Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

homophilia is a form of narcissism??:link::link::link:Now try to learn something please instead of wasting time posting horseshit......

Since the 1970s, the consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions globally is that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexual orientation, while there remain those who maintain that it is a disorder.[2] In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The American Psychological Association Council of Representatives followed in 1975.[3] Thereafter other major mental health organizations followed and it was finally declassified by the World Health Organization in 1990. Consequently, while some still believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, the current research and clinical literature demonstrate that same-sex sexual and romantic attractions, feelings, and behaviors are normal and positive variations of human sexuality, reflecting the official positions of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association.”

Rather that the classification being changed in 1973 for political purposes, the fact is that homosexuality was initially declared a mental illness for…….political, and religious reasons.

And there is this:

Hooker's (1957) study was innovative in several important respects. First, rather than simply accepting the predominant view of homosexuality as pathology, she posed the question of whether homosexuals and heterosexuals differed in their psychological adjustment. Second, rather than studying psychiatric patients, she recruited a sample of homosexual men who were functioning normally in society. Third, she employed a procedure that asked experts to rate the adjustment of men without prior knowledge of their sexual orientation. This method addressed an important source of bias that had vitiated so many previous studies of homosexuality.

Hooker concluded from her data that homosexuality is not a clinical entity and that homosexuality is not inherently associated with psychopathology.

Hooker's findings have since been replicated by many other investigators using a variety of research methods. Freedman (1971), for example, used Hooker's basic design to study lesbian and heterosexual women. Instead of projective tests, he administered objectively-scored personality tests to the women. His conclusions were similar to those of Hooker


Homosexuality stopped being a pathology because gay people weren’t exhibiting other “traditional” signs of mental illness. They could function as well as straight people in various test situations. That showed that they could function in society just as normally as straight people. The weight of evidence against homosexuality being a pathology is what led psychiatrists to alter their views of it. This ultimately led to its removal.

:mm::mm::mm: Next : Bigotry and Mental Illness
Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

Here is a bizarre rant that I thought that you would relate to and enjoy. Always thinking of you!!

Steve Deace Links The Kim Davis Saga And Gay Marriage To 9/11
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/16/2015 3:10 pm

Iowa talk radio host Steve Deace, whose show has become a required stop for GOP presidential candidates, took to the Washington Times today to claim that America hasn’t learned the right lessons from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Deace wrote that if the U.S. had responded to 9/11 appropriately, then Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers would be out of business and the Supreme Court would never have been allowed to “usurp our God-given claim on true liberty” in its marriage equality ruling. He also brought up the case of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, claiming that her detention by U.S. Marshals was proof that the U.S. has abandoned the beliefs of the nation’s founders. “

Last week on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 the hash tag "never forget" was trending. However, if the current direction of the country is any indication, forgetting is actually quite trendy these days. … Sadly, this is pretty much where we are as we remember the bloody stain Islamo-fascism inflicted on our nation 14 years ago. With each passing year, our 'never forgets' become more and more insulting to the ear as President Obama's Marxist reign takes us deeper into cultural and Constitutional oblivion. … 1) Are we meant to remember that our nation was fashioned by a people who believed they were endowed by their creator with unalienable rights? If so, how does throwing an elected official named Kim Davis in jail square with that? She was representing the will of 75 percent of Kentucky voters by standing for marriage – an institution that precedes the collective wisdom of our Founding Fathers and every form of government created by man -- yet we are to believe that a 5-4 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court supersedes all of that? - See more at: Steve Deace Links Kim Davis And Gay Marriage To 9/11

Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

homophilia is a form of narcissism??:link::link::link:Now try to learn something please instead of wasting time posting horseshit......

Since the 1970s, the consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions globally is that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexual orientation...


Ahh yes... the infamous VOTE by the APA.

Sadly, for the viability of the Western Culture... that vote was cast in the absence of a SCINTILLA of evidence which supported the outcome of the vote and since that vote, not a scintilla of evidence has come along in support of it.

That vote, like the judicial votes that have followed it, was bent around subjective NEED... and in defiance of all sense of scientific evidential objectivity.

In fact, homosexuality is a presentation of mental disorder and that mental disorder is rooted in one or more manifestations of sociopathy... .

But... as appeals to misleading authority go... THAT is one of my all time faves.
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Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

Here is a bizarre rant that I thought that you would relate to and enjoy. Always thinking of you!!

Steve Deace Links The Kim Davis Saga And Gay Marriage To 9/11
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/16/2015 3:10 pm

Iowa talk radio host Steve Deace, whose show has become a required stop for GOP presidential candidates, took to the Washington Times today to claim that America hasn’t learned the right lessons from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Deace wrote that if the U.S. had responded to 9/11 appropriately, then Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers would be out of business and the Supreme Court would never have been allowed to “usurp our God-given claim on true liberty” in its marriage equality ruling. He also brought up the case of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, claiming that her detention by U.S. Marshals was proof that the U.S. has abandoned the beliefs of the nation’s founders. “

Last week on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 the hash tag "never forget" was trending. However, if the current direction of the country is any indication, forgetting is actually quite trendy these days. … Sadly, this is pretty much where we are as we remember the bloody stain Islamo-fascism inflicted on our nation 14 years ago. With each passing year, our 'never forgets' become more and more insulting to the ear as President Obama's Marxist reign takes us deeper into cultural and Constitutional oblivion. … 1) Are we meant to remember that our nation was fashioned by a people who believed they were endowed by their creator with unalienable rights? If so, how does throwing an elected official named Kim Davis in jail square with that? She was representing the will of 75 percent of Kentucky voters by standing for marriage – an institution that precedes the collective wisdom of our Founding Fathers and every form of government created by man -- yet we are to believe that a 5-4 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court supersedes all of that? - See more at: Steve Deace Links Kim Davis And Gay Marriage To 9/11


Proving once again that YOU CAN NOT hide the imbeciles...
:mm::mm::mm: Next : Bigotry and Mental Illness

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING intolerance of people who hold differing opinions than YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.
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:mm::mm::mm: Next : Bigotry and Mental Illness

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING intolerance of people who hold differing opinions than YOU!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

I'll tell YOU what the ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING promised;

New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

See how it works??
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh look, a conspiracy theory now! You can't find any actual studies that support your claims so they must be hidden away of just not conducted out of fear of gays! Just more dishonest, ignorant horseshit!!
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

See how it works??

That's Adorable.
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh look, a conspiracy theory now! You can't find any actual studies that support your claims so they must be hidden away of just not conducted out of fear of gays! Just more dishonest, ignorant horseshit!!

WHAT? Deviants conspire? That's not even possible, is it? I mean if it were possible, there'd be groups dedicated to the advancement of the deviancy... Such would have catchy acronyms like:


LOL... You people are helpless.
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh look, a conspiracy theory now! You can't find any actual studies that support your claims so they must be hidden away of just not conducted out of fear of gays! Just more dishonest, ignorant horseshit!!

WHAT? Deviants conspire? That's not even possible, is it? I mean if it were possible, there'd be groups dedicated to the advancement of the deviancy... Such would have catchy acronyms like:


LOL... You people are helpless.

Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.
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Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.

Yes... I hear you saying that sexual deviants who seek to find otherwise unobtainable legitimacy, through the pretense of marriage, and sexual deviants who raise children as a means to have access to children to pursue such for sexual gratification, are one thing, and sexual deviants are another.

Sadly for your irrational notion, deviance is: the fact or state of departing from the normal, usual, accepted or established standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

The Human sexual standard is established by human physiological normality, and human physiological normality is established in the design of the human species, wherein nature provides two distinct, but complementing genders, with each gender designed specifically: to join with the other, OKA: Normal Human Sexuality AKA: The Human Sexual Standard.

Therefore reason dictates that where a person craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with a person of their own gender, they not only deviate from the human sexual standard, established by human physiological normality... HOMOSEXUALS DEVIATE AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Meaning, simply... that there is no greater deviation from the human physiological standard, than homosexuality.

Meaning that in terms of deviancy, the homosexual is the most profound example of sexual deviancy: HUMANLY POSSIBLE.


I hope that helps... I went to the trouble of color coding the key elements, to help you see the distinctions, or...
'd e v i a t i o n' between that which is NORMAL and that which DEVIATES from normal.

So... LOL! This notion ya have that homosexuality is not deviant, is nonsense... and is a function of what is OKA: YOUR IGNORANCE.

OH! And one more thing. NAMBLA is EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL. As are the 65 other Pedophile Advocacy Groups known to exist in the US alone.

Understand that homosexuality comprises only 2% of the human population, but is responsible for more than 30% of sexual assaults on children. I leave the math to one of our in-house TAs, but suffice it to say that pedophilia and homosexuality are all but synonymous ... .
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Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.

Yes... I hear you saying that sexual deviants who seek to find otherwise unobtainable legitimacy, through the pretense of marriage, and sexual deviants who raise children as a means to have access to children to pursue such for sexual gratification, are one thing, and sexual deviants are another.

Sadly for your irrational notion, deviance is: the fact or state of departing from the normal, usual, accepted or established standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

The Human sexual standard is established by human physiological normality, and human physiological normality is established in the design of the human species, wherein nature provides two distinct, but complementing genders, with each gender designed specifically: to join with the other, OKA: Normal Human Sexuality AKA: The Human Sexual Standard.

Therefore reason dictates that where a person craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with a person of their own gender, they not only deviate from the human sexual standard, established by human physiological normality... HOMOSEXUALS DEVIATE AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Meaning, simply... that there is no greater deviation from the human physiological standard, than homosexuality.

Meaning that in terms of deviancy, the homosexual is the most profound example of sexual deviancy: HUMANLY POSSIBLE.


I hope that helps... I went to the trouble of color coding the key elements, to help you see the distinctions, or...
'd e v i a t i o n' between that which is NORMAL and that which DEVIATES from normal.

So... LOL! This notion ya have that homosexuality is not deviant, is nonsense... and is a function of what is OKA: YOUR IGNORANCE.

OH! And one more thing. NAMBLA is EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL. As are the 65 other Pedophile Advocacy Groups known to exist in the US alone.

Understand that homosexuality comprises only 2% of the human population, but is responsible for more than 30% of sexual assaults on children. I leave the math to one of our in-house TAs, but suffice it to say that pedophilia and homosexuality are all but synonymous ... .

:banana2::confused-84: :ahole-1::ahole-1:
Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.

Yes... I hear you saying that sexual deviants who seek to find otherwise unobtainable legitimacy, through the pretense of marriage, and sexual deviants who raise children as a means to have access to children to pursue such for sexual gratification, are one thing, and sexual deviants are another.

Sadly for your irrational notion, deviance is: the fact or state of departing from the normal, usual, accepted or established standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

The Human sexual standard is established by human physiological normality, and human physiological normality is established in the design of the human species, wherein nature provides two distinct, but complementing genders, with each gender designed specifically: to join with the other, OKA: Normal Human Sexuality AKA: The Human Sexual Standard.

Therefore reason dictates that where a person craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with a person of their own gender, they not only deviate from the human sexual standard, established by human physiological normality... HOMOSEXUALS DEVIATE AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Meaning, simply... that there is no greater deviation from the human physiological standard, than homosexuality.

Meaning that in terms of deviancy, the homosexual is the most profound example of sexual deviancy: HUMANLY POSSIBLE.


I hope that helps... I went to the trouble of color coding the key elements, to help you see the distinctions, or...
'd e v i a t i o n' between that which is NORMAL and that which DEVIATES from normal.

So... LOL! This notion ya have that homosexuality is not deviant, is nonsense... and is a function of what is OKA: YOUR IGNORANCE.

OH! And one more thing. NAMBLA is EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL. As are the 65 other Pedophile Advocacy Groups known to exist in the US alone.

Understand that homosexuality comprises only 2% of the human population, but is responsible for more than 30% of sexual assaults on children. I leave the math to one of our in-house TAs, but suffice it to say that pedophilia and homosexuality are all but synonymous ... .

:banana2::confused-84: :ahole-1::ahole-1:

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.

Yes... I hear you saying that sexual deviants who seek to find otherwise unobtainable legitimacy, through the pretense of marriage, and sexual deviants who raise children as a means to have access to children to pursue such for sexual gratification, are one thing, and sexual deviants are another.

Sadly for your irrational notion, deviance is: the fact or state of departing from the normal, usual, accepted or established standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

The Human sexual standard is established by human physiological normality, and human physiological normality is established in the design of the human species, wherein nature provides two distinct, but complementing genders, with each gender designed specifically: to join with the other, OKA: Normal Human Sexuality AKA: The Human Sexual Standard.

Therefore reason dictates that where a person craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with a person of their own gender, they not only deviate from the human sexual standard, established by human physiological normality... HOMOSEXUALS DEVIATE AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Meaning, simply... that there is no greater deviation from the human physiological standard, than homosexuality.

Meaning that in terms of deviancy, the homosexual is the most profound example of sexual deviancy: HUMANLY POSSIBLE.


I hope that helps... I went to the trouble of color coding the key elements, to help you see the distinctions, or...
'd e v i a t i o n' between that which is NORMAL and that which DEVIATES from normal.

So... LOL! This notion ya have that homosexuality is not deviant, is nonsense... and is a function of what is OKA: YOUR IGNORANCE.

OH! And one more thing. NAMBLA is EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL. As are the 65 other Pedophile Advocacy Groups known to exist in the US alone.

Understand that homosexuality comprises only 2% of the human population, but is responsible for more than 30% of sexual assaults on children. I leave the math to one of our in-house TAs, but suffice it to say that pedophilia and homosexuality are all but synonymous ... .

:banana2::confused-84: :ahole-1::ahole-1:

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Cut the belligerent and moronic crap already.:lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2:
Congratulations,. You finally touched on something that is actually deviant. Unfortunately for you, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage or gay parenting, However, I'm sure that you will come up with some bigoted bovine excrement in that regard.

Yes... I hear you saying that sexual deviants who seek to find otherwise unobtainable legitimacy, through the pretense of marriage, and sexual deviants who raise children as a means to have access to children to pursue such for sexual gratification, are one thing, and sexual deviants are another.

Sadly for your irrational notion, deviance is: the fact or state of departing from the normal, usual, accepted or established standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

The Human sexual standard is established by human physiological normality, and human physiological normality is established in the design of the human species, wherein nature provides two distinct, but complementing genders, with each gender designed specifically: to join with the other, OKA: Normal Human Sexuality AKA: The Human Sexual Standard.

Therefore reason dictates that where a person craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with a person of their own gender, they not only deviate from the human sexual standard, established by human physiological normality... HOMOSEXUALS DEVIATE AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Meaning, simply... that there is no greater deviation from the human physiological standard, than homosexuality.

Meaning that in terms of deviancy, the homosexual is the most profound example of sexual deviancy: HUMANLY POSSIBLE.


I hope that helps... I went to the trouble of color coding the key elements, to help you see the distinctions, or...
'd e v i a t i o n' between that which is NORMAL and that which DEVIATES from normal.

So... LOL! This notion ya have that homosexuality is not deviant, is nonsense... and is a function of what is OKA: YOUR IGNORANCE.

OH! And one more thing. NAMBLA is EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL. As are the 65 other Pedophile Advocacy Groups known to exist in the US alone.

Understand that homosexuality comprises only 2% of the human population, but is responsible for more than 30% of sexual assaults on children. I leave the math to one of our in-house TAs, but suffice it to say that pedophilia and homosexuality are all but synonymous ... .

:banana2::confused-84: :ahole-1::ahole-1:

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Cut the belligerent and moronic crap already.:lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2:

OH! The coveted Re-Concession...

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Again Reader, the Key to defeating Homosexuals in debate of their silly ass demands for 'SUPER-SPECIAL-RIGHTS, rests in two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Homosexual
2- Beat it's ass.)
What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh look, a conspiracy theory now! You can't find any actual studies that support your claims so they must be hidden away of just not conducted out of fear of gays! Just more dishonest, ignorant horseshit!!

Well the only way people can know if the link I provided leads to a "conspiracy theory" would be to follow it and read say, the first page, but particularly the OP.
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use children in their failed propaganda war on equality

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

  • An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.
  • An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
  • More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
  • Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
  • Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

In addition, adoption is legal is 49 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

  1. If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

  2. If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

  3. Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?
And let me tell you jerks something else....

I worked in a state run child welfare agency for 26 years. I had many jobs during that time including child protective services investigator, protective services supervisor, foster care unit supervisor, and foster and adoptive parent trainer.

The state in question, New Jersey, has been placing children with gay foster and adoptive parents for decades, long before same sex marriage was even being discussed. During my career, I was involved in some manner or other with thousands of cases of child abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse neglect as well is families that were generally dysfunctional due to substance abuse or mental health issues. I was responsible for removing children from some of those homes when it was determined that the risk was too great not to do so, or if the parents could not be rehabilitated.

In all that time I never came across a gay person who was the perpetrator of child abuse of any kind. Granted, they are few in number compared to heterosexual couples and single parents, but we are talking about a span of more than two and a half decades. In addition, I personally placed children with gay and lesbian couples and individuals after they were damaged by their straight parents. Those gay people provided loving and nurturing homes and gave those kids the best shot in life possible. And no, there were not enough straight people to care for those kids, but if there were I would have still have placed them with the gay folks if the match was right.

Never once did I have a problem with a gay foster of adoptive parent. Never once did any of them reject a child because they were not of the “correct” sexual orientation, but some straight people did in fact reject gay kids. During my time there and beyond I followed those families and I can tell you that those children have grown and thrived and overcame the bad hand that they were dealt by their straight parents, largely due to the nurturing offered and sacrifices made by the gay families who took them in.

In addition, when we talk about gay adoption, most often we are referring to situations where the child in question is the biological child of gay person and that persons partner wishes to adopt as a second parent. The benefits of having two legal parents are clear. There are an estimated 2 million children in the care of gay people. That will not change by banning adoption. It will only put those children at a disadvantage, socially, financially and legally.

In conclusion, opposition to gay adoption is just ignorant and hateful equine excrement. To say that you care about the children while opposing adoption by gays is hypocrisy at it’s very worst.


For starters, I have not seen any polls on the issue of support for adoption by gays in general , or gay men in particular. I do know that many states were allowing gays to adopt long before there was any gay marriage, indication that there has been broad support for it for some time now. Currently 49 states allow adoption by gays, and obviously includes some states that do not have marriage equality yet.

Now let me tell you a little about myself. I worked in a public child welfare agency in New Jersey for 26 years. NJ was the first state to expressly authorize joint adoption by gay couples.” Although other states were also allowing it (source:

In my time there, I investigated child abuse and neglect including sexual abuse. I also recruited, trained and supervised foster and adoptive families, including some gay individuals and couples.

I am here to tell you that when it comes to same sex sexual abuse, gay men are not the problem. The whole idea comes from the fact that when a male molests a male child, he is labeled a homosexual. Sometimes they self-identify as homosexuals because that label does not carry they same stigma as pedophile. However, they rarely are homosexuals. They are a child abuser and/or pedophile. Some are heterosexual and have developed a regressed fixation on children of a specific age. Others are chronically fixated on children.

Homosexual refers to the sexual orientation of people who are attracted to age appropriate people of the same sex. I have never found a true homosexual to be a child molester. I won’t say that it never happens but it is certainly not in significant numbers.

The last figure that I saw for the number of adoptions by gay and lesbian people was 65,500. Honestly, I don’t know what percentage of those were by gay men, but I do believe that it’s significant. In addition, there are many more children that came to be in the care of gay men by various other means. We don’t know for sure how many but I’ve seen estimates of up to 14 million. Those children benefit when the state allows second parent adoption by the biological parents partner.

Given these numbers, I think that we would be hearing a lot more about child sexual abuse at the hands of gays and I doubt that so many states would be allowing adoption. In my experience, banning marriage and adoption by gays only serves deprive children of the security of having two legal parents. I hope that I have answered your question.

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid not to mention irresponsible.
Likewise, homophilia is a form of narcissism. I've heard it said that homosexuals are narcissists because only their gender (ultimately themselves) could be worthy of intimacy and love. The opposite gender is just too "not them" and so they became homosexuals. BECAME. This explains a lot, especially I've noticed how some gay couples look nearly identical, wearing the same haircuts, the same body build and clothing styles.

That's just one theory of how they get started. Childhood molestation wounds likely explains the rest. Either way the behavior is acquired and is a sign of mental illness.

homophilia is a form of narcissism??:link::link::link:Now try to learn something please instead of wasting time posting horseshit......

Since the 1970s, the consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions globally is that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexual orientation...


Ahh yes... the infamous VOTE by the APA.

Sadly, for the viability of the Western Culture... that vote was cast in the absence of a SCINTILLA of evidence which supported the outcome of the vote and since that vote, not a scintilla of evidence has come along in support of it.

That vote, like the judicial votes that have followed it, was bent around subjective NEED... and in defiance of all sense of scientific evidential objectivity.

In fact, homosexuality is a presentation of mental disorder and that mental disorder is rooted in one or more manifestations of sociopathy... .

But... as appeals to misleading authority go... THAT is one of my all time faves.

Share with us your expertise in psychology and psychiatry above and beyond that of the APA.
New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders New Study Suggests Connections Between Homophobia And Mental Disorders

Researchers working with the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine evaluated the mental health of 560 Italian University students to see what connections could be found between their psychological traits and their propensity for homophobia. Indeed, they found that aspects of psychoticism and immature defense mechanisms were significant predictors for homophobic attitudes.

“We found that psychoticism represented an important risk factor for homophobia, demonstrating that pathologic personality traits are involved in homophobic attitudes,” the study explains. Psychoticism embodies various characteristics, but above all, “severe psychopathologic conditions, such as delusion, isolation, and interpersonal alienation, but also hostility and anger.”

What about people who are grounded and see the need for both a father and a mother in a home for kids? Did they do a study on that? It's funny how we only hear about studies that support the LGBT agenda and all the ones supporting traditional homes are just *poof* nonexistent in the media. Probably not even conducted for fear that the lavendar-staff in charge of most psychological institutions these days would not fund such a study AT ALL.

Ah, now you know the rest of the story... Read the OP here to find out how your "studies" are arrived at nowadays: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh look, a conspiracy theory now! You can't find any actual studies that support your claims so they must be hidden away of just not conducted out of fear of gays! Just more dishonest, ignorant horseshit!!

WHAT? Deviants conspire? That's not even possible, is it? I mean if it were possible, there'd be groups dedicated to the advancement of the deviancy... Such would have catchy acronyms like:


LOL... You people are helpless.
What can you tell us about that organization?

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