Kenyans Scoff At Obama Aunt's Claim That She Fears For Her Life


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Kenyans Scoff At Obama Aunt's Claim That She Fears For Her Life

Kenyans are livid that President Obama's aunt was granted asylum in the US by a Boston judge because she said she feared for her life if she returned to Kenya... The insinuation about Kenya's inability to protect Ms Obama is outrageous, misplaced and an insult to the Kenyan state," Kilonzo told Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper. "President Obama's grandmother is here and she is treated like royalty. It is unfortunate because Kenya enjoys cordial relations with the United States

Kenyans Scoff At Obama Aunt's Claim That She Fears For Her Life - ABC News

Hummm so we support this illegal alien for four years in public housing on the taxpayers dime and then the taxpayers have to pay for her immigration attorney --all the while legal citizens are losing their housing and have no jobs. :confused: I'm unsure which is worse...

But at WHAT cost???

'cuz if it isn't MILLIONS?

Obozo can cover THAT, eh?

NOT that he would ~ he's thrown more "family" to the dogs than THIS,

after all.
I think Africa is the most dangerous place to live in. Our growth has been gradual and at a low pace and this is attributed to our elders who silently and stealthily fight every good thing. The eunuch who was baptized by Philip was from Africa and yet 2000 years later people are still bound by their old ways. There is no way of getting out of this darkness soon, and as a much as we Kenyans or Africans feel safe with the system then, no one not even Obama presidency can do a lot to change this.

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