Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

Language in a draft of the McConnell-Reid deal (see page 13, section 123) provided to WFPL News shows a provision that increases funding for the massive Olmsted Dam Lock in Louisville from $775 million to nearly $2. 9 billion.

Maybe they should have earmarked $500 billion for it.
So when it finally ends up costing 3 times that it wont seem too bad...
So this happened tonight with no interest in paying down the debt....
And Obama is now going to focus on Immigration reform..
I am so sick and tired of the Republican Establishment.

We need more like Ted Cruz, Rubio ( Except on immigration, there he can kiss my ass ), Allan West, etc and less like McConnell and Boehner.

King, Graham, etc can just FOD as far as I am concerned.

This country is about enter the final swirls and these idiots had the chance to start to steer us out of it. But instead of taking to the mics as the Democrats do, they sat there and let them get away with some of the worst attack speech ever without ever defending themselves.

Even worse, some decided that they wanted to be "liked" by the press more than standing up for what they were sent there to do and attacked their fellow Republicans who were doing what they promised to do.

If there was a third party here besides the Green Party and Loonytairians, I would dump my Repubilcan registration this week... But since we are a closed primary State... I have to keep my registration the way it is and try to change it from within.
Just more of the Republican war on coal. They really, really don't want barges to be able to use the Ohio River.
What is so wrong with buildig a dam for electricy?

Oh I forgot you're against infrastructure.
What is so wrong with buildig a dam for electricy?

Oh I forgot you're against infrastructure.

That too! The OP is mad that McConnell is looking out for home instead of ignoring his state and doing what Heritage tells him to do
Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

Heads up darlin. They are already out there trying to run cover for McConnell.But it won't work.

Check out the truth.:eusa_angel:

Although the language was inserted by Feinstein and Alexander, whose home state of Tennessee would also benefit from the project, McConnell has been its historical champion.

In fact, the Kentucky lawmaker secured hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks for the Olmsted project before lawmakers ended the practice several years ago.

Shutdown Deal Includes Nearly $3 Billion For Kentucky Dam Project
A dam= infrastructure = energy = good. Oh' did I forget that it means jobs?
I don't see the problem?

McConnell sold his vote. He has no honor.

It's not about a dam. It's not about jobs.

He's a political whore.
Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

I am sorry , but I find the timing a little hard to swallow..... this authorization certainly came at a most 'propitious moment'......
Oh, indeed, it smells.
I believe that the only place we should be investing in is AMERICA.

STOP investing in shit holes like Africa and the middle east...
Just more of the Republican war on coal. They really, really don't want barges to be able to use the Ohio River.
Ummm...the purpose of the dam is to keep the upstream portion of the river deep enough for navigation.

If you're going to criticize something, at least do so intelligently.

But then, you wouldn't be you, would you?

Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

Heads up darlin. They are already out there trying to run cover for McConnell.But it won't work.

Check out the truth.:eusa_angel:

Although the language was inserted by Feinstein and Alexander, whose home state of Tennessee would also benefit from the project, McConnell has been its historical champion.

In fact, the Kentucky lawmaker secured hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks for the Olmsted project before lawmakers ended the practice several years ago.

Shutdown Deal Includes Nearly $3 Billion For Kentucky Dam Project
Yup, doesn't surprise me at all.

Mitch, time to retire, buddy.
And not for lack of trying on the part of the good and honest men and women who tried to live up to their election promises to try to defund or delay Obamacare.

Attempting to live up to a campaign promise is one thing; shutting down the government and threatening to destroy the Nation’s economy to fulfill those promises is something reprehensibly different.

Such men and women are neither good nor honest.
Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

Heads up darlin. They are already out there trying to run cover for McConnell.But it won't work.

Check out the truth.:eusa_angel:

Although the language was inserted by Feinstein and Alexander, whose home state of Tennessee would also benefit from the project, McConnell has been its historical champion.

In fact, the Kentucky lawmaker secured hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks for the Olmsted project before lawmakers ended the practice several years ago.

Shutdown Deal Includes Nearly $3 Billion For Kentucky Dam Project
Yup, doesn't surprise me at all.

Mitch, time to retire, buddy.

I'm going to make it a point to check out Matt Bevin. I think it's time everyone helped Mitch retire.

DeMint's group is flipping out and I don't blame them. Ditto Freedom Works.

This is the perfect summation from Kibbe at Freedom Works.

Apparently Mitch McConnell’s idea of a ‘compromise’ is to increase the debt limit, fully fund a broken health care law, and promise talks of increasing spending down the road,"

I mean no shit. That puts it all in a nutshell.

McConnell primary foe: Deal ?rotten? - The Hill's Ballot Box
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