Kerry campaign admits first purple heart is from self inflicted wound.

Zhukov said:
So not only is he a liar, but he's also stupid and a poor commander. How wonderful.

...and there's a good chance he'll be the next president. :(
CSM said:
Actually, about all the military could do at this point is take the Purple Heart away from him.

Well, some how I doubt that's likely to happen.
-=d=- said:
...and there's a good chance he'll be the next president. :(

Don't see that happening. I don't think the chances are nearly as good as the media WANTS us to think.
Zhukov said:
Well, some how I doubt that's likely to happen.

I dont know about that. Of course there would be a hearing and all that stuff to try to get at the truth. Can you say media circus?

The military has seen fit to give medals looong after the fact. I see no reason why they could not rescind as well. Of course, I bet they will wait until AFTER Kerry is no longer running for president just to avoid the appearance of being politically biased.
CSM said:
Hmmm, if true, that means he was ineligible for that first Purple Heart....

(All Services)

Awarded for wounds or death as result of an act of any opposing armed force, as a result of an international terrorist attack or as a result of military operaitons while serving as part of a peacekeeping force.

Wonder if the military will rescind the award?

Seems to me that the third Purple Heart was also self-inflicted when he ended up with his butt full of rice. So we're down to one - and wasn't that the one characterized as a "pin prick"?

- LOL just thought of something - "pin prick" pretty much says it all about kerry!!!
Merlin1047 said:
... - LOL just thought of something - "pin prick" pretty much says it all about kerry!!!

Having no personal proof one way or the other regarding Sen. Kerry's private parts, I will yield to your superior knowledge on the subject.

Just kidding, of course.
Since kerry and Edwards are both lawyers, this thread seems an appropriate place for this little witticism:

Imagine that you are trapped in a locked room with a bengal tiger, a king cobra and a lawyer.

You have a gun, but only two bullets.

What will you do?

A. Shoot the lawyer. Twice.
CSM said:
Having no personal proof one way or the other regarding Sen. Kerry's private parts, I will yield to your superior knowledge on the subject.

Just kidding, of course.

Your sister drives a Yugo!!!

Actually, I was referring to kerry as a person, not to his "package".

Besides, I think Teresa keeps kerry's privates in the top drawer of her night stand.
My sister does not drive a Yugo; she drives a Pinto.

As for the good senator's package, he's lucky that rice hit him in the butt, and not someplace else.
If this all turns out to be true, it will bring that SOB crashing to the ground. All the Kerry people will be able to come up with is "At least he was there". Being there doesn't give anyone the right to lie about what they did and put themselves in the place of a true hero. A self inflicted wound is the mark of cowardice and it's yet another slap in the face of the people who were serving their ENTIRE tour of duty over there.
Jimmyeatworld said:
If this all turns out to be true, it will bring that SOB crashing to the ground. All the Kerry people will be able to come up with is "At least he was there". Being there doesn't give anyone the right to lie about what they did and put themselves in the place of a true hero. A self inflicted wound is the mark of cowardice and it's yet another slap in the face of the people who were serving their ENTIRE tour of duty over there.

Self inflicted wounds are not always a sign of cowardice. Sometimes they reflect poor judgement and certainly gives cause for questioning the victim's intelligence. I agree with the rest of your statement.
CSM said:
Self inflicted wounds are not always a sign of cowardice. Sometimes they reflect poor judgement and certainly gives cause for questioning the victim's intelligence. I agree with the rest of your statement.

True, it could be an accident and it could be stupidity. However, when someone lies about it in order to get a Purple Heart I think it's obvious what their intentions are.
Jimmyeatworld said:
True, it could be an accident and it could be stupidity. However, when someone lies about it in order to get a Purple Heart I think it's obvious what their intentions are.

it wasnt stupidity. I'm beginning to believe Kerry's entire Vietnam service was just staged for political purposes. Why else would he take along a video camera and re-enact battle scenes? and self-inflict a wound and receive a purple heart.

This stinks like.. well, like... John Kerry.
britinusa said:
If this is true, I don't see Kerry making it to the election. He's already been caught in the Cambodia lie ( even the WashPo has given up on that). Now this. The media will be compelled to properly investigate ALL the claims made by the SwiftVets given that two of their claims have already panned out. I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for Kerry. But I'm also concerned that we may have another "Torricelli" with Hillary Clinton riding to the Dems rescue (instead of Frank "The Cadaver" Lautenberg).

Can you imagine the mood at Kerry's campaign HQ?

Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side. The LMM is working the spin cycle into overdrive. Soem will buy it. Some will see through it. Clouded in mystery the dark side is.
Jimmyeatworld said:
A self inflicted wound is the mark of cowardice and it's yet another slap in the face of the people who were serving their ENTIRE tour of duty over there.

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement except for the portion above. Most often a self inflicted wound is simply an accident or the result of poor judgement and/or stupidity.

One of my "war wounds" is a three inch scar on the inside of my left thigh just above the knee. Seems we were partying a bit after the mission day was over and it was hot. The other guys had shorts they had converted from old fatigue uniforms. So I decided I'd make a pair of my own. I went to my tent, got out an old set of trousers and put them on. Then I took the standard-issue Army switchblade and cut off the left leg of the trousers. The mishap occurred when I was sawing off the right leg. I pushed the knife through the material and was sawing away at the inside seam. I had to use a good bit of pressure since the material was doubled at the seam. Well, apparently my inebriated state caused me to pull the knife out a bit too far. When the knife came out of the right trouser leg with all the force I still had on it, it promptly zipped a nice little gash on my left leg.

No I didn't get a Purple Heart. I stuck a bandage on and kept my mouth shut. I didn't want my commander to know and I damn sure didn't want my fellow chopper jocks to know what a dumbass spastic I had been.
insein said:
Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side. The LMM is working the spin cycle into overdrive. Soem will buy it. Some will see through it. Clouded in mystery the dark side is.

Supreme advice sir! What we on the right think should be a death blow may take weeks or months to develop.
Merlin1047 said:
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement except for the portion above. Most often a self inflicted wound is simply an accident or the result of poor judgement and/or stupidity.

One of my "war wounds" is a three inch scar on the inside of my left thigh just above the knee. Seems we were partying a bit after the mission day was over and it was hot. The other guys had shorts they had converted from old fatigue uniforms. So I decided I'd make a pair of my own. I went to my tent, got out an old set of trousers and put them on. Then I took the standard-issue Army switchblade and cut off the left leg of the trousers. The mishap occurred when I was sawing off the right leg. I pushed the knife through the material and was sawing away at the inside seam. I had to use a good bit of pressure since the material was doubled at the seam. Well, apparently my inebriated state caused me to pull the knife out a bit too far. When the knife came out of the right trouser leg with all the force I still had on it, it promptly zipped a nice little gash on my left leg.

No I didn't get a Purple Heart. I stuck a bandage on and kept my mouth shut. I didn't want my commander to know and I damn sure didn't want my fellow chopper jocks to know what a dumbass spastic I had been.

I knew you were a Gunny!!! :poke: :rotflmao:
Zhukov said:
So not only is he a liar, but he's also stupid and a poor commander. How wonderful.

Actually, for most of the military, he would be seen as a 'poor commander' even if the stories were all true. He left his tour and men early, based on technical 3 purple hearts.


If the requirements for the Office of President were based solely on heroism and military service, Bob Dole should have been President for about eight years now. You know, I wouldn't mind a President that takes Viagra. Better that than one who uses Botox...and wants to wage sensitive warfare.

It'll be difficult to come back against this:

Dole Questions Kerry's Vietnam Wounds
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
CRAWFORD, Texas - Former Republican Sen. Bob Dole suggested Sunday that John Kerry apologize for past testimony before Congress about alleged atrocities during the Vietnam War and joined critics of the Democratic presidential candidate who say he received an early exit from combat for "superficial wounds."


So what do today's warriors think of wounds and heroism? I'm sure that you have it figured out. But just to make sure, Tanker Schreiber sends the following excerpt from Secretary of State, Colin Powell, speaking at a VFW ceremony:

I also went to Walter Reed last week to see some of the troops who have been injured. I went to the orthopedic ward and met a number of these wonderful, wonderful, young men and women who have been injured. And you just can't help but be enormously proud of them. One young man who had lost his leg, the only thing he wanted to talk to me about was not his injury, not how it happened, but what he said to me was, "General, how soon do you think they can get me back up on my new leg so I can get back into the Army and get back into the fight?" That's the kind of kids we have. (Applause.) With that kind of spirit, you can be sure we will prevail.
Then, Tanker sends this excerpt from the Boston Globe:
Kerry had been wounded three times and received three Purple Hearts. Asked about the severity of the wounds, Kerry said that one of them cost him about two days of service, and that the other two did not interrupt his duty. "Walking wounded," as Kerry put it. A shrapnel wound in his left arm gave Kerry pain for years. Kerry declined a request from the Globe to sign a waiver authorizing the release of military documents that are covered under the Privacy Act and that might shed more light on the extent of the treatment Kerry needed as a result of the wounds.
"There were an awful lot of Purple Hearts -- from shrapnel, some of those might have been M-40 grenades," said Elliott, Kerry's commanding officer. "The Purple Hearts were coming down in boxes. Kerry, he had three Purple Hearts. None of them took him off duty. Not to belittle it, that was more the rule than the exception."

But Kerry thought he had seen and done enough. The rules, he said, allowed a thrice-wounded soldier to return to the United States immediately. So Kerry went to talk to Commodore Charles F. Horne, an administrative official and commander of the coastal squadron in which Kerry served. Horne filled out a document on March 17, 1969, that said Kerry "has been thrice wounded in action while on duty incountry Vietnam. Reassignment is requested ... as a personal aide in Boston, New York, or Wash., D.C. area."
Merlin1047 said:
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement except for the portion above. Most often a self inflicted wound is simply an accident or the result of poor judgement and/or stupidity.

One of my "war wounds" is a three inch scar on the inside of my left thigh just above the knee. Seems we were partying a bit after the mission day was over and it was hot. The other guys had shorts they had converted from old fatigue uniforms. So I decided I'd make a pair of my own. I went to my tent, got out an old set of trousers and put them on. Then I took the standard-issue Army switchblade and cut off the left leg of the trousers. The mishap occurred when I was sawing off the right leg. I pushed the knife through the material and was sawing away at the inside seam. I had to use a good bit of pressure since the material was doubled at the seam. Well, apparently my inebriated state caused me to pull the knife out a bit too far. When the knife came out of the right trouser leg with all the force I still had on it, it promptly zipped a nice little gash on my left leg.

No I didn't get a Purple Heart. I stuck a bandage on and kept my mouth shut. I didn't want my commander to know and I damn sure didn't want my fellow chopper jocks to know what a dumbass spastic I had been.

Yes, I didn't make myself very clear there. I meant a self inflicted wound that is done on purpose with the intention of getting a medal and eventually a ride home. Even if he didn't do it on purpose, he damn well knew he didn't deserve a purple heart, if all this is in fact true.

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