Kentucky law capping insulin cost for many goes into effect

Isn't this something that started because insulin production, supplying a very cheap compound, available worldwide for generations, came under control of somebody that realized no matter how cheap to make and distribute, the afflicted can't live without it, so price wise, the sky is the limit and anybody that does not want to see a several hundred-fold price increase, has the options to pay up or die?
Yeah, pretty much.

It's not all as it seems though......You might want to read this before getting all chubbed-up about it.

Why State Insulin Copay Cap Laws Are Not the Answer

In Illinois, the second state to pass an insulin copay cap that took effect in 2021, local media captured the confusion under the headline “Law Capping Insulin Prices Leaves Patients Flabbergasted.”

One man reported that he was thrilled to hear about the $100 copay cap from his mom, but when he tried to pick up his insulin at CVS in January, the cost came out to over $400 for a 2-week supply. In total, he paid nearly $1,000 for the insulin he needed. Only after contacting his insurance company did he hear about the limitations of the new state law. that case it must be tyranny by a free-market hating government.
If that what makes you feel better about Biden keeping insulin costs high for his cronies in the pharmaceutical industry, sure.
This is a Democratic governor implementing part of Build Back Better, which is being obstructed by every Republican Senator. That's all.
This law has noting to do with BBB, and the bill passed the Kentucky House of Representatives and Kentucky Senate without a single negative vote.
If that what makes you feel better about Biden keeping insulin costs high for his cronies in the pharmaceutical industry, sure. seem to think that capping the cost of insulin is actually supporting the insulin manufacturers.
I'd like to understand your logic a little better.
Since republicans have plummeted Kentucky into mass poverty and obesity over the decades, this is the least they can do for their victims.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky is ruled by the Democrats- not Republicans. Governor Beshear is a leftwing Extremist.
Lower pharmaceutical prices in America signals the onset of communism, similar to Canada's communist system.
my mistake,, is there a patent on insulin?? I thought its a substance created by the human body that is reproduced in a lab,,
This seems to be a pretty good summary of the insulin market.

Patents incentivize the creation of new processes and products through two pathways: securing the monetary gains from innovation by excluding others from using that invention for a fixed amount of time, and then democratizing information. In the United States, patent protections last for 20 years. Despite insulin being discovered nearly 100 years ago, many insulin products still benefit from patent protection. How can this be?

The insulin product discovered in 1921 and patented in 1923 was extracted from animals.[31] In 1978, insulin was, for the first time, reproduced from human recombinant DNA; this newly produced human insulin was patented and brought to market in 1982. Several new analog insulin products were developed between 1996 and 2005. The technological advances made over the past century have allowed for improved purity, enhanced concentration, increased supply, less crude extraction processes, easier administration, and varying lengths of effectiveness (reducing the number of injections needed daily) and quickness of onset, as discussed earlier.


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