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Kentucky iconic coal-burning power plant will close 2020. More Coal Jobs saved by MAGA LOL!

However, an analysis by the utility said the aging Unit 3 had deteriorated, had a relatively high rate of unplanned shutdowns, and would require significant costs for mechanical and environmental upgrades to keep it running.

It's old and decrepit....OP FAIL!

No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
However, an analysis by the utility said the aging Unit 3 had deteriorated, had a relatively high rate of unplanned shutdowns, and would require significant costs for mechanical and environmental upgrades to keep it running.

It's old and decrepit....OP FAIL!

No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
Other energy sources are replacing coal. NG is used more than dirty coal now.

The places we live and go use
Natural gas, Nuclear, Wind and Hygro elect to power our stuff.

Your weak DOPer point IS? You must be on coal.
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However, an analysis by the utility said the aging Unit 3 had deteriorated, had a relatively high rate of unplanned shutdowns, and would require significant costs for mechanical and environmental upgrades to keep it running.

It's old and decrepit....OP FAIL!

No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
Other energy sources are replacing coal. NG is used more than dirty coal now.

The places we live and go use
Natural gas, Nuclear, Wind and Hygro elect to power our stuff.

Your weak DOPer point IS? You must be on coal.
Haha... hilarious.
Really? Your energy comes from 4 different sources.
Coal provides 63% of all energy consumed in the U.S. 63% kid.
I think it is good to replace it. But it will take time.
Why does the great Douche not declare a National Emergency(NE) to Arrest HRC now?
NE for Coal.
NE to Build great Douche Hotels

YEP! ITS going to do a NE for the Wall. It seem.

the great Douche will be issuing NE for whatever. Welcome to MAGA Dictatorship Orange Douche NE Style.
As the great Douche is very, very poor at making deals.
However, an analysis by the utility said the aging Unit 3 had deteriorated, had a relatively high rate of unplanned shutdowns, and would require significant costs for mechanical and environmental upgrades to keep it running.

It's old and decrepit....OP FAIL!

No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
Other energy sources are replacing coal. NG is used more than dirty coal now.

The places we live and go use
Natural gas, Nuclear, Wind and Hygro elect to power our stuff.

Your weak DOPer point IS? You must be on coal.
Haha... hilarious.
Really? Your energy comes from 4 different sources.
Coal provides 63% of all energy consumed in the U.S. 63% kid.
I think it is good to replace it. But it will take time.
Link to prove claims.
Look you might as well just ignore the ignoramus. Anyone who actually thinks that calling someone by a name most stop using before grade school are not really smart enough to have a conversation with or understand much beyond a kindergarten level.
In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.
Free markets at work. The economics of this plant were no longer feasible. this is the way things are supposed to work.
In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.

Those coal workers had the chance to vote for the person who didn't lie to them and told them she wanted to help them to be retrained.

Those coal workers took the lazy way out like all conservatives do. They chose to listen to and vote for the man who lied to him and told them they didn't have to be retrained that he would preserve their jobs.

They easily bought that lie because it's what they wanted to hear. The last thing those lazy conservatives want to do is the work to be trained for a good job that isn't in a dying industry. Hillary told them the truth and they didn't like it.

Now they're totally screwed. trump isn't helping them to preserve their jobs and he's not helping them to get retrained.

Good job conservatives.
Another one bites the dust

They are no longer economical
Another one too dense to read for comprehension...It's not economical because it's old and broken down, not because of the fuel it has been using.
Yeah when I was
Time moves on. Tough shit. Plenty of coal jobs in the 3rd world for any American too lazy to learn a skill that’s still in demand here.
You're not just asking people to "retrain" (say college) who have worked coal for years--decades, some of them, you are asking them then to relocate to be where those "demand" jobs are. Because they are not in the coal country of West Virginia.

It might sound easy but it's not. I know your primary goal is to criticize Trump, but you are being harder on these coal miners than you ought.
Anybody that voted for Trump gets zero sympathy from me
You're sick.

Don't let your kids drop out of high school to work at the local coal plant
I'm aware of the information you've given me. We knew Trump couldn't bring back coal in a big way as he promised. But they needed hope and they voted for what they wanted to hear. It's human. Too bad so sad they didn't vote the way you wanted them to. They are still people caught in a real jam.
You can razz at Trump all you want for his failure to bring back many coal miners' jobs, but I just wish you wouldn't razz the coal miners themselves. They're humans like us. They deserve more than flippant "solutions" like "retraining" as a simple cure all, and absolutely no sympathy.

They have spent way too long on an economy based mostly on coal. Coal has been a dying industry for a long time now yet they refuse to make any changes or adjustments.

Yes it takes time but they aren't even willing to take that time or do any of the work or make any effort.

In the 60s Seattle was a dying town. Most of the jobs were tied to Boeing. Boeing was having a very hard time and put the future of they company on the 747.

Unemployment was so bad at that time there was a bill board on Interstate 5 that read "The last person in Seattle turn the lights out." I remember seeing it. My dad was one of the few still working at Boeing. He designed the interior of the 747.

Seattle woke up and realized that they can't depend on Boeing and the import business. So they started to create new businesses and attract new businesses to the area.

We all know how it worked out.

We put the time, energy, money and work into it. We didn't depend on a president to preserve our jobs or our city and state. We did it ourselves. We didn't buy into lies telling us we didn't need to do anything to change our situation either. We did the hard work to make the changes to build many industries here so that we aren't totally dependent on Boeing and imports.

The people of coal country were offered help to do just that. They rejected it. Not just rejected it but attacked the woman who wanted to really help them. They chose to be lazy.

They made the wrong choice. And this isn't the first time they made that very wrong choice. They've been making it for a long time now. They've been given chances to improve their lives and grow their economies. They chose not to.

How many times are we supposed to try to help them with them rejecting our help and attacking us for trying to help them?
However, an analysis by the utility said the aging Unit 3 had deteriorated, had a relatively high rate of unplanned shutdowns, and would require significant costs for mechanical and environmental upgrades to keep it running.

It's old and decrepit....OP FAIL!

No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
Other energy sources are replacing coal. NG is used more than dirty coal now.

The places we live and go use
Natural gas, Nuclear, Wind and Hygro elect to power our stuff.

Your weak DOPer point IS? You must be on coal.
Haha... hilarious.
Really? Your energy comes from 4 different sources.
Coal provides 63% of all energy consumed in the U.S. 63% kid.
I think it is good to replace it. But it will take time.
Link to prove claims.
You make a thread about energy usage, and you don't know that coal is the majority provider in the U.S. ?
No new Coal plant is replacing it.
But I read an NG plant is in the works.
Guess people know coal in for LOSERS.
Says the guy using electricity...to do everything
Other energy sources are replacing coal. NG is used more than dirty coal now.

The places we live and go use
Natural gas, Nuclear, Wind and Hygro elect to power our stuff.

Your weak DOPer point IS? You must be on coal.
Haha... hilarious.
Really? Your energy comes from 4 different sources.
Coal provides 63% of all energy consumed in the U.S. 63% kid.
I think it is good to replace it. But it will take time.
Link to prove claims.
You make a thread about energy usage, and you don't know that coal is the majority provider in the U.S. ?
Still, no link by you to prove your claims. Let me help the little DOPers out there.
You can look for links to prove your claims.

Dang , was OP about how much coal is used to produce energy, or just about coal jobs lost and pollution factory closed. As the state lives on Federal handouts. Without them, there would be no Kentucky today.
that save American lives.

You say.. Dang. What was I thinking of using facts!



There are some old coal-burning plants that are used. Many states have no population growth to pay to build New NG plants. Seems the Feds will put the bill to save the small states, again.
I for one say no, the morons can move. But they will get grid energy from other states helping to
make jobs in those states that won't need coal. OOPS! Bye, Bye Coal states.
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In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.
Hate to see those people losing their jobs like this......I don't understand the disdain for people who work hard everyday -- even if its in an industry you are against..
In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.
Trump is such a failure.
They could raise billions of dollars in new taxes to subsidize coal plants to keep them open so that coal miners can have jobs (Soviet Union solution)
AND FFS! The new MAGA way to save these shitty coal jobs.
Funny how liberals first idea for any solution is raise taxes.
Then pretend to care about jobs, the environment, and the national debt.
Wind and solar jobs far surpass coal jobs. Who pretends to care about jobs again?
In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.
Hate to see those people losing their jobs like this......I don't understand the disdain for people who work hard everyday -- even if its in an industry you are against..

I just look at 40 plus years plus everyone telling them coal morons. Coal is a dying industry.
Every election they look for someone to subsidize them to keep it going at a national LOSS.
It's like these coal morons diggers are telling everyone so to keep their jobs. We need socialism.
These people lost, stuck in some small loser town nobody wants to live and won't sell and move.

Their idea is like telling everyone to stop using a cellphone as landlines business is hurting.
But will people do that? Will people go from cheaper NG to more polluting coal that costs more so they keep jobs.
FFS!. It called capitalism and they don't like it LOL! They voted great Orange Douche and are getting what they
voted for. HRC would care and do more for them, but no they when Douche.

btw: 40 years ago, I had some hope they get help. But after the first 15 years, it feels good they are screwed more now. We told them 40 years ago get new jobs. We make choice, they keep making the wrong ones, over and over,
Should I care after wanting them to get help decades ago. FFS NO! They can dig a hole
and pull the support timbers to get it over for themselves in a mass grave. They earned it.
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In the end, not even a tweet from President Donald Trump could save an iconic coal-burning power plant in Western Kentucky.

The Tennessee Valley Authority board voted Thursday to close the final burner at the Paradise coal-fired plant in Muhlenberg County by the end of 2020.
Paradise no more. TVA votes to close iconic coal-burning power plant in Kentucky.

:happy-1: Start Eating Coal LOSER Coal plant workers. I hope you can get that Burger Flipper job.
But seems they require better skills to do that. Moving coal around killing the local
environment for decades is not a positive skill on a job app.

And remember MAGA worked for YOU!
Can you say now, Thanks, great Orange Lying Douche!

Yep, If the great Douche did not fail you, You're not
getting your full infusion of great Orange Douche today.
Hate to see those people losing their jobs like this......I don't understand the disdain for people who work hard everyday -- even if its in an industry you are against..

I just look at 40 plus years plus everyone telling them coal morons. Coal is a dying industry.
Every election they look for someone to subsidize them to keep it going at a national LOSS.
It's like these coal morons diggers are telling everyone so to keep their jobs. We need socialism.
These people lost, stuck in some small loser town nobody wants to live and won't sell and move.

Their idea is like telling everyone to stop using a cellphone as landlines business is hurting.
But will people do that? Will people go from cheaper NG to more polluting coal that costs more so they keep jobs.
FFS!. It called capitalism and they don't like it LOL! They voted great Orange Douche and are getting what they
voted for. HRC would care and do more for them, but no they when Douche.
I am going to restate what I said -- I don't understand the disdain for people who work hard, even if they live in small loser towns, or large inner-cities-- I still won't take much satisfaction in their grief....

As a progressive, I want policies that provide the best POSSIBLE outcomes for everyone, even those coal miners in those loser towns...

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