Kentucky law capping insulin cost for many goes into effect

"The cap applies to people with state-regulated health care plans or plans purchased on the marketplace exchange, state employees and people under group plans."

So, you gotta have a health care plan or Medicare Part D (which you pay for), and those people covered under whichever plan they have will each pay higher premiums for their insurance. They are in effect spreading the cost of the insulin around for everyone who has drug insurance to pay for those who require insulin. AND, the drug companies will raise the price of insulin to uninsured people to offset the lower price to those who are insured. They kinda left that part out.
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This is a Democratic governor implementing part of Build Back Better, which is being obstructed by every Republican Senator. That's all.

BBB is the pits and reviewed as needing to be gutted in half, at a minimum. Extending the child tax credits alone, and nothing else, will increase the debt by 1.3 trillion over 10 years! We’re talking trillions not billions, mega difference. What’s a few extra trillion among taxpayers though, right Syn?

“The CBO’s summary estimates that BBB would increase federal spending over the next 10 years by slightly over $1.635 trillion and revenues by $1.268 trillion, thus increasing the federal deficit by $367 billion.”

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more states will pay attention to KY helping residents in need!

Next step: enact law to eliminate bribes on the hill. Cut Big Pharma’s overkill profits to a patient-friendly level! Pharmaceutical profiteers can reduce their all-time high numbers of lobbyists and produce less commercials about unimproved products to cover the difference.

2022 commercial: Product X, now available with reduced number of potential side effects. Only 11 negative possibilities now, down from 18 severe conditions.

No need for Big Pharma to spend more when a majority of patients accept 1980 grade medicines folks.The public will need to bulk together without political divisions en masse.
BBB is the pits and reviewed as needing to be gutted in half, at a minimum. Extending the child tax credits alone, and nothing else, will increase the debt by 1.3 trillion over 10 years! We’re talking trillions not billions, mega difference. What’s a few extra trillion among taxpayers though, right Syn?

“The CBO’s summary estimates that BBB would increase federal spending over the next 10 years by slightly over $1.635 trillion and revenues by $1.268 trillion, thus increasing the federal deficit by $367 billion.”

Back on topic-
more states will pay attention to KY helping residents in need!

Next step: enact law to eliminate bribes on the hill. Cut Big Pharma’s overkill profits to a patient-friendly level! Pharmaceutical profiteers can reduce their all-time high numbers of lobbyists and produce less commercials about unimproved products to cover the difference.

2022 commercial: Product X, now available with reduced number of potential side effects. Only 11 negative possibilities now, down from 18 severe conditions.

No need for Big Pharma to spend more when a majority of patients accept 1980 grade medicines folks.The public will need to bulk together without political divisions en masse.

That is very socialist of you! You want government to have it's boot on the neck of the Big Pharma companies so they cannot make a profit?
Since republicans have plummeted Kentucky into mass poverty and obesity over the decades, this is the least they can do for their victims.

The Democrat Party rules the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Augie. More than 75% of their last 30 governors have been leftists including the current incumbent .
That is very socialist of you! You want government to have it's boot on the neck of the Big Pharma companies so they cannot make a profit?
You're worried about Big Pharma making profits?
The six largest drugmakers by 2021 revenue—Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, AbbVie, Novartis and Merck & Co.—all made the top profits
Really? How about breaking them up into a thousand reasonable sized competitors. Then perhaps they could actually focus upon making innovative, quality drugs instead of paying their corporate heads huge bonuses, buying back their stock, marketing all their "tell your doctor" shit on TV, and corrupting government.

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