. It certainly doesn't point to a necessary way to accommodate....a required way to accommodate. Many children in our society have disadvantages, some may think being raised by gay parents is a disadvantage.

That’s right, it is emotional. This is an emotional matter. Children are an emotional issue. If you don’t think so there is something wrong with you. But heighted scrutiny was applied as a matter of law. the welfare of our children is a legitimate state interest. However, limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples fails to further this interest. Instead, needlessly stigmatizing and humiliating children who are being raised by the loving couples targeted by Virginia’s Marriage Laws betrays that interest. [Schall and Townley's daughter], like the thousands of children being raised by same-sex couples, is needless deprived of the protection, the stability, the recognition and the legitimacy that marriage conveys.

Federal Judge: Virginia’s Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Needlessly Stigmatizes And Humiliates Children

Maybe some do have "procreative urges" tho this puts the lie I think to the idea of"born that way" ...the government is under no obligation to provide outlets to all who have urges. You are jumping to pompous arrogant conclusions about this being a bigoted view.

I’m not jumping to anything. Here your profound ignorance and bigotry is front and center! What the fuck does parental instincts and the issue of “ born that way” have to do with each other. Please give me a sign that you are not so fucking stupid as to think that if someone is “really gay” that they do not want children. PLEASE!

And how the hell is the government providing an outlet for anything? This just ignores everything that has been said about the benefits of marriage to children. If you want to call me pompous and arrogant (again) because I advocate for children be my guest. You are the one looking pompous and arrogant as well as callous and stupid.

Sutton quotes a basis to rational revue " legislative choices may rest on “rational speculation unsupported by evidence or empirical data,”

Studies can be and often are these days proven wrong. This isnt a criminal proceeding. It is a question of constitutional law. The contract between the government and the people, who should decide these matters. You may have some good arguments as to desirability,....but it is up to the people to decide.

More horseshit. As I said before. The overwhelming body of evidence shows clearly that gay parenting is equal to straight parenting and that the respective genders of the parents is of little consequence. EVERY study that contradicts that-including the one that Michigan used-has been discredited. I have them all as was as about 70 peer reviewed studies that support gay parenting. I would share but I don’t think that you are actually interested

If there was a credible body of evidence that showed that having same sex parents was somehow harmful –why did Michigan stupidly commission a highly biased and flawed study to try to prove that? And the really insane thing is that whether or not gays make good or adequate parents was not even the right question to be asking because at that point the case was about marriage, not adoption. And as you know, gay people will have kids married or not.

Marriage is not a right, it is a license from the government. .....the case we recently argued about said voting is not a right....if THAT is not a right.....surely something with the name license is not a right....that even implies it could be a local decision...lower than the state level.

Really old sport ? You can’t compare marriage to voting. It’s another of your false equivalencies. Voting has in fact not been established as a right. However, fourteen times since 1888, the United States Supreme Court has stated that marriage is a fundamental right of all individuals14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right | American Foundation for Equal Rights Make that 15 with Obegefell.

Furthermore The Legal Information Institute states”Fundamental rights are a group of rights that have been recognized by the Supreme Court as requiring a high degree of protection from government encroachment. These rights are specifically identified in the Constitution (especially in the Bill of Rights), or have been found under Due Process. Laws limiting these rights generally must pass strict scrutiny to be upheld as constitutional. Examples of fundamental rights not specifically listed in the Constitution include the right to marry and the right to privacy, which includes a right to contraception and the right to interstate travel” Fundamental Right | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute

Most rights that people enjoy and take for granted in this country, are not specified in the constitution but are legal rights and presumed to be constitutional unless challanged. The time is not far off when the right to same sex marriage will be established by SCOTUS and gay marriage as a legal right will soon follow

Still not convinced? Let me ask this….If it’s not a right, what is it? The only possible answer is “privilege” What is a privilege? It’s something that you have to earn. Driving is a privilege. You have to study the rules and take a road test. You do not have to study and take a test to qualify for a marriage license. While both rights and privileges can be forfeited under certain circumstances-commit a crime and lose right to freedom/drive badly and lose your driving privileges-they are by no means the same thing, because the bar, for taking away a right, is set much higher. In addition, as we established above, rights emanate from the fact of being born a human. Privileges do not. We can only conclude that marriage is not a privilege and therefore is a right. When a ten your old asks if she can get married someday, her parent can say “sure” ….unless she means her girlfriend, and then, if she lives in the wrong place she will have to be told “maybe” and it will hurt

Good, I lean towards the idea that government should not have been involved in this area to begin with. It is really a relic of the church-state of England, where taxes went to the church.

Why married couples get a tax break based solely on their being married when single people do not is beyond me.....I had hoped that if the SC ruled as they did on gay marriage they would at least see this unfairness and strike it down...of course they did not.

That “government out of marriage” nonsense is just another undoable pipe dream. Get over it. And this thing about single people is just another logical fallacy, this time a red herring, and yes, another false equivalency. First of all there was no question before court concerning taxes and marital status so you hoping for a ruling on that just shows once again how little you understand In addition, I have to ask, what are these tax breaks that you refer to? Married people get to file joint returns but that doesn’t mean that they pay less taxes. Some do and some don’t. Every situation is different. Now will you please get out of here?!
needlessly stigmatizing and humiliating children

shear BS, perhaps some children are stigmatized and humiliated by having gay "parents" ...more likely ....but stigmatizing and humiliation cannot be cured by legal status, and should not be a consideration.

threatened because of your need to insult me.
your arrogance in repeating calling opponents to gay marriage bigots is apparent. (see below) to turn around and complain abpout me insulting you is laughable.
Here your profound ignorance and bigotry is front and center

More horseshit.
NO what you repeatedly say is horseshit...Sutton points out that rational basis revue requires no studies......These "studies" usually come off of socially liberal college campuses and are suspect regardless. Sutton does accept "rational basis revue" which is itself I think somewhat irrational and turns normal court proof requirements on their head. I believe some justices have a problem with this also.

Make that 15 with Obegefell.
What do you care about numbers? reject the democratic process so what do you care?....and I think you overstate the case anyway. I dont think any really established as a right except obergefell

The time is not far off when the right to same sex marriage will be established by SCOTUS and gay marriage as a legal right will soon follow
WHAT THE FUCK is this?....... a paste from an old post you left in?

he only possible answer is “privilege”
no there are many possible answers

First of all there was no question before court concerning taxes and marital status so you hoping for a ruling on that just shows once again how little you understand

marriage is a package of various laws.....which points to another idiocy of these cases and the SCs approach...each state probably has slight differences in marriage the court should have examined these is really not their place to redefine a word.

among those packages of laws..are tax laws...something gay marriage proponents raised as some of their litany of unfairness-es. So the fairness of tax laws based on marriage should have been considered. ...their avoidance of that issue shows they werent really concerned with consistency and equality in law but were ruling on an emotional based argument alone.

Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot. You're deliberately making a simple matter, equal protection under the law into a tangled and incoherent mess-and you do it deliberately to avoid and mask the fact that you have no rational, logical or viable legal argument against same sex marriage. But don't feel bad-no one does. We are done here.

New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

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It also says that David loved Jonathan more than a man loves a woman in the referenced Bible verses.

What's the problem? I love my buddies Clarence, Jimmy, Earl and Donny, my Sons, my Dad, my Nephews, Cousins and Jesus... MORE than a man loves a woman. I mean I love Jennifer Anniston ... but my love for those guys is much stronger than my love for Jen... . And I expect that Jen understands... .
What I said was that I will never convince you of the fallacy of your legal argument as you will never prove me wrong.

You've been proven wrong by no less an authority than nature itself.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. This as a result of the human physiological design; wherein Nature designed the human species with two distinct, but complementing genders, each designed SPECIFICALLY... the join with the other, forming one sustainable body, from two.

What's more, there is not now, nor has there ever been a law in the US which precludes homosexuals from marriage... they need only do as EVERY OTHER CITIZEN IS REQUIRED and that is to apply for such with a person of the distinct gender... .

In THAT we find that there is not now, nor has there ever been a legal discrimination against homosexuals with regard to marriage.

Your argument; along with the argument of the other degenerates who join your argument: is specious NONSENSE...

And that you found a judge who was predisposed to agree with your specious claptrap in NO WAY alters reality, wherein:​
MARRIAGE: Is the joining of One Man and One Woman.

Thus: homosexuals seeking to "marry" individuals of the same gender, are NOT QUALIFIED CANDIDATE FOR MARRIAGE!

This being precisely the same for the Blind who we discriminate against by denying the 'right to drive'.

And the Felons who we deny the 'right to bear arms'.

Ya see... these people do not possess the qualities suitable for the exercise of the right at issue.

This is the same reason that responsible people never leave a child alone with a homosexual of either gender (Especially the Lesbians...).
You are one crazy and hateful fucker!
Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off, for just being a mass-murdering piece of shit, OKA: A Communist.

Now how cool is it that two and a half centuries later... Communists are STILL DUMBASSES?
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What I said was that I will never convince you of the fallacy of your legal argument as you will never prove me wrong.

You've been proven wrong by no less an authority than nature itself.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. This as a result of the human physiological design; wherein Nature designed the human species with two distinct, but complementing genders, each designed SPECIFICALLY... the join with the other, forming one sustainable body, from two.

What's more, there is not now, nor has there ever been a law in the US which precludes homosexuals from marriage... they need only do as EVERY OTHER CITIZEN IS REQUIRED and that is to apply for such with a person of the distinct gender... .

In THAT we find that there is not now, nor has there ever been a legal discrimination against homosexuals with regard to marriage.

Your argument; along with the argument of the other degenerates who join your argument: is specious NONSENSE...

And that you found a judge who was predisposed to agree with your specious claptrap in NO WAY alters reality, wherein:​
MARRIAGE: Is the joining of One Man and One Woman.

Thus: homosexuals seeking to "marry" individuals of the same gender, are NOT QUALIFIED CANDIDATE FOR MARRIAGE!

This being precisely the same for the Blind who we discriminate against by denying the 'right to drive'.

And the Felons who we deny the 'right to bear arms'.

Ya see... these people do not possess the qualities suitable for the exercise of the right at issue.

This is the same reason that responsible people never leave a child alone with a homosexual of either gender (Especially the Lesbians...).
You are one crazy and hateful fucker!

Wait til he starts talking about the 'responsibility to eradicate homosexuals'. Or starts sharing his murder fantasies where he goes in to disturbing detail of exactly how the gays will be killed, what will be done to their bodies, how their head are to be displayed.

Its a rabbit hole of some pretty nasty shit. And even he doesn't know how far it goes down.
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Just more inane blathering. You are boring and tedious. And yes, you are a bigot.

Two Things:

First: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who hold differing opinions then YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

Second: There is literally no such thing as a homophobe. Such is a feckless contrivance by the Cult of Degeneracy which through the use of such hopes to cow reasonable people from recognizing and subsequently contesting the normalization of sexual abnormality.

Alas the dictionary disagrees:

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

the definition of homophobe

But why let yourself get burdened by anything as germane as the dictionary.

LOL! Such deceit has a long tradition with the Ideological Left... going back the old Robespierre and it's idiotic creation of the word 'Reactionary', which it created in reaction to people who were rejecting Robespierre and it's conflation of human rights, with 'fairness'. LMAO! He was a dumbass... to be sure, but he is better known for his being the very first Western Born Terrorist... and the very first Communist to be have his own head cleaved clean off.

You mean using the actual meaning of words rather than whatever subjective nonsense you make up between beers?

You really haven't thought this through, have you?
You mean using the actual meaning of words rather than whatever subjective nonsense you make up between beers?


I do SO adore the sweeter ironies...

A reactionary, is simply one that REACTS... Robespierre was REACTING to the causation of his feckless notion of fairness being recognized as that which was: ABSURD... his attempt to induce some nefarious intent upon those who REACT was offset by his axiomatic REACTION, thus demonstrating that he, like you... was quite literally: an imbecile.
You mean using the actual meaning of words rather than whatever subjective nonsense you make up between beers?


I do SO adore the sweeter ironies...

A reactionary, is simply one that REACTS... Robespierre was REACTING to the causation of his feckless notion of fairness being ABSURD... his attempt to induce some nefarious intent upon those who REACT was offset by his axiomatic REACTION, thus demonstrating that he, like you... was quite literally: an imbecile.

And in all your babble about Robespierre, you forgot one small detail: that words already have meanings. And the dictionary again demonstrates that you really don't know what you're talking about.

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

the definition of homophobe

You can subjectively imagine whatever you'd like. But the meaning of the word doesn't change. See, that's the difference between subjective and objective.

And its where your arguments always break.
Alas the dictionary disagrees:

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

Oh... the flaccid appeal to misleading authority... now, isn't that precious.

And by 'appeal to authority' you mean reading the dictionary rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up?

Subjective is not objective, Keyes. And your imagination doesn't define any word.

Of course, the dictionary is speaking to the colloquial expression; which is to say words used in ordinary or familiar conversation that have no formal or literal meaning.

We know this because the word 'homophobe' is a compound word; meaning that two words were used to form one word.

The first formal or literal word is 'homo', meaning "same"; which is to say: that which is identical or not different.

That's not the compound definition you gave us before. This is:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So homophobia per you is the 'fear of self'?

Wait, did you not have the slightest clue what you were talking about then? Or do you not have the slightest clue what you're talking about now? Because either way you demonstrate how useless you citing yourself is. Which is why no one uses you for the definition of anything.

But tell us again how the dictionary is wrong and you must be right. It always makes me giggle.
Alas the dictionary disagrees:

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

Oh... the flaccid appeal to misleading authority... now, isn't that precious.

Of course, the dictionary is speaking to the colloquial expression; which is to say words used in ordinary or familiar conversation that have no formal or literal meaning.

We know this because the word 'homophobe' is a compound word; meaning that two words were used to form one word.

The first formal or literal word is 'homo', meaning "same"; which is to say: that which is identical or not different.

The second formal, or literal word is "Phobe", short for phobia, where the usage indicates the bearer of the phobia... which is a medical term which means: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. The something having been identified through the suffix 'Homo', which we learned earlier literally means: that which is identical or not different.

Thus the literal meaning of 'Homophobe' is "One with an irrational fear of that which is identical or not different".

And since there is no medical diagnosis of "One with an irrational fear of that which is identical or not different"; meaning that such does not exist... we can KNOW that the word: Homophobe is a fabrication by the Cult of Degeneracy... that such has found colloquial popularity, thus is printed in the dictionary expressing the popular, non-literal, deceitful meaning... is wholly IRRELEVANT.

The simple fact is there is no medical root for any such 'condition'... . And that remains true in BOTH the Literal and Colloquial usage.

And THAT dear Reader, is how THAT ... is done.

(Remember... The key to defeating Leftists in debate rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to Speak.)

Laughing......and I reduced you to spamming in just 3 posts. It doesn't take much to break you, does it?'s Keyes' 'wisdom' on the topic:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There you have it. Per Keyes the fear of self.

But the dictionary is wrong and whatever you make up must be right, huh? Sorry my little Relativist....but you citing doesn't define any word.

Try again.
And by 'appeal to authority' you mean reading the dictionary rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up?

"appeal to MISLEADING Authority'. You know... the part where you cite a dictionary reference, failing to note the colloquial nature of the reference; which simply means that the word has no formal or literal meaning, thus such is a contrivance, as I stated and which you hoped to contest through this feckless and wholly fallacious ruse.

The *dictionary* is misleading? No, you simply don't know what you're talking about. As you demonstrated by your 'compound' babble about how homophobia means 'fear of self'.

In any contest between and the dictionary, the winner is always the same: not you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And look! Your tell......that little white flag you throw up just before you run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
And by 'appeal to authority' you mean reading the dictionary rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up?

"appeal to MISLEADING Authority'. You know... the part where you cite a dictionary reference, failing to note the colloquial nature of the reference; which simply means that the word has no formal or literal meaning, thus such is a contrivance, as I stated and which you hoped to contest through this feckless and wholly fallacious ruse.

And with that said...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, the above individual was one of the first idiots I sent to perm-ignore when I first began contributing to this august Board. Occasionally it runs sufficiently afoul of reason that I am forced to temporally take it off ignore in order to bitch-slap it, in the fashion that you witnessed above.

It's usually a tedious exchange, such as that above... but it is necessary to satisfy my sadistic streak. I hope it wasn't too much of a bore.

With the win in hand, it's back in the closet now, so it shouldn't be a problem for the foreseeable future.
Oh, the layer cake of fail that is your argument.

First off, who says its colloquial? You do, citing yourself. And you're the same fool that gave us the 'homophobe means 'fear of self' nonsense.

You don't know what you're talking about. And your only source is you.

Second, a definition being colloquial means its common, informal language. Not that it doesn't exist, as you bizarrely insist. You don't even know what colloquial means.


characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.

the definition of colloquial

Laughing.....but as usual, you just keep making shit up. And desperately pleading with us to accept whatever silliness you imagine.

Um, no. You citing you is meaningless. As you're nobody. And in any contest between you and the dictionary, you always lose.

And as an aside, do you ever have an argument that doesn't almost instantly devolve into you pleading with us to accept your subjective opinion as an objective definition? Is there anything else to you?
Alas the dictionary disagrees:

a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

Oh... the flaccid appeal to misleading authority... now, isn't that precious.

Of course, the dictionary is speaking to the colloquial expression; which is to say words used in ordinary or familiar conversation that have no formal or literal meaning.

Says who? You citing you. And you're the same fool who insisted that 'homophobe' means 'fear of self'.

Once again, you citing you means nothing, defines nothing. Its just pleading with us to accept your subjective opinion as objective. And it never subjective isn't objective.

But tell us again how the dictionary is wrong and you must be right. Its always good for a laugh.
And by 'appeal to authority' you mean reading the dictionary rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up?

"appeal to MISLEADING Authority'. You know... the part where you cite a dictionary reference, failing to note the colloquial nature of the reference; thus MISLEADING the Reader toward the belief that the authority of the dictionary specifically imparts a formal or literal meaning to the words it references... and since "homophobe' has no formal meaning; and that its literal meaning is gibberish, you deceive the reader into the believing that which is false, is true.

In truth, 'Homophobe' is a contrivance, as I stated and to which you hoped to contest, through the above cited and wholly refuted, fallacious ruse.

And with that said...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, the above individual was one of the first idiots I sent to perm-ignore when I first began contributing to this august Board. Occasionally it runs sufficiently afoul of reason that I am forced to temporally take it off ignore in order to bitch-slap it, in the fashion that you witnessed above.

It's usually a tedious exchange, such as that above... but it is necessary to satisfy my sadistic streak. I hope it wasn't too much of a bore.

With the win in hand, it's back in the closet now, so it shouldn't be a problem for the foreseeable future.

Oh, look. Its spamming again. And its still stuck at the same point: subjective is not objective.
See,'ve offered us your subjective opinion (homophobe means 'fear of self'...which is obviously useless idiocy), while the dictionary explicitly contradicts you.

And in any contest on the meaning of words, the dictionary always beats you. You can't get around that.

Your argument breaks in the same place every single time. Which is why you're reduced to spamming. You're stuck. Always in the same place.
Laughing.....I broke you in 3 posts. That's got to be a new record. Here's your claim:

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Post 7933
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 794 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You have no idea what you're talking about. Your personal opinion doesn't trump the dictionary. You can't get around that. Subjective is not objective. You don't even know what colloquial means. And who says that homophobe is colloquial?

Why you do, citing yourself! Its the perfect circle of uselessness. You citing you, citing yourself.

And the dictionary still wins every time.
This is what I love about Keyes. He's the most hopeless relativist on the board. His argument always collapses into the same broken, illogical nonsense: Keyes offering his subjective opinion as objective truth.

And it never is.

This time around I broke him in 3 posts. It doesn't take much to send him into a spamming fit.
This is what I love about Keyes. He's the most hopeless relativist on the board. His argument always collapses into the same broken, illogical nonsense: Keyes offering his subjective opinion as objective truth.

And it never is.

This time around I broke him in 3 posts. It doesn't take much to send him into a spamming fit.
It also serves as a concession that Davis was in fact jailed because she was in contempt of court, having nothing to do with her faith, where she alone was responsible for being jailed.
It also serves as a concession that Davis was in fact jailed because she was in contempt of court, having nothing to do with her faith, where she alone was responsible for being jailed.


Being held in contempt by a court which fails to honor their oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, with no less then three having directly violated the Constitution by having taken the oath with mental reservation and purposed toward evasion, is merely another measure of the injustice they set upon the nation on the whole and Mrs. Davis individually.

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