Kerry nailed Rand Paul

And what evidence do you have that the rebels don't have the capability to mix the gas?

You can say the rebels don't have the capacity to do it all you want. The problem is just saying it isn't evidence.

Ah, an adult just walked in, with a reasonable question.

Because, having over 15 years of military experience being trained and dealing with such weapons, the conditions on the battlefield of syria would not allow the rebels or jihadists to be able to perform the mixing and insertion of the mixed toxins into rocket-capable/ launchable canisters, let alone in the quantity needed to devastate an area as large as the two distinct regions of Damascus that were hit. Well over a hundred rockets, each mixed with still-active SG in its liquid state (cold - not room temperature, to prevent its evaporation), then mixed with other ingredients, and then inserted into the rocket-canisters so that it will maintain its integrity after being fired and heated quickly by the rocket and friction. The rebels do not possess the skills, field conditions, equipment, lab environment, refridgeration equipment, quantity of rockets, and mixing tools, on the battlefield, it really is not that hard to understand.

I do not have the expertise, nor do I wish to argue your assertion, but the rebels could have captured several rocket launchers that were loaded and meant to be fired on them.
So Turkey arrested them and said they planned to use it to attack with? Is that Turkey's way of "playing joke, putting pee pee in our coke"? Yeah, they were concerned these rebels might do nothing with the chemicals. So they arrested them.... retard.

This is like grade school t-ball against the NY Yankees.

Idiot, how many times does this have to be explained to you, ANYONE could have the liquid sarin in their possession. They could have been arrested for 1,000 other reasons, and sarin has a short shelf life.

That they were arrested with the chemical does not mean they had either the knowledge nor the ability to use it. Rebels have over run many SAA bases, so it is not surprising they may have captured some chemicals.

If the syrian army and regime were so worried about the rebels having the knowledge and skills to use them, why hasn't syria been handing out gas masks, protective clothing, and atropine to its citizens under their control?

Oh that's right - because they know the crap that the rebels have captured is likely already chemically useless, or have no means to use it as a weapon :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps the Syrian Army has killed well over 100,000 of its citizens and a few thousand more doesn't matter. They may have the same mindset that Hillary has about the four Americans that worked for her in Benghazi. I believe she said It really doesn't matter.
I believe you. No really, i do. I'll take your word for it. You Obama, Kerry and the rest of the "say so" crowd.What a fuckin' jokester. Here are my credentials. I said the rebels dont have that equipment. I SAID SO!

I am embarrassed to have even wasted 5 minutes of time talking to a turd like this. :(

Stupid people cannot be helped...

SO you have no proof of your assertions and you're conceding so by now lashing out. Thanks for the admission.
I do not have the expertise, nor do I wish to argue your assertion, but the rebels could have captured several rocket launchers that were loaded and meant to be fired on them.

Would make sense with ordinary or conventional munitions, but a chemical weapon like sarin cannot be stored in a rocket, the liquid needs to be refridgerated so it does not evaporate, and either kill the possessors of said weapon, or be absorbed into the atmosphere.

It has to be stored in a cold facility in its liquid state to be maintained as a useful weapon, otherwise it will be worthless in a short time.
Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

How'd they get caught with "gas"?


Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists ? reports ? RT News

I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.
Your are aware that RT News is the old Russia Today
How'd they get caught with "gas"?


Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists ? reports ? RT News

I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.
Your are aware that RT News is the old Russia Today


Here: This one is from Turkey. I bet its even less credibel information now, right?
Russia asks Turkey for info on sarin terrorists, 6 June 2013
God you people are fucking tone deaf....
Can someone please enlighten us as to when the United States will become as important to Obama as the Middle East? I might feel better about him if I knew.
Rand Paul is leaving a trail of evidence on his lack of foreign policy accumen

It will come back to haunt him when he runs for president

That.......or he may look like the smartest man on earth when Obama screws the pooch again and it will help with his candidacy.
Out of context sound bites prove nothing, why didn't you include the actual question? For all I know Mr Plastic Face went off on a rant totally unrelated to the actual question. What are you hiding?

Oh please.

That is SO lame.

Prove where I cut the video.


Pauls question was not included, the video was cut or Plastic Face was addressing Paul for no reason, which is it? What are you hiding?
[ame=]Rand Paul How Can John Kerry 'Ask a Man to be 1st to Die for a Mistake ' 9-1-13 - YouTube[/ame]

Kerry wouldn't let Paul answer but gives the answer in the first minute of this video. Kerry urged Paul to attend the intelligence briefing that not acting will guarantee another chemical attack, so all they have is more intelligence to support them. :eusa_hand:

It's the heat and our stumbling around IMO that has produced CW and made us fearful of it.
Forward Progressives ? Can?t Stand Rand Paul? Then Watch John Kerry Absolutely Embarrass Him Over Syria

This is what happens when a man who’s using his position in Congress to stage a future presidential run meets a man who’s simply speaking the truth.
Don't bother whining about the source unless you can prove it didn't happen.

Kerry hasn't nailed a damned thing, and only a brain dead moron would think he did.
The only bigger piece of shat than Kerry and his boss are dickweed keyboard warriors advocating involvement where there is no US national interest.
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